November 1, 2024

Town Halls Announced for November

To our Oregon Church Family,

It is very meaningful to be back in Oregon – thank you for your kind words of support, and for your faithfulness to the Cause of God in the territory He has given us.

On arriving, Jon Corder and I have come along side Kara Johnsson and Jonathan Russell, who have been assisted by the stellar work of Kody Hendrickson. With very good insights they have prepared a preliminary budget for 2025. Jon and I have found their work to be perceptive, thorough and accurate to discover and get ahead of needed operational and financial adjustments for next year. Because of their proactive approach we are able to rapidly move forward to meet the future needs of our conference.

We will communicate findings and plans through our regular channels but look forward to sharing with you in person at several town hall meetings, the work that has been done, to answer your questions, get your feedback, and very importantly, pray together as a church family.

I am particularly looking forward to connecting with many old friends and making new acquaintances. This has been a very challenging time for us as a church body, but I am convicted that as we pull together, the God who has walked with us in the past, will most certainly see us through.


Don Livesay, Oregon Conference interim president

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Living Faith Series Launches with
Discussion Guides

Designed specifically for small group leaders, Living Faith offers five engaging episodes, each accompanied by a discussion guide to facilitate meaningful, honest conversations. Find them here...

Central OR Churches Come Together for Regional Camp Meeting

This summer, central Oregon Adventist church members came together for their own special camp meeting, August 15-17 at the Cascade Adventist Church in southeast Bend. Read on...

Bible Readings for November 2024
Now Available

The NW Adventists Bible Reading plan for November is now available. Save the link to access your Bible reading plan for the month. By following this Bible reading plan, you will read through the entire Bible in a year. Get your November plan...

Farther Afield

WWU Offers
New Online MBA

Walla Walla University’s School of Business will begin offering an online Master of Business Administration program in January 2025.

Glacier View Ranch Will Undergo Renovations
as it Turns 75

The Rocky Mountain Conference (RMC) acquired Glacier View Ranch in Ward, Colorado in 1950. The year 2025 will mark 75 years of ownership of this facility that has historical significance for the church in the area and beyond. Read on...

GC Files Lawsuit in 
Effort to Protect Religious Hiring

On October 2, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (GC) filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland (GC v. Horton) to ensure that the Seventh-day Adventist Church can continue to hire only those who embrace its religious beliefs. Read more...


7 Ways Pastors Can Use Technology to Lighten Their Workload
Today’s pastors are carrying an increasingly heavy load, balancing spiritual leadership and ministry demands with caring for their own family and personal needs. Many, especially those who are bivocational or leading with a small staff and tight budget, feel the strain of navigating these responsibilities. For senior leaders of churches, the question isn’t just about adopting new tools but discerning how technology can support their calling rather than complicate it. Here are seven ways technology can help lighten pastors’ workload so they can spend more time on the spiritual and relational aspects of leading a church...

Events & Announcements

Portland Adventist Academy Scholarship Fundraiser

PAA invites you to our Annual Student Scholarship Fundraiser on Sunday, November 3rd at 4:30 PM. This year's theme is Welcome to the Jungle. Visit our website at for details about tickets, ways you can be involved, or options to donate. If you can't be there in person, you can participate online.  Thank you for supporting PAA.

Church Organist Needed
The Stone Tower Adventist Church Music Department is seeking a volunteer church organist to play the organ during our worship service for up to two Sabbaths a month. Call 503-381-5577 or email for more details and if you or an organist you know would be interested in this opportunity to lend their talent.

Battle Ground HealthCare Job Opening
Battle Ground HealthCare is a faith-based, mission-centered free clinic located in Battle Ground, Washington providing medical and dental services to southwest Washington residents since 2011. With the soon-coming retirement of of their current executive director, the board is seeking a candidates to fill the position. Learn more about the open position below. Interested candidates should email BGHC board chair, David Russell, at Visit to learn more about Battle Ground HealthCare.

PAA Academy Day & Academy Night
Attention 8th grade parents! Portland Adventist Academy is excited to welcome your 8th grade student to our high school campus from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Wednesday, November 13th! We have a fun day planned - just for 8th graders - when students can get a glimpse of the high school experience at PAA, see classrooms, meet teachers, and hear about the clubs, activities, and programs offered. There will be drawings for tuition, fees and prizes, as well as several opportunities to win scholarships by participating in academic challenges. Lunch is provided. That evening, we will host Academy Night - an Open House for 8th grade parents from 6:30 pm until 7:30 pm, with drawings for tuition and fees and a short meeting at 7:30 pm. Call 971-351-8984 to register or email If you know other families with 8th graders who may want to join in, please pass the word along!

PACS is Hiring!
Come join our non-profit organization in the Portland area that serves the community with a Thrift Store, Food Pantry, and Dental Clinic. We are hiring a Director of Quality Management and a Home Thrift Store Part-time Pricer. If you are interested in these positions, please visit our website ( for job descriptions or email for more information.

Join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting
Each Month!

Join Oregon Conference Prayer Ministries for our monthly prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM.
Learn more...

Giving Online

How Can I Give Online?

Wondering how you can support your church community with tithe & offerings when you can't be in church every week?
Give using AdventistGiving...

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