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Issue 188 ~ 8th November 2024


People are very often very surprised when I tell them that I still take my weekly diet and fitness classes, but I love seeing my friendly group every Monday evening – something I have done for over 50 years. 

Many of my members have been attending every week for over four decades and we have developed real friendships, helped along by our class WhatsApp group chat where we post uplifting and encouraging messages. It doesn’t matter how busy my day has been, I always look forward to going for our friendship group combined with a weigh-in and half an hour of exercise. 

So, you can imagine our shock when a member of my class ‘family’ has a medical episode. In fact, recently we have had two! Gwen, now 84 years old but very fit and who has been helping me at my classes for over 50 years, suddenly had a mild heart attack, and I am delighted to report that she has now recovered and is doing well. Then Rachel, 86, out of the blue, had a mild stroke! Thankfully, again, she has also fully recovered and is doing well.

Both heart attacks and strokes are caused as a result of our circulatory system, so this week we are looking at how best we can help ourselves to stay healthy and minimise our risk of experiencing such worrying events, and Mary explains how and what happens when they do occur.

After being blue-lighted to A&E at our local hospital, and lots of tests, Gwen was allowed home with appropriate medication and she was back exercising at my classes the following week.

For Rachel, it was thanks to her husband Dave, that she received swift medical attention. They were sitting have breakfast together on Monday morning when Dave suddenly noticed that Rachel’s mouth was drooping to one side and that she had slumped over a little in her chair. Thanks to the NHS advertisements that we will have all seen on our television screens, Dave recognised the symptoms of a stroke and despite Rachel saying she was fine and didn’t want to go to hospital, Dave insisted and dialled 999.

Thankfully, the ambulance arrived very quickly and their first thought was that Rachel was having a TIA (transient ischemic attack) which is a brief interruption of blood flow to the brain that causes stroke-like symptoms. Once at the hospital and after various tests and an MRI scan, Rachel was diagnosed as having had a mild stroke. Soon a Junior Doctor brought her an aspirin to thin her blood and then she was discharged with appropriate medication.

So why might we have a stroke? It is always worth looking at family history and in Rachel’s case both her grandmother and her mother had lived with high blood pressure, and Rachel’s blood pressure had been high since her 50s. Whilst her mother had passed away when she was 70, Rachel had always stayed very fit playing badminton and squash in her adult life and she was still playing tennis at 80! But it was Dave’s immediate action and the help of the paramedics that saved Rachel from suffering a much more severe stroke. Thankfully she is now completely back to normal and back at my classes.

Both Gwen and Rachel have kept themselves fit throughout their lives and that has enabled them both to recover fully from their respective scares. Thankfully, they both eat healthily too as having been to my classes for so long, they have followed a nutritious diet and kept their weight at a healthy level. All very important for our heart health.

Heart Healthy Foods
Whether we have high blood pressure or not, but particularly if there is a history of heart disease in the family, it is really important for us to eat foods that are very good for our heart health.

We know so much now about what is good for us as the scientific research has been so extensive. That is not to say we don't all have lapses occasionally, for instance around Christmas time when we may eat foods we don't normally eat and maybe drink a little more alcohol, but it is all about what we do normally that counts the most.

Hopefully our regular diet includes plenty of:

  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Wholegrains
  • Berries
  • Avocados
  • Fatty fish such as salmon and sardines
  • Fish oils
  • Walnuts
  • Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Almonds
  • Chia seeds and flaxseeds
  • Garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Green tea
  • Dark chocolate - as an occasional treat

All these foods are rich in antioxidants, which all have a positive effect on our heart.

Foods to avoid to help our heart stay healthy are any foods high in saturated fat, including:

  • Pies
  • Fried foods
  • Sausages and fatty cuts of meat
  • Butter
  • Ghee 
  • Lard
  • Cream
  • Hard cheese
  • Cakes and biscuits
  • Foods that contain coconut or palm oil

So, the overriding message here is to eat a healthy low-fat diet, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight incorporating many of the recommended foods listed above. It is also important to keep an eye on our blood pressure as high-blood pressure is bad news for our heart but we can be given appropriate medication if required to assist in lowering that.

