We are all very used to hearing on the news that sadly some famous individual has passed away after a long and illustrious career, but recently, when I heard that June Spencer (who played ‘Peggy’ from Radio 4’s long running soap, The Archers) had died, I was astonished to read that she was aged 104!
Personally, I haven’t listened to the Archers for a long time but I know lots of people who absolutely love it. They enjoy hearing about life in Ambridge, the fictional village where The Archers abides, but when the newsreader explained that June had played Peggy until two years ago, I was flabbergasted and full of utter admiration! How fantastic that anyone could still love working to such a great age! Incredible!
Immediately, I felt that June must have felt such a sense of purpose and loved the ‘community’ of the cast, the writers and the producers around her on each recording day for a career that spanned over 70 years. Together with her real-life husband of 59 years, until he died in 2001, they had all helped her to live such a long and fulfilled life.
We hear so many sad stories of people retiring and very suddenly suffering a severe health incident which affects the rest of their life. It is so very important that we keep our mind busy and our body active and socialising is a vital part of that. Joining a walking group or activity club such as walking football that we featured recently, or volunteering for charity, gets us out of the house and mixing with others.
If ever you wonder why Mary and I take the time to write this Newsletter when we both choose to lead really busy lives, we must assure you that we do it for a variety of very good reasons. Just like June Spencer, we love having structure and motivation in our weekly routine including running our weekly classes – that we’ve each held for almost 53 years – which provides the basis of our weekly timetable. Then we welcome the pressure and purpose that writing this Newsletter gives us but it also motivates us to keep on learning, particularly on the subject of ageing well.
Having a purpose is vitally important mentally as well as physically. Mary and I have always enjoyed activity and we embrace the mental challenge of writing information in a meaningful way so that everyone can read and learn and be sufficiently motivated to put our words into action. Each week I read the results of Mary’s research for her subject and I find it utterly fascinating. I learn so much and I am very grateful that we work so well as a team towards our mutual aim that you, our reader, will enjoy and benefit from our efforts.
I also look forward to reading the Did you know? slot as Peter, my PA, writes that and it is always a delightful surprise to me and Mary as we don’t read it until we go through the final edit.
We also love that we can communicate what we learn to such a wide audience each Friday afternoon through the wonders of technology, and we are greatly encouraged by the feedback we receive from you. We are just as passionate today as we always have been about helping people to live their lives to the full, and now that we are older, we are determined to help all our readers to be as healthy as they possibly can.
So, June Spencer, thank you for your contribution to so many lives over the years and inspiring us. May you now rest in peace after such an incredibly successful career playing Peggy. God bless you!
Low-Fat Christmas Pudding
This healthy version of a Christmas Pudding is so easy to make and it tastes even better than traditional recipes which contain suet making them much higher in fat. It is also suitable for vegetarians. Steaming gives a more moist pudding but the microwave method is also good. If you wish, you can soak the fruit in the brandy, rum or beer and leave overnight. You can make it several weeks in advance to maximise the flavours and drizzle with 1 tbsp of brandy or rum each week leading up to Christmas. It tastes even better with a dollop of my low-fat Brandy Sauce.
Serves 10
Per serving 280 kcal/2.5g fat
Preparation time 20 mins
Cooking time: Microwave 15 - 20 mins
Steaming 3 hours to cook, 2 hours to re-heat
84g (3oz) currants
84g (3oz) sultanas
112g (4oz) raisins
84g (3oz) glacé cherries, halved
84g (3oz) plain or self-raising flour
1 tsp mixed spice
1⁄2 tsp ground cinnamon
56g (2oz) fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs
56g (2oz) dark brown sugar
2 tsps gravy browning
grated zest of 1⁄2 lemon
grated zest of 1⁄2 orange
112g (4oz) grated apple
112g (4oz) carrots, finely grated
4 tbsps brandy or rum
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 eggs, beaten
4 tbsps semi-skimmed milk
2 tbsps black treacle or cane sugar syrup
extra 4 tbsps rum or brandy for reheating
- Combine all the dry ingredients and all the wet ingredients in 2 separate bowls. Mix together and add the beaten egg.
