
Dear <<First Name>>,

The Orchestra Now (TŌN) is pleased to offer all those who work and study at Bard complimentary tickets to the concerts "Charles Ives' America," November 16 & 17 at the Fisher Center. Use promo code BARDFAM when ordering. Scroll down for more details.

Charles Ives' America
Saturday, November 16 at 7 PM and Sunday, November 17 at 2 PM at the Fisher Center at Bard
Part of the festival Charles Ives at 150

Leon Botstein and TŌN celebrate the sesquicentennial of one of the most quintessential American composers, Charles Ives. With baritone William Sharp and preeminent Ives scholar J. Peter Burkholder, this program explores the way the composer created unique works from familiar tunes. Before each piece, Sharp and the orchestra will highlight these classic songs, including “Bringing in the Sheaves” and “Wake Nicodemus.” Each performance is followed by a talk with Botstein, Sharp, Burkholder, Berman, and cultural historian Joseph Horowitz, free for all ticket holders.

These concerts will also be livestreamed on TŌNtube.


Additional Charles Ives at 150 events:
Charles Ives: A Life in Music
Saturday, November 16 at 5 PM and Sunday, November 17 at 12 noon at Olin Hall with William Sharp, Donald Berman, Richard Aldous, J. Peter Burkholder, Kyle Gann, and Joseph Horowitz
Free, no tickets necessary

You can check our website at for more information.

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