Recovering from a Heart Attack

Stroke Rehabilitation

Recipe of the Week

Thai Sweet Chilli Chicken

Serves 4
Per serving: 203 calories, 0.6% fat (excluding accompaniments)
Prep time: 15 mins
Cook time: 35 mins

4 x 100g skinned chicken breasts
1 red pepper, finely sliced
6 spring onions, finely chopped
6 plum tomatoes, skinned, deseeded and diced
1 green chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
zest and juice of 2 limes
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tbsp cornflour
300ml (½ pint) pineapple juice
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
chopped fresh coriander, to garnish

  1. Preheat the oven to 190°C, 375°F, Gas Mark 5.
  2. Place the chicken in an ovenproof dish and season on both sides with black pepper.
  3. Place the red pepper, spring onions and tomatoes in a bowl. Add the chilli, lime juice and zest, garlic, cumin and coriander and combine well.
  4. Dissolve the cornflour in the pineapple juice and pour over the vegetables and spices. Mix well and season with black pepper. Pour the vegetables, with the juice, over the chicken and bake in the oven for 30 - 35 minutes.
  5. While the chicken is in the oven, cook the rice in a pan of boiling water with the vegetable stock cube, then drain.
  6. Transfer the chicken to serving plates. Garnish with fresh coriander and serve with 1 blue Portion Pot® (55g dry weight) per person boiled basmati rice and a side salad.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Rosemary's story of Rachel suffering a stroke and how the prompt action of her husband made such a difference to the outcome enabling her to recover completely, was most inspiring. This just shows what immediate treatment can do in a serious situation and I am sure that you, like me, question how well we might cope in such an incident.

It was good to see recently a feature on the news where there was a huge drive in a local shopping precinct to train people in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). It is a particular passion of mine that everybody should have some understanding of how to help others in such an emergency.  

Back in the 80s, I had a scary situation when teaching my exercise class when a lady suddenly collapsed and died. When she arrived, she had said that she was feeling a bit 'under par' and I insisted she was not to do the class. She agreed but asked if she could sit and watch as she had come with her friend. At the end of the session, we occasionally did a pairs folk dance, like Circassian Circle, and her friend asked her if she would get up and partner her. To this day I wish she had refused that request. She literally stood up and then dropped to the floor, motionless.

We did all we could of course as I was lucky enough, despite having my own first aid certificate, to have an intensive care nurse in the class and she took over control with great professionalism. An ambulance arrived quickly, but the paramedic was clear in telling us that she had had a sudden cardiac arrest and he could tell that she died instantly, and that it could even have happened just as easily at home whilst making a cup of tea.  

As you can imagine, I was distraught and I made the decision that I would no longer teach exercise. I was devastated. Remarkably, the lady’s GP came round personally to see me at home to persuade me to continue my classes because of the value to all of my members’ health! And so I did.

Years later, the lady’s daughter joined my Health Club and we talked about what happened to her Mum and she told me that her brother had a cardiac arrest and died at exactly the same age as her Mum, just 54 years old. This told us that there was probably a genetic condition at play which had gone undiagnosed. Cardiac arrest often happens to people who didn't know they had a heart problem and so are unaware of any risks.

So why am I telling you all this? I think it is because it is so important that we have the confidence to help in such a situation, as you never know when it might happen to you, or your loved ones, or simply a stranger in the street.

Causes and recognition of a CARDIAC ARREST

A cardiac arrest is a breakdown of the heart's electrical system causing the heart to stop pumping blood and the person to collapse and lose consciousness. Without immediate resuscitation, whether manual CPR or by using a defibrillator, a cardiac arrest is fatal.

With the heart not pumping the patient will not be breathing but in 40% of cases an infrequent gasp for air may be heard. This is called "agonal breathing" and is an involuntary response by the body which should not be mistaken for normal breathing.

I am sure we all remember the footballer Christian Eriksen who suffered a cardiac arrest during the Euro 2020 match against Finland which was played in 2021. Without the immediate action he received, he would have died on the pitch.

