
How are you capping off your Denver Arts Week?

The Inaugural 
Denver Immersive

It's happening.

We're thrilled to be presenting the Inaugural Denver Immersive Invitational in partnership with After Hours Theater Company and the Immersive Experience Institute, with support from Denver Center for the Performing Arts Off-Center and The Experientialists.

Eight local teams have been selected to participate this year from across the immersive community. (Don't worry, that announcement is coming soon.) 

On Friday, Nov 8th, they'll be given a modest stipend, creative constraints, and a space to work. They will have less than 48 hours to create a 10-12 minute immersive experience designed for audiences of 12 max.

On Sunday, the doors open to the public to showcase the results.

This event is an incubator for immersive art in its most experimental form. These teams are working without the luxury of time, perfect conditions, or polish—what they deliver will be raw, unfiltered, and brimming with creative energy.

This is your chance to see the ideas and performances that may grow into fully realized productions down the line-
-we already have proof of that from our partners in Los Angeles who originated the event and have been running it successfully for the last five years. Check out the Los Angeles sizzle reel
So where is this happening?

We're so excited to finally announce that all this is going down inside the historic El Jebel, courtesy of Non Plus Ultra!

If you haven't been inside the newly restored venue yet, you'll understand why we're drooling over it when you arrive. 

Sunday, November 10th, the public is invited to experience the results.

Three showcase performances will take place at noon (discounted preview), 4 pm, and 7 pm. Audiences will be immersed in eight thematically linked experiences, and the evening will conclude with an awards ceremony following the 7 pm showcase, where the top teams will be recognized.

The Denver Immersive Invitational serves as a platform for new works to be born, giving artists a chance to create in a space ripe for innovation and audiences a glimpse into the raw and unpredictable process of immersive creation. It’s not polished—it’s alive, bold, and evolving right before your eyes.

Get your tickets to the showcase to support local artists, experience innovative storytelling, and be part of a transformative moment in Denver's arts scene.

Get Earlybird Tickets Now
Showcase Details:

Sunday, November 10th, 2024

The El Jebel
1770 Sherman St
Denver, CO 80302

Showcase Timing:
12:00 pm (discounted preview)
4:00 pm
7:00 pm (followed by awards ceremony)

Tickets: Tickets can be purchased through our local ticketing partner Multipass.
Early bird pricing is $28-44, and standard pricing is $34-55.

Don’t miss out on this chance to see what happens when creativity meets urgency—join us for an unforgettable experience!

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This posting is provided by Immersive Denver as a service for informational purposes only about an event hosted by members of the regional immersive community. We try to ensure that information provided is timely and accurate and that the events listed are ones in which you might be interested. However Immersive Denver is not formally affiliated or involved in these events in any organizational capacity. Please contact the event organizers with questions or concerns about this event.

CC Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International 2024 Immersive Denver

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