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Older Adults Program (60+), City of Niagara Falls, MacBain Community Centre
Renovations are nearly complete!
We've been eagerly anticipating the renovations here at McBain, and now we're finally in the homestretch! With so many new members joining us, (welcome to the family) along with members that have been with us at our previous location, now feels like the perfect time to share a brief history of our organization and highlight where we are today.

Quite a few people still remember that the MacBain Community Centre was home to one of it's partners, the YMCA. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the YMCA faced many challenges, as did so many other organizations. Sadly, due to the impact they were unable to sustain their programs and services. 

In February 2022, the Coronation Recreation Centre, a city run building and a hub for community engagement for older adult activities, embarked on a significant transition from its long-time home on Summer St. to the McBain Community Centre. This move marked a new chapter in the centre’s history including rebranding and a new name called ‘Older adults 60 plus’. Since then, our programs and services have expanded in ways we couldn't have imagined. There is a ton more history to the Coronation Centre but for this purpose I'll keep it short!

The space that the YMCA used as gym and cardio space (some 6080 square feet) has been dedicated to the Older Adults 60+ programs and events. DJ and myself are so excited to have this space finished so we can get back to rocking and rolling with our programs and more importantly our social programs. 

We're as excited as kids on Christmas morning to reveal this space at our members Christmas party on December 10. By the way, we're almost at 180 ticket sales - only six tickets left to go! Wowzers! 

Take a look at some of the pictures below:
Photo of the automatic gate entry.
The automatic gates provide easy and secure access for older adult members, leading directly to their dedicated activity and social space.

You'll need to scan your retina or use a Nexus card for entry! Ha Ha, just kidding. Your membership card will work as expected, athough we're finalizing some of the scanning details.
Photo of the elevator swipe pass
For those that use the elevator, a swipe pass has also been installed for secure access.

It's all very 007-ish, so make sure you don't forget your 'secret agent' credentials.
This is the main programming area. The flooring will feature painted shuffleboard court lines, and dart boards will be installed on the back wall. This will create a fantastic space for various programming activities.

We will also have a 98-inch TV availbale for movie screenings and presentations.
Photo of the new space.
This is a view from the top of the stairs. To the right of the picture is the existing fitness room. A wall has been constructed where there used to be an open view of the walking track. A door has also been installed for members only, providing exclusive access to and from the track.
Photo of the social and refreshment space.
This picture was taken from the track (pictured above) and this area will become the social and refreshment space. The cafe chairs and tables from Coronation, are ready to be set up on this porcelin tile area which will also include a serving area with island. One milk please and hold the sugar!
So, there you have it. Who's excited? Raise your hand if you're ready to kick things off, have some fun, and make some memories!

Keep an eye out for an upcoming newsletter, which will highlight the programs moving to this space and what programs we are bringing back! Examples include 'Lunch and a Movie', Smile Theatre, and the ever popular 'Monday Mingle' with weekly live entertainment. Hold onto your hats folks, it's about to get exciting.
Calling for Volunteers
Come and join the fun
Join our volunteer team
We are seeking volunteers to assist with our programs, prepare and serve tea and coffee in our community space, welcome members as greeters, or help form a committee to plan and coordinate events.

If you are looking for a way to meet amazing people, make new friends, and have a blast while giving back, please consider volunteering with us. Please e-mail us here for more details. It's the perfect way to connect with your community and make a difference. Stay tuned for more details about the available positions- we'll be sharing updates soon!

Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity to volunteer with us.
Fitness Studio opening graphic
Thank you to everyone for your patience during the closure of our fitness studio. We're happy to announce that we'll be reopening on Monday, December 16th at 7:00 a.m
All the best,

Hanya Mitchell
Manager Older Adults 60+ and Aquatics
D. J Brooks
Community Coordinator
"Niagara Falls. MacBain Community Centre. Ontario"
Copyright © 2024 Older Adults Programs (60+), All rights reserved.

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