Certain health factors can increase our risk of a cardiac arrest:

  • An enlarged heart
  • Congenital (hereditary) disease
  • Electrical impulse problems
  • Smoking
  • A previous heart attack

Causes and recognition of a HEART ATTACK

A heart attack is caused by problems with the body's circulatory system that blocks the blood flow to the heart muscle. This is often due to arteriosclerosis which is when our arteries get narrowed, restricting the flow of blood. Most heart attacks are a result of coronary artery disease. As I write this, we have just learned that Jeremy Clarkson has had to have a stent fitted (that's a small tube which is inserted to keep the artery open) as he had all the signs of a potential heart attack. As he says, it's 'a wake-up call' and he needs to change his lifestyle if he is to avoid a full-blown heart attack.  
Symptoms can vary and may develop slowly with mild pain that comes and goes:

  • Chest pain is the most common symptom
  • Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, back, shoulders, neck and jaw
  • Pain high in the abdomen which may be mistaken for indigestion
  • Shortness of breath even when resting
  • Heavy sweating
  • Nausea and vomiting

A heart attack is a serious medical emergency as it may lead to cardiac arrest.

Causes and recognition of a STROKE

The two main types of stroke are ischemic, which occurs when blood flow to one part of the brain is blocked, and hemorrhagic, which occurs when there is bleeding in the brain. A common symptom of a stroke is a sudden and powerful headache but others include:

  • Drooping face or facial paralysis
  • Arm weakness, usually affecting one side of the body
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
  • Confusion or emotional instability
  • Trouble seeing
  • Trouble walking

Looking after our Heart and Circulation

A strong recommendation of mine (as if you didn't already know!) is that if we get out of breath, just once every day, we are taking a huge step in ensuring our heart is in the habit of having to work just a bit harder than normal on a regular basis. We often encourage you to add an incline and some 'pace' to your daily walks, or to take the stairs instead of a lift. Both of those will achieve that deeper breathing.

Those arteries are then kept free-flowing due to the amount of blood being pumped through them, but if that never happens then they lose their pliability and can become stiff and possibly clogged with fatty deposits.

Eating a healthy low-fat diet (as described above), not smoking, and exercising regularly, will help reduce those fatty deposits in our arteries.

Make Basic First Aid a Priority

Every couple of years I run a session with my members to remind them of the basics necessary to help save a life, and our trainer Paul always says that 'doing something is always better than doing nothing.' This is absolutely true!

Vinnie Jones shows how to do CPR to the tune of Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees. This two-minute TV Advert was produced by the British Heart Foundation to encourage us to learn how to help save the life of someone who has had a cardiac arrest.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Get that heart pumping this week!  Dr Micheal Mosely discovered that just 2 minutes at a time of working the heart hard had an enormous benefit to this muscle. On your 30+ minute daily walk, really up your pace to get your heart working harder.
  2. Change your Strength routine this week. For your three sessions use heavier weights, or if you use a Toning Band, make it shorter so that it is even more effective as you use your muscles harder. You will feel the difference!
  3. If you do one of the Pilates or Ballet workouts as one of your strength sessions perhaps try one of the harder, more advanced options.
Did you know... 

Why is a Stroke called a Stroke?

The term 'stroke' originated in the 1500s as a shortened version of 'the Stroke of God's Hand' for a condition that would 'strike people down'.

Episodes of stroke were reported from the 2nd millennium BC onward. Hippocrates (460 to 370 BC), the Greek physician and philosopher who is considered the 'Father of Medicine,' was widely regarded as the first to describe the phenomenon of sudden paralysis that is often associated with the condition. At this time, the symptoms of convulsions and paralysis were referred to as apoplexy.

The ACT FAST campaign was created to raise awareness of stroke and the actions we all need to be ready to take if we witness someone suffering a stroke, just as Rachel's husband did. Find out more at

And finally...

When someone we know suddenly has a health scare, it makes us all pay attention. We all think it won’t happen to us but we never know when such issues might hit any one of us. I think we have all learned something from researching and reading this Newsletter about heart conditions and strokes.

We only have one life, let’s really look after it!

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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