For undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students:
Here’s what WFU should know this week.
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Election Day is almost here — make sure you vote!
Election and voting news
Dear Students,
As we approach the conclusion of election season, I have been reflecting on this community and how you might be processing the days ahead. This is a moment to engage in important dialogue, to listen to understand and to participate in the democratic process. Whether this is your first time to vote or you’re a seasoned participant, your voice matters. To check the status of your registration or learn more about the voting process, we encourage you to visit the Deacs Decide website.
The journey to Election Day can generate a range of emotions. Our diverse perspectives and lived experiences shape our political views and sometimes illuminate places of agreement and points of tension and dissonance. While the outcome of the election may be delayed, it will be important to approach the days and weeks ahead by upholding the values of Pro Humanitate. Kindness and respect define our community, and it is my hope that we practice these values in our relationships and communication as we navigate the results together.
As this community often demonstrates, let us commit to taking care of ourselves and one another. Processing the outcomes can be challenging, and supporting one another during this time is crucial. I encourage students to reach out to the resources available on campus — whether it’s talking to a friend, seeking guidance from a trusted faculty or staff member, or taking advantage of the post-election opportunities.
Our strength is in our shared humanity. Let us embrace the spirit of Show Humanitate as we move forward — fostering a supportive environment that is inclusive of differing opinions. Thank you for being a part of this vibrant community and for prioritizing compassion and connection during this important time.
One-Stop Early Voting ends at 3 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 2. IMPORTANT: This is your last chance to cast your ballot in North Carolina if you did not register to vote by the Oct. 11 deadline or if you have failed to update your registration from the last election.
The Deacon Station Shuttle will run Friday, Nov. 1 from 8 a.m.-7 p.m. from Shelter A to the Polo Park Community Center voting site.
Student Government will be providing free rides for the last day of early voting on Saturday, Nov. 2. Shuttles will run from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. from Benson University Center to the Polo Park Community Center. Polls close at 3 p.m. Students wishing to vote should be in line to catch a shuttle no later than 2:30 p.m. Students who want to vote earlier in the day must find their own transportation to the Early Voting site of their choice.
Voting absentee? Don’t wait to return your ballot. Do it now!
Need postage or a copy of your ID? We’ve got you covered! Stop by the Office of Civic and Community Engagement in Benson 506 from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-Fri., and we’ll provide the necessary postage and a complimentary copy of your ID (if needed) for returning your ballot. If you’re looking to get a copy after hours, stop by the Benson Copy Center to get a free copy of your ID!
If you need a notary or witness to sign your absentee ballot, please contact the OCCE so we can connect you with resources on campus.
Mail-in ballots in North Carolina must be received by your county Board of Elections Office by 7:30 p.m. on Election Day to be counted, regardless of whether they have a postmark. You can hand-deliver your mail-in ballot to your respective county Board of Elections Office by 5 p.m. on Election Day.
For students voting on Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 5), shuttles will run starting at 8 a.m. from the Benson University Center to the appropriate voting location for your precinct:
Students who live on South Campus and reside in the following residence halls will vote at Harvest Bible/Salem Chapel [Precinct 903]: Angelou Hall, Babcock Hall, Bostwick Hall, Collins Hall, Davis Hall, Efird Hall, Huffman Hall, Johnson Hall, Kitchin Hall, Luter Hall, Poteat Hall, South Hall, Taylor Hall.
Students who live on North Campus and reside in the following residence halls will vote at Bethabara Moravian Church [Precinct 905]: Deacon Place Apartments, Dogwood Hall, Magnolia Hall, Martin Hall, North Campus Apartments, Polo Hall, Polo Road Houses, Student Apartments.
If you live off-campus in Forsyth County, look up your Election Day voting precinct. You will need to arrange your own transportation (if your precinct is not one of the two listed above).
Student Expression: Using your voice to amplify important issues and perspectives can be a valuable part of learning at Wake Forest. As students and student groups consider potential plans for demonstrations, chalking, and posting activities, Wake Forest encourages reviewing the University’s policy through this explanatory website. The policy provides expectations for our campus community interested in engaging in acts of free expression and peaceful assembly. The Office of Student Engagement can help students plan activities.
News and Announcements
President Wente’s annual presidential address will be held on Thursday, Nov. 14, at 4 p.m. in Brendle Recital Hall in the Scales Fine Arts Center. A light reception for our campus community will follow the remarks in Upper Scales. Walk-ins are welcome. RSVP is encouraged.
Community Day of Action — Saturday, Nov. 16: Since early October, a cross-campus committee convened by the President’s office has been meeting to assess opportunities for collective impact to support our neighbors in Western North Carolina. Donations will be collected on campus, volunteer opportunities will be available on Nov. 16, and sales of football and basketball tickets will support relief efforts. Learn more about opportunities to Show Humanitate together.
Expect an increase in campus visitorsNov. 3-8 for the ACC Field Hockey Championship. Please note that the track and turf will be closed for this event. Come out and support our Deacs should your schedule allow; admission is free.
Prior to registering for Spring 2025 courses: Be sure to check for holds and complete any required Workday onboarding tasks.
The School of Divinity will launch the Initiative on Religion, Pluralism, and American Public Life on Nov. 7. The inaugural program for 2024-25 will focus on the theme Across the Borders of Tradition: Conversations in Jewish and Christian Thought and Theology.