
Welcome Back!!!

It was great to be together again and get back to the important work that happens at TCA. We have a gritty community, several staff and families coming back before power was even restored to their homes. I was thankful to connect with so many of you and hear stories of your crazy week!

This fall break certainly didn't look anything like we expected. Instead of the down time we all looked forward to, (and needed), we were hustling to get our homes and neighbors' homes ready for Milton's arrival. Then, with no time to spare, we weathered the storm, hunkering down with our loved ones. 

Some left on pre-planned vacations, and others evacuated. Either way, our minds were on our homes and our community. While this storm and the last two storms have definitely rocked our community to the core, it has also brought out the beauty that comes in tribulation and struggle. We had an opportunity to work alongside our sons and help others with work they could not do for themselves. We had the opportunity to find solutions to problems we don't usually face, like life without power and water for days after the storm.  

One teacher captured it best in her email to families this weekend:  

This past week was filled with such uncertainty, intense preparation, and challenges. I realize that it has also brought connection, community, and grace. The opportunity to help a neighbor, spend time off screen, and the realization that we take the little things for granted, like a warm shower or getting gas without a long line...

I felt that same spirit coming out when I talked to parents and staff this week: a defiant joy. There was a resolve to find the best in the week (weeks really) we just came through. 

What a beautiful perspective! I never want to minimize the challenges we face and that each challenge affects everyone differently. We know several of you will spend months or even years recovering from these storms. Please know we are here to walk alongside you; you will rebuild in community because you are a part of the TCA family. I also never want to miss the beauty that can come from such circumstances. So, as we get back to work and return to the community we so desperately need, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your grit and determination that help mark the heart of TCA. This spirit and resolve will be contagious in our community!

As you can imagine, we have athletic events that need to be rescheduled, theater rehearsals that will need to be adjusted, and sadly, our move date has been delayed

Understandably, the county offices closed for both Helene and Milton and now they are backlogged.  The buildings are completely done and the construction fence is down. We are ready to go. Now, we just wait on the county to sign off and give us our CO. To be safe, we are planning to move mid to late November. We will let you know as soon as we have an exact date.

Thank you for your grace and patience as we walk this out together.

We love doing life with you,
Josh and Harmony
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