October 28, 2024
This is the final week for early bird registration rates for the 144th Annual CCAO/CEAO Winter Conference! Make sure to register before November 4 (next Monday) at our website!
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Brandy Allen becomes latest CORSA Underwriter

It is with great pleasure that we announce that Brandy Allen has accepted a new challenge and position with CORSA as an Underwriter. In her new role Brandy will be responsible for ensuring appropriate application of the underwriting discipline in the evaluation of county public entity risk associated with CORSA’s lines of property casualty coverage. This involves acceptability and pricing of coverage and ensuring sound decision-making throughout the underwriting cycles. Brandy’s attention to detail along with her strong analytical skills make her perfect for the position of CORSA Underwriter. 

Brandy joined CCAO in 2016, most recently holding the position of CORSA Claims Representative, and now continues her stellar career as a CORSA Underwriter.  Please join us in congratulating Brandy on her new role and wishing her continued success.

Early bird registration for the 144th CCAO/CEAO Winter Conference ends in one week

The 2024 CCAO/CEAO Winter Conference is approaching! Join us at the Hilton Columbus Downtown on December 4 through 6 for the 144th annual Winter Conference.

Early bird registration and discounted hotel rates end next Monday, November 4. Take advantage while you can!

CCAO will host sessions discussing child care capacity building, reducing the mobility gap, increasing successful reentry, potential strategies to mitigate rural EMS and fire shortages, and more. CEAO will host sessions concerning ethics, petition ditch law, and surveying. A joint session regarding artificial intelligence is also planned.

CCAO's website has more information about the upcoming Winter Conference, including forms to become a sponsor, registration forms for those who would prefer to mail or fax a registration, and information about becoming an exhibitor.

Call for Letters of Interest for NACo Board of Directors representative positions

As part of the upcoming CCAO/CEAO Winter Conference, CCAO will be electing two members to the National Association of Counties (NACo) board of directors, per NACo bylaws, during the CCAO Annual Business meeting.

We ask that individuals interested in running for these two positions submit a 1-2-page letter of interest to Robin Garrett at by Noon, Monday, November 18.  CCAO will distribute these letters to Ohio NACo members on Wednesday, November 20. 

During the annual meeting on Thursday, Dec. 5, CCAO will conduct an election for these two positions. This vote will be by paper ballot. Each NACo county will receive two votes, and the top two vote-getters will be the new representatives to the NACo board of directors. The elected board members will begin their terms in July 2025.

This election will not impact any other NACo board positions Ohio members may hold, such as those receiving board appointments from the NACo president or due to previous service as NACo president.

Should there be a two-way tie for first place, both individuals will receive board seats. If there is a three-way tie for first place, there will be a runoff election. If there is a tie for second place, there will be a runoff election. If a tie remains after two elections, a coin toss will be conducted to determine the winner.

If you have any questions about the election process, please contact Cheryl Subler or Robin Garrett.
A Special Thanks to our Pinnacle Partner
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Jo Ann Davidson, the first woman to be Speaker of the Ohio House, passes away at 97

On Friday, Jo Ann Davidson passed away at the age of 97. Davidson was a long-time state representative who was elected by the chamber to serve as Speaker of the House in 1995. She remains the only woman to ever hold this position. She had also served on the Reynoldsburg City Council and the Truro Township Board of Trustees.

She will lie in state at the Ohio State House on Thursday, October 31, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., followed by a funeral service in the Statehouse Atrium. 

When approved by her family, Davidson's obituary will be available here.
OSU Extension's Agricultural Outlook and Policy Conference registration open
Ohio State Extension will host its 2024 Agricultural Outlook and Policy Conference at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on the Ohio State Campus. The annual conference is the premier event related to Ohio’s agricultural and food industry, covering issues important to producers, agribusinesses, and elected officials.

The conference will provide outlooks on the energy and labor markets, the livestock and grain markets, and more.

More information about the event, including how to register, can be found here.
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Visit the Grants and Funding Opportunities page on the CCAO website for a detailed listing of open grant programs.
Ransomware attack simulation to be held in Columbus in November

On November 19, the Professional Development Academy will host a tabletop cybersecurity training, Columbus Cybersecurity Simulation: Ransomware Attack. This free in-person simulation will immerse participants in a complex scenario where they'll tackle the challenges a ransomware attack poses. 

