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Dear <<First Name>>,
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
America Decides Today!
How is everyone feeling? We'd love to hear from you.
The day is finally here. Chances are slim that final results will be announced tonight, but we should know by next week's newsletter. How are you feeling? Are you just ready for it to be over? Worried about the outcomes? Does one race or amendment or proposition concern you in particular? Consider taking a moment to reflect on how this election is affecting you and/or your friends and/or your family by writing a few sentences for us to share in next week's newsletter. You'll have the option of remaining anonymous in the Civitas newsletter when you fill out the form. We'll post your thoughts next week.
Click here to share your election thoughts.

(And don't forget about our Roundtable Discussion on Sat., November 16 where we can talk in person about the election results!)
Whatever you want to talk about -- Sat., Nov. 16

We're talking a lot about 'us' now as we are in the middle of campaign season. Under normal circumstances, when an election is held on Nov. 5, as it is this year, we know by Nov. 6 who the winners were. This year we run the risk of not knowing, even several weeks later. We invite you to come to Crossroads on Saturday, Nov. 16 to not only discuss where we are politically then, but also what's going on in your personal lives, how you're dealing with the possible stress of upcoming holidays and perhaps college admissions. Is peer pressure at school an issue? What about bullying? Is climate change affecting your life, or is that someone else's problem, or no one's? What's the cell phone policy at your school? Is it a good one?

Come join us at Crossroads that morning and we'll talk about whatever is on your mind as well as those of others. Click here to sign up!
High School MUN Sessions A & B Coming Soon!

Delegates vote at Session A last year.
It may seem hard to believe, but the first 2 (of 3) High School Model UN sessions will be two weeks from this Saturday at Webster University. Important Reminders:
  • Every delegate must sign up. Please do so ASAP. Click here to reach the sign up on the Civitas website (located in the calendar on the Homepage).
  • Resolutions are due by midnight on Tuesday, November 19. Email them to Stephanie:
  • The Civitas website has great resources for resolution-writing help.  Click here to reach the Resources page and HERE to reach a slide presentation about resolution writing.
  • Continue learning about your country and keeping up with current events.
  • On the Wednesday before the sessions, the resolutions submitted will be linked on the Civitas website. Review them in advance, if you have time.
  • If anyone would like to represent the State of Palestine or the Holy See, let us know. You can email Stephanie or put it down for your country when you sign up.
  • Contact Civitas if you have any questions or concerns as you prepare.
See and hear Christiny MIller, Policy Consultant with the European Union, discuss international issues and MUN preparation with Civitas students last Saturday. Christiny is a 2009 graduate of Webster Groves High School and was a delegate in the Civitas Model UN.
Six Statewide Ballot Issues on Nov. 5 Ballot
The League of Women Voters of Missouri Education Fund is providing Information on Six Statewide Issues on the Nov. 5 Ballot. The issues are:
  1. Amendment 2 -- Legalize Sports Gambling
  2. Amendment 3 -- Reproductive Freedom
  3. Amendment 5 -- Lake of the Ozarks Casino
  4. Amendment 6 -- Proposed by by the General Assembly -- Court Fees
  5. Amendment 7 -- Block Ranked Choice Voting and Other Alternative Election Systems
  6. Prop A -- Missourians for Healthy Families & Fair Wages
We want to advise you that the "official titles" of these measures can sometimes be misleading.
Tuesday, November 5, VOTING DAY!
Share your thoughts, before and/or the election, with Civitas.

Click here to share.
Saturday, November 16, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Crossroads College Prep (MAP)
Anything Goes Roundtable -- Whatever you want to talk about; the agenda is yours to set!
Click here to sign up.

Saturday, November 23, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session A
Click here to sign up for Model UN (please know your country and session!)
Saturday, November 23, 1:30 pm until 4:30 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session B
Click here to sign up for Model UN (please know your country and session!)
Saturday, December 14, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session C
Click here to sign up for Model UN (please know your country and session!)

Picture of the Week
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