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Dear <<First Name>>,
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Processing an Unusual Election
There were other topics on the agenda for discussion this past Saturday, but we didn't get to them. It was clear that the November 5 election was topmost on students' minds. As soon as someone wrapped up what they were saying, many more hands were raised in response until two hours had passed and still more comments were left unsaid. It is inspiring and encouraging to have a group of high school students talk non-stop about politics with knowledge and conviction. And to be fair, this was an election for the ages. There was a lot to ponder and postulate with a long list of unusual circumstances for the 2024 Presidential Campaign, its outcomes, and future implications. Donald Trump is only the second President to serve two nonconsecutive terms, the first was Grover Cleveland as #22, 1885-1889, and #24, 1893-1897. Kamala Harris only had a little over three months to campaign after Joe Biden ended his re-election campaign in July. Money and celebrity endorsements played an even heavier hand than usual. Women's reproductive rights were directly on the ballot in many states. Students discussed the numerous possible reasons Kamala Harris lost, such as not distancing herself enough from Biden's policies, neglecting young men in her campaigning, minimizing the economic stresses of so many Americans, and many others. Trump's Cabinet and staff nominations provoked speculation, especially in the role of Elon Musk, as did Trump's plans to improve the economy for Americans and how some of his policy ideas might influence the global economy. Project 2025 and Agenda 47 also came up. Some time was spent analyzing Trump's behavior and why his actions and statements didn't concern more voters.  Social media's influences, including the power of viral memes and lies, generated strong opinions. The morning's discussion could have easily gone far into the afternoon. One general consensus by the end of the morning was that Donald Trump is a stand-alone, larger-than-life politician who may go down in history as different from all those before and after him.
Stay tuned for another Open Discussion in January!
High School MUN Sessions A & B this Saturday!
Resolutions are due by midnight TONIGHT!
It is nearly time! The first two Civitas High School Model UN sessions are THIS Saturday, November 23 at Webster University. Are you ready?!!

Important Reminders:
  • Every delegate must sign up. Please do so ASAP. Click here to reach the sign up on the Civitas website (located in the calendar on the Homepage). Anyone who is not signed up will have to wait until all delegates check in before we can determine if there will be seating space for you.
  • Resolutions are due by midnight TODAY, Tuesday, November 19.
  • Click here to get basic resolution info and formatting help. Email resolutions to Stephanie: 
  • The Civitas website has great resources for resolution-writing help.  Click here to reach the Resources page, and HERE to reach a slide presentation about resolution writing.
  • Contact Civitas if you have any questions or concerns as you prepare.
  • Resolutions are already coming in! Click here to see where they are on the Civitas website to read them in advance.
  • Arthur created a convenient list of ALL students (last initial only) who have signed up for all 3 sessions. The list includes their school, country, and session. Click here to access it.
We're very excited to see many of you on Saturday!

Tuesday, November 19 (TODAY!!) by midnight
Model UN resolutions due for Sessions A & B
Click here to email them to Stephanie.

Saturday, November 23, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session A
Click here to sign up for Model UN (please know your country and session!)
Saturday, November 23, 1:30 pm until 4:30 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session B
Click here to sign up for Model UN (please know your country and session!)
Saturday, December 14, 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at Webster University (MAP)
HSMUN Session C
Click here to sign up for Model UN (please know your country and session!)

Picture of the Week
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