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Change the World with IORG

Do you know an IORG member who deserves a Kindness coin? Below is the link to the Google Form where you can submit the name of an active Rainbow Girl who has performed an act of kindness and that girl will be awarded a Ben's Bell kindness coin! Adult advisors and girls are encouraged to submit a form, recognizing an IORG member for their kindness. The deadline is November 23rd, and Kindness coins will be distributed at the visitation. Let's go perform and look for kindness in our IORG community!!

Here is the link!

Sign up for the Paint Night:


Upcoming Events

November 17 - Grand Cross of Color Observance - Cheshire Masonic Lodge at 9 Country Club Rd. Program begins at 1pm with quiches and salad for lunch. Reservations required by November 10th to Betty Laferriere, State Dean ( Donation of $10 is suggested to support programs of Grand Cross. Also we will be collecting items for the VA Hospital to support "Change the World with IORG" focus on Veterans during October/November/December.  Please donate - Chapstick, tissues, shampoo/conditioner, Body wash, deodorant, bar soap, hand lotion, combs, nailclippers, hard candies.

November 17 - Following the Grand Cross Ceremony, Rose Assembly will have their meeting, starting around 4pm. Everyone is welcome to stay in Cheshire and help the girls make card to be distributed to veterans at the VA Hospitals. Dinner to follow the meeting. Please let Mom Suzie know if you will be attending.

November 21 - New Britain Asembly will be hosting their Annual Thanksgiving Dinner in New Britain at 6;30pm. Donation $10.00. Reservations must be in by November 16th to Mom Sammie.

November 23 - State Initiation - Branford Masonic Lodge starting at 4pm, rehearsal at 1pm. All assembies will be working together to welcome new sisters in to the organization! Let keep our membership going strong - do you have a friend who would benefit from IORG?

November 29 - Paint Night in New Britain - see flyer

November 30 - Milford Assembly is hosting a Murder Mystery Dinner Party starting at 5pm. Contact to reserve your ticket. Donation $20 for adults, $15 for IORG members.

November 30 - DeMolay Civic Legion of Honor Investiture at New Britain Lodge starting at 5pm. The first recipients of this honor in the state are Mom Karen Beals and Mom Anne Needham. This is an open degree and all are welcome to attend.

December 7 - Rainbow Day is coming up on December 7th at the New Britain Lodge! We will have games, crafts, ornaments, grab bags, and a ritual competition. The ritual competition starts at 9am and Rainbow Day starts at 10am. 

Do you have something you would like added to the Newsletter next Month?
Submit your event at the link below:
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