Ransomware attacks have become a growing concern in recent years, resulting in many sleepless nights among risk managers and organizational leaders due to the significant financial and reputational damage to people and organizations. This simulation focuses on preventing such damage and provides the necessary steps to respond appropriately if and when you are in a ransomware situation.

The event is free, and registration can be completed here.
GOPC, Realtors, and Pattern Zones to host webinar on infill housing toolkit

On November 18, the Greater Ohio Policy Center, Ohio Realtors, and Pattern Zones Co. will be hosting a webinar to discuss the Statewide Pattern Book & Toolkit, a resource the organizations are developing to help increase the supply of infill housing across the state.

Registration for the webinar is free and can be completed here.
Ohio Grants Summit to hold 2024 event in late November, registration now open

On November 19 and 20 (Tuesday and Wednesday), the Office of Budget and Management will host the 2024 Ohio Grants Summit, the latest iteration in the annual event that works to connect local governments with the partners and expertise needed to successfully compete for grants at both the state and federal level.

Registration for the event is free and must be completed separately for Day One and Day Two. The event is virtual and will be streamed on The Ohio Channel. Registration is not required to watch the stream, but those registered will have the opportunity to ask questions of speakers.

Each day runs from 9:00 a.m. to noon. The agenda for each day is below:

Day One:
  • Grant Writing 101: Tips for a Successful Grant Application
  • Ohio's Unified Approach to Federal Funding
  • People, Policies, and Systems: The Foundation for Establishing Sustainable Grants Capacity
Day Two:
  • Obligating and Closing Out ARPA Fiscal Recovery Funds
  • Uniform Guidance Update
  • Water/Wastewater Roundtable
Round-up of available grants

Below are summaries of available grants that counties may apply for. Please visit our Grants and Funding Opportunities page for more information about these and other grants.

Continuum of Care Builds (Federal)
  • Eligibility: Local governments
  • Purpose: To reduce homelessness by adding units of permanent supportive housing through construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation.
  • Application Deadline: November 21
Body-Worn Camera Grants (State)
  • Eligibility: Local law enforcement agencies
  • Purpose: To outfit law enforcement officers with body cameras.
    • NOTE: Cannot be used for corrections officers.
  • Application Deadline: November 24
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program (Federal)
  • Eligibility: Local governments serving rural areas with a population of less than 10,000
  • Purpose: To fund projects supplying rural areas with reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, solid waste disposal, and stormwater drainage.
  • Application Deadline: Rolling
Grade Crossing Elimination Program (State)
  • Eligibility: Local governments that own roads.
    • NOTE: The county engineer must be the applicant for county applications.
  • Purpose: To fund projects that eliminate existing at-grade railroad crossings.
  • Application Deadline: Rolling
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Each week Counties Current highlights the happenings in our counties in the words of their local media. One story from each of the CCAO's five districts is highlighted, and on occasion other stories may be highlighted as well.
Northwest District
Deadlock over public hearing on Lucas County Common Pleas Court budget
13ABC, October 23, 2024
Monitoring the money for the court system in Lucas County. It is coming to a head as county commissioners requested a public hearing on the budget for Common Pleas Court.

Court leaders are refusing, and said they’re a separate branch and don’t need to be part of any public hearings.

Judges and court leadership have been talking with Lucas County budget staff for several months about that budget for next year. The issue now is hashing it all out in public which the court is not willing to do so far.

Lucas County Commissioners want to do the budget process differently this year. They’ve asked departments to publicly present budgets and answer questions publicly before the commissioners sign off.

“We’re going to convene a hearing in accordance with Ohio law section 37.01, sets forth the process for which the board of county commissioners is determined to handle the annual funding for the Court of Common Pleas. That process includes a public hearing with respect to the court’s written budget request,” said Lucas County Commissioner Pete Gerken.

As that meeting convened Tuesday, Common Pleas Court judges and leaders were no-shows, which irked county commissioners.

Northeast District
Columbiana County commissioners deny controversial Beechwood Road annexation
Salem News, October 24, 2024
With two yes votes and one abstention Wednesday morning, Columbiana County commissioners denied an annexation sought for a Beechwood Road property in Perry Township.

“The petition does not meet all the requirements set forth in Section 709.02 of the Revised Code on the basis that the real property in question is not sufficiently contiguous to the city of Salem,” the resolution denying the petition said.