- Continue mixing until all the ingredients are combined.
- Pour the mixture into a 1.2 litre (2 pint) pudding basin or glass bowl and cover with aluminium foil tied tightly with string. (For steaming only - not if microwaving).
- Place in a steamer and cook for 3 hours.
- If you don't have a steamer use a large saucepan with a tight fitting lid. Place a smaller lid, or a heatproof plate upside-down in the bottom of the pan, upon which the pudding bowl will stand so it is not in direct contact with the heat. Pour in enough hot water to come halfway up the side of the pudding basin and steam for 3 hours, topping up the water as required.
- If microwaving the pudding, place an upturned plate over the basin and microwave on full power for 5 minutes. Leave to stand for 5 minutes, then microwave for a further 5 minutes.
- After cooking, allow the pudding to cool, then wrap in aluminium foil or place in an air-tight container and leave in a cool, dry place until required.
- To reheat the pudding, steam for 1 - 2 hours, or microwave for 10 minutes.
- When cooked, run a knife around the edge of the basin, turn out onto a serving plate and drizzle with brandy or rum. Serve with low-fat Greek yogurt mixed with a tablespoon of brandy or rum. (optional)
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

This week I plan to focus closely on one of the most important nutrients that we must take in on a daily basis to ensure the best of health. That is Protein. I am aware that we have covered this in the past, but never in this amount of detail. As usual, I have looked at what the research is telling us in order to reach a well-informed decision on what is an adequate intake, and how we can incorporate that ‘required amount’ into our regular meals. So firstly, let's explore why protein plays such an important and vital role in our health as we age.
Protein: Essential for Life
Protein is one of the 3 Macronutrients in our diet. That simply means that Carbohydrates, Fats and Protein make up by far the greatest part of any eating plan. Micronutrients are those elements of our diet that, while still very important, are needed in much smaller amounts, such as the vitamins and minerals that are also contained within carbs, fats and protein.
We would say that protein is essential for life because it plays two very important roles – it helps to boost our immune system, and our ability to maintain our muscle mass. By helping to maintain our muscles, it helps us maintain our physical ability as we get older - which is top of the list for me personally and I hope it is the same for you.
Put simply, high protein foods help muscle to rebuild itself.
What is Protein?
Protein is made up of 20 amino acids, with 9 of them being classed as 'essential'. This means that our body cannot make them but they must be provided through what we eat. Animal protein such as meat, eggs, fish and dairy are often referred to as 'complete' proteins, containing all the essential amino acids.
On the other hand, plant proteins are known as 'incomplete' proteins, as they have some, but not all, of the amino acids. However, cleverly, combinations of plant foods can create complete proteins. And those combinations only need to be eaten in the same day, and not necessarily at the same meal.
Examples of combinations that work well together to create complete proteins are, for instance, beans with rice, nuts or seeds with wholegrains such as cereal or bread, or peanut butter with oats. However, a good variety of plant proteins that are eaten on a daily basis should still ensure that all are consumed, so if you are vegetarian, or follow a plant-based diet, then variety is the key.
Protecting Our Muscles
Maintaining our muscles is vital as we age. We have often mentioned sarcopenia, which is the gradual loss of muscle mass year on year, possibly starting as young as 40 years old. By the time we reach 70 our muscle mass can have shrunk by as much as 30 - 40% but with adequate protein intake, combined with a regular exercise programme that includes plenty of strength work, we can very effectively delay that process.
Those regular strength workouts which we encourage you to do each week, such as following a resistance programme with a toning band or with weights, will seriously help to keep your muscles strong and delay that decline.
How do we get enough Protein?
Firstly, we need to spread the amount of protein across all three meals, because our body can only use a certain amount of protein at a time. Interestingly, a more even distribution of protein throughout the day has been shown to be associated with a higher muscle mass in older adults.
