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November 11, 2024  |  Vol. 6 No. 46

C2P - Weekly Parish Newsletter 

Be sure all parish and administrative school
staff members are receiving the C2P

Share relevant information with your volunteer leaders. 
Click here to sign up. Click here for archived C2Ps.

Holy day of obligation clarification

Monday, Dec. 9
The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is a holy day of obligation. In light of a new and recent directive from the Holy See, it will be observed on Monday, Dec. 9, this year. Learn more


#iGiveCatholic advanced giving opens Nov. 18

Make sure you are verified to receive donations and that your Giving Tuesday profile has been updated by Nov. 15. Consider sending an email to parishioners and including a save the date in your bulletin. For more ideas on promoting Giving Tuesday, use the #iGiveCatholic toolkit.


Preparing facilities for the fall & winter months

Please take the necessary steps to winterize your facilities including clearing gutters, downspouts, sidewalks and drains. Have snow/ice melt on hand, make sure heat is left on in buildings, exterior faucets are turned off and covered. Make arrangements with a snow removal company in advance for services.

Human Resources

Manager's training: Salary to hourly employee transition

Please share with your parish and school managerial staff.
Nov. 20 | 3:30 p.m. | Virtual
Join Matt and Courtney from the HR team to discuss conversation points and tips for transitioning employees from hourly to salary. Come with questions and leave with tools. Teams link 

Liturgy Office

Rite of Election 2025: Updated schedule and info packet

The schedule has been updated for the Rite of Election 2025. We have put together a calendar for pastors and Christian initiation ministers as well as a full information packet. Enrollment forms need to be returned to Jennifer Day by Jan. 31. Resources/forms

Human Resources

Ethics Point Hotline brochures available

The "We Never Sleep" ethical concern hotline brochures are now back in stock in both English and Spanish. If your parish or school needs to restock, please write to Let us know the number needed, language version and return mailing address and we will get these out as soon as possible.

Youth Ministry

November Youth Ministry newsletter

View this month's newsletter for exciting announcements! Have a look at upcoming events and share your feedback. If you are not currently receiving youth ministry newsletters by email, please subscribe here


Stewardship updates

Read important stewardship updates, including information about Stewardship of Treasure Follow-up/Ask 1 this weekend, tasks and resources for this week by clicking here.

Intercultural Integration Department

The BCAC Conference is this weekend!

Nov. 15-16 | Various times | St. Stephen the Martyr Church, Renton
The Black Catholic Advisory Circle Conference is this weekend, Nov. 15-16, at St. Stephen the Martyr Church in Renton. Featuring keynote speaker Cardinal Wilton Gregory. Learn more/register | Promotional assets

Young Adult Ministry

Retiro de Adviento: A retreat for Hispanic young adults

Please share with your Hispanic community.
Nov. 23-24 | Various times | The Chancery, 910 Marion St., Seattle
The Young Adult Ministry is hosting a Hispanic Advent Retreat Nov. 23-24 on campus at the Archdiocese of Seattle. Learn more/register | Promotional asset

Crozier Society 

Crozier Speaker Series: Seminarian Formation

Please share with your parish and school community. All are welcome.
Dec. 5 | 10-11 a.m. | Virtual
Please join us for a virtual presentation with Father Justin Ryan on the important topic of seminarian formation. The Crozier Society will share what is being done about vocations in the Archdiocese of Seattle and what's needed moving forward. Learn more | Promotional assets

Multicultural Ministries

Simbang Gabi 27th Annual Celebration

Dec. 14 | 11 a.m.-noon | St. James Cathedral
Join Archbishop Etienne and Catholics from around the archdiocese for this festive, colorful and prayerful Advent celebration. This Filipino tradition ushers in Simbang Gabi, a novena of nine Masses meant to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary. Learn more | Promotional assets: English | Spanish
The Archdiocese of Seattle has a number of open positions at parishes, schools, camps, the Retreat Center and the Chancery. Are you or someone you know interested in putting your gifts and talents to work for the archdiocese? View the jobs listed below as well as all open positions here. Please share with your parish and school community.

Director of Pastoral Care & Outreach

We are looking for a Director of Pastoral Care & Outreach to join the Pastoral Care & Outreach team. This role is responsible for managing, coordinating and implementing several distinct pastoral care ministries for the Archdiocese of Seattle. Learn more and apply today

Tribunal Assistant & Ecclesiastical Notary

We are looking for an Assistant and Ecclesiastical Notary to join the Tribunal team. This role is responsible for providing administrative support and assistance to the Tribunal and assists in the instruction of all types of marriage cases. Learn more and apply today


November sacramental records virtual trainings

Nov. 14 | 10 a.m.-noon
Nov. 21 | noon-2 p.m.

Learn more/register: English | Spanish


Advent 2024

Advent Communications Toolkit | Learn more | Promotional assets: English | Spanish

Human Resources

New state minimum wage

Read announcement

Intercultural Integration Department

Our Lady of Guadalupe and Simbang Gabi: Invitation to clergy to concelebrate Mass

Please share with your parish and school community.
OLG: Dec. 7 | 12:10 p.m.
Simbang Gabi: Dec. 14 | 11 a.m.

Location for both Masses is at St. James Cathedral. Please RSVP by Nov. 25. View invitation

Lifelong Formation

Faith Formation November newsletter

English | Spanish

Northwest Catholic

Archbishop Etienne shares more about synodality as 'a call to love'

Read Northwest Catholic article

Parish Financial Services

Importance of bank reconciliations

Learn more

November 11 – December 7, 2024

Please share these events with your parish and school community.

Immigrant & Refugee Ministry

'Cabrini' movie showing 

Nov. 13 | 6:30 p.m. | Isaac Orr Room at the Chancery, Seattle 
Learn more/register | Promotional assets

Pastoral Care & Outreach Department

Healing Mass

Nov. 21 | 6 p.m. | Immaculate Conception Church, Seattle
Join Archbishop Etienne for a Healing Mass for those affected by abuse. Event details | Promotional assets: English | Spanish

Marriage & Family Life

Betrothed: Marriage Preparation Retreat(s)

Nov. 22-24 | Learn more  and  Feb. 7-9, 2025 | Learn more
Promotional asset

Hispanic Ministry

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass and Celebration

Dec. 7 | 12:10 p.m. | Immaculate Conception Church and St. James Cathedral 
Learn more | Bilingual promotional assets

October Letter from Father Gary Lazzeroni

Please read the latest letter from Father Lazzeroni about Partners in the Gospel here


Additional resources

Click here for all Partners in the Gospel information for parishes.
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Our mailing address is:
Archdiocese of Seattle, 710 9th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104

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