Dear TCA Families,

We pray everyone is safe and well in the aftermath of Hurricane Milton. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you as you recover from the storm's impact.

Due to gas shortages and power outages in our community, TCA will remain closed through Monday. While both campuses are ready to reopen, we understand that many of our staff and families are still working to get the resources they need and getting back on track.

We are aiming to reopen on Tuesday, but we will continue to monitor the surrounding conditions over the coming days. A final decision regarding Tuesday's reopening will be made on Monday by noon, and we will keep you informed with any updates.

Please take care, stay safe, and reach out if you need any assistance during this time at

Holding you and your families in prayer,
Josh and Harmony
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The Classical Academy of Sarasota · 8751 Fruitville Rd · Sarasota, FL 34240-5201 · USA