When some people start the day for example on a pastry and a cup of coffee, (of course, we wouldn’t do that, would we?), this is devoid of any protein at all, so we do need to be aware of what we are eating.
So, ideally, we need to aim to try to eat a roughly similar amount of protein at every meal to maximise our protein absorption, and of course, we will be drinking teas and coffees throughout the day with the protein from milk to help top it up.
Here are some Meal Ideas:
- 450ml semi-skimmed milk in teas and coffees throughout the day = 17.1g protein
Choose one of these:
- Pot of Greek live yogurt (6g protein per 100g) with high protein breakfast cereal. (Look for a cereal with 10g+ protein but low in sugar)
- Sprinkle nuts and seeds on cereal or straight onto yogurt
- 2 eggs (13g protein each) boiled or scrambled = 26g protein
- Poached egg on large slice wholegrain toast = 18g protein
- 40g porridge oats 4.3g, with 100ml semi-skimmed milk 3.8g = 8.1g protein
- 45g portion Alpen 5gm protein plus 100ml milk 3.8g or 100g yogurt = 6g protein
Creating a protein bowl is such a really good way of ensuring adequate protein for lunch as we can introduce such a vast variety of foods. Here is a favourite one that I make:
- Sliced cooked chicken or chickpeas, brown rice, sliced avocado and chopped walnuts, cherry tomatoes, red onion and pumpkin seeds, with balsamic vinegar and lemon juice
- A 2-egg omelette with salad
- Chicken or tuna or salmon or prawn salad with a boiled egg
Evening Meal
I am fairly confident that your evening meal will have protein included such as meat or fish or eggs. But three of my favourite high protein meals are:
- Grilled salmon, puy and green Lentils (you can buy these in a pouch, which I prefer as it means it is portion controlled and 10+g of protein per portion), plus roasted vegetables including aubergine, courgette, peppers and mushrooms
- Spaghetti Bolognese with wholemeal pasta
- Roast chicken and assorted vegetables
On a final note, it is often difficult to make significant changes to what we normally eat, particularly with breakfast. However, I am of the firm opinion that if, like me, now you are older you take your health so much more seriously, then you will do anything you can to maximise it to the full. Small changes may be all that are needed to boost your protein intake.
An overview of food groups including protein, carbohydrates, fats etc.
Rosemary explains how and why we should eat healthily forever.
This Week's Fitness Challenge
- Understanding how extra protein goes hand-in-hand with strength training, try and complete a 20-minute whole body Strength programme 3 times this week.
- On your daily 30+ minute walk, pause at a park bench or garden wall and do 10 press ups.
- Don't forget your Post-walk stretches.
Did you know...
The Archers is the world's longest-running present-day drama judged by number of episodes.
Starting on the BBC Midlands Home Service radio with five pilot episodes broadcast in 1950, the first episode broadcast nationally went out on New Year's Day 1951. It continued when the Home Service became BBC Radio 4 and is still the station's most listened-to non-news programme today, regularly attracting more than 5 million listeners.
June Spencer was one of the original cast and clocked up an incredible 66 years playing the character Peggy (Archer/Perkins/Wooley). Had she not taken two periods of three years off in the early run of the show she would have become the longest serving soap actor worldwide eclipsing her colleague Patricia Greene who plays Jill Archer. Even allowing for those periods of time off, by the time she retired in 2022 she had already notched up several more years of acting than the perhaps better known TV actor William Roach, who plays Ken Barlow in the ITV soap Coronation Street.

And finally...
I have to admit that I was really surprised, even shocked, to learn from Mary’s piece this week how our muscle mass decreases so significantly as we get older. Thankfully, we can very effectively slow that decrease down by eating more protein and regularly doing strength exercises to keep our muscles strong. After I read it, I immediately scrambled myself a couple of eggs for my lunch! Really fascinating stuff.
Have a great week.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL