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Hello <<First Name>>,

VOA High School students are already starting their second quarter of the school year and thinking about their graduation finish line. We finished up our 3rd and final session of Summer School on August 29th, with 6 additional graduates and 2 more who finished during Quarter 1! 
We could not be prouder of our students' accomplishments. No matter what time of year they complete their diploma requirements, the diploma is forever! 

Another accomplishment for Quarter 1? VOA High School students just finished building a canoe from scratch and plan to launch it before the snow comes. This has been a year-long labor and a great example of the hands-on learning that allows students to thrive academically at VOA High School. We look forward to reporting more about our school and student successes.

Thank you for your partnership, it means so much to our school community!

Wendy Smith, Director of VOA High School
A Conversation with Wendy, the Director of VOA High School
Can you share a meaningful memory of how a teacher/staff member has positively impacted a student this year?

"There was one student who was struggling with motivation when it came to completing her few remaining credits. On top of this struggle, she also had difficulty getting to school most days. One of our amazing school counselors met with her and made a step-by-step plan to finish the credits in a manageable way. The counselor and student created the plan which allowed in person attendance just a few days a week, rather than every day. The student graduated in a short time and is now working regularly at an elder care center. She recently visited us at VOA High School and shared how important getting her diploma and the help of the staff member was to her."

What support systems are in place to help students who need extra assistance?

"VOA High School serves as an intervention and often, last safety net for students at risk of dropping out of high school. Every three weeks, we measure student success, communicate with families, and take action to provide more support to struggling students. Every week, our support professionals meet to evaluate students who need extra support and make action plans to intervene with resources that are in and out of the building." 

What unique qualities does VOA High School offer students?

"Many students at VOA High School have attendance challenges for legitimate reasons. Whether it be full or part time jobs, caring for siblings and family members, or a medical diagnosis, our school offers a wide variety of credit earning opportunities. These opportunities can be at school, online, or after school, allowing students to keep learning and earning credits, even in the face of these challenges."

A Year of Excellence in Review
In 2023-2024, we celebrated a year filled with accomplishments and progress. Here are some of the notable milestones we reached:

  • Every student engaged in Social Emotional learning for 4 hours weekly.
  • All students utilized one or more in-school supports, which included collaboration with social workers, engagement specialists, school counselors, care coordinators, licensed drug and alcohol counselors, VOA chaplaincy education candidates, and tele-therapy.
  • Our February client satisfaction survey revealed that 95% of students felt more successful at VOA High School. The remaining 5% were new students who believed it was too early to give their opinion.
  • 78% of qualified seniors graduated in June 2024.
What do students think about VOA High School?

Feedback from students about VOA High School was overwhelmingly positive. Data from the year-end Search Institute Survey revealed the following results.
  • 90% of students rated our school's climate from moderate to strong. It is important to note that only 30-35% of the student body was present for the entire school year due to graduations, mobile students, and late enrollments.
  • 92% of students reported a sense of belonging.
  • 96% felt they were treated fairly.
  • 92% felt safe at VOA High School.
Here's to a new year of sustained excellence!
making futures brighter, together
We think VOA High School students are all rockstars! They come to school determined to earn their diplomas and move on to brighter futures. Many students face multiple obstacles in school and in their daily lives, and yet they persevere with the support of their teachers, support staff, and peers. And people like you are right there, too, cheering students on and showing them that the community believes in them by investing in their education!
Make a Gift Today
A donation to VOA High School is an investment in brighter futures, for young people and their communities. We couldn't do what we do without your partnership - thank you!
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