Board President Commissioner Mike Halleck read the resolution into the record, with Commissioner Tim Weigle moving for approval of the resolution denying the petition for annexation. Halleck asked if there was a second and was met with silence, choosing to second the motion himself. Both Weigle and Halleck then voted in favor of denying the annexation, while Commissioner Roy Paparodis abstained from the vote.

Halleck commented that the city of Salem he assumed would appeal this, but the petition was denied.

Applause erupted from the crowd that filled the room, with Halleck commenting further that this should have never happened. The meeting was adjourned, but a man in the crowd asked Paparodis why he abstained, saying he was elected to do a job. Paparodis said he was in negotiations to buy a property and had a right to abstain.

When asked after the meeting about his reason for abstaining, Paparodis said he was negotiating to buy a property next to his current property on Pearce Street and the person involved was opposed to the annexation and he was still negotiating the price.

Central District
County first in Ohio to hold 4 top bond ratings
Delaware Gazette, October 25, 2024
Delaware County Auditor George Kaitsa announced earlier this month at the County Commissioners’ session that Delaware County has become the first county in Ohio to hold four top bond ratings at the same time. Moody’s Ratings recently upgraded the county’s rating for its Sawmill Parkway bonds from Aa1 to Aaa. The county previously has earned top ratings for its general obligation debt portfolio from both Moody’s and S&P Global Ratings and for its sewer bonds from S&P.

Kaitsa shared that, according to Moody’s analysis, “The Aaa rating reflects the county’s strong financial profile” and that its “outstanding sales-tax bonds are rated Aaa primarily because sales taxes constitute a broad revenue base and revenue will continue to provide exceptionally strong coverage.”

Kaitsa added: “The rating upgrade serves as a report card for Delaware County, reflecting the great leadership of our elected officials and the strength of Delaware County’s economy.”

He further noted that the commissioners’ decision in August 2022 to convert its original 1971 0.5% sales tax to permanent status allows the tax to be pledged for future debt and was a critical factor in Moody’s decision to upgrade the rating.

Commissioner Gary Merrell said: “This upgrade is made possible by the stewardship of many in the County. Being fiscally responsible in how we manage our taxpayers’ money is paying dividents in the short term and most certainly will pay dividends in the long term.”

Southwest District
Butler County budget discussions for 2025 begin this week
Journal-News, October 21, 2024 
Butler County plans to spend roughly $501 million next year and the commission this week will hear from 25 elected officials, department heads and independent agencies about why the spending plan is justified.

Every year the commissioners conduct budget hearings with other officials who are responsible for providing a huge array of services from police protection through the sheriff to social services, tax collection and roads.

At this point the 2025 spending plan is fluid — the commissioners will approve the final budget in December — but estimates show $126.4 million worth of general fund expenses are expected to be paid for with $128.7 million in revenues, a 3.7% increase over this year’s spending plan. Revenues are expected to jump 5.4% over this year’s budget.

The general fund is the main operational fund, but there are a number of entities that rely on outside resources such as state and federal funding, service fees like water and sewer and independent tax levies. All funds combined, the total spending plan for next year amounts to $501 million with revenues totaling $428.3 million.

Southeast District
Jefferson County commissioners hold off on property survey
Herald Star, October 25, 2024
The Jefferson County Commissioners Thursday pulled the plug, at least temporarily, on plans to get their Cherry Avenue property surveyed so it can be sold, saying there may actually be a way it can still be used for county benefit.

Commissioners said Board of Disabilities Superintendent Mike Zinno has expressed interest in the site, though for what no one is saying. While admitting Zinno’s plan may not come to fruition, commissioners said if there’s a chance the site can be repurposed for a county project it’s worth waiting.

“There’s some information we received from Zinno about a potential project he has up there that he’s not ready to fully disclose yet, but it sounds like a good project to benefit the community,” Commissioner Dave Maple said. “That made us delay our activities to get rid of that project because there might be a public use for it.”

The downside is the county will continue to cover basic maintenance costs at the property while Zinno does his due diligence.

Please view the CCAO Calendar for a comprehensive list of events to note.
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General Election

CORSA Board of Directors Meeting

Veterans Day - Legal Holiday

CCAO Board of Directors Meeting
OCCO Legislative Reception

CEBCO Board of Directors Meeting

CCAO / CEAO Winter Conference
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