For undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students:
Here’s what WFU should know this week.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Relive the fun of last week’s Project Pumpkin via this photo story and video.
News and Announcements
Polo Road construction update: Paving operations on Polo Road are underway to improve the road surface and overall driving experience. Temporary disruptions are expected; consider using the University Parkway or Reynolda Road entrances to campus.
Plans are on track for University Advancement, University Marketing and Communications and Human Resources to move to the University Corporate Center (UCC); moves will be in phases between Nov. 4-Dec. 16.
The departments of Philosophy, Education, and Computer Science and the Entrepreneurship program are working with the College; WFU Facilities, Planning, and Real Estate; and architectural firms Ayers Saint Gross and STITCH Design Shop to refine early plans for Alumni Hall.
National College Health Assessment — your voice is needed! On Sunday, Nov. 10, graduate and undergraduate students will receive an email inviting them to take the National College Health Assessment (NCHA). The survey will be open Nov. 10-Dec. 1. Please complete the survey for your chance to win prizes and to help us learn how these last few years have impacted student health and wellbeing. Learn more.
Senior Fifth is a highly dangerous activity in which students attempt to consume an entire 750 ml bottle (or fifth) of liquor — equivalent to 16 or 17 shots — on the day of the last home football game before kickoff. We are now in our eighth year of a comprehensive prevention initiative aimed at reducing the harms associated with this risky behavior. We encourage you to learn more about this issue and join us in making a plan to prioritize safety and wellbeing.
Volunteers needed for Wake Forest Lovefeast, Sunday, Dec. 8. Let it glow, let it glow, let it glow! It’s a Wake Forest tradition to usher in the holidays with our annual candlelight service in Wait Chapel. Since 1965, we have gathered as a campus community for seasonal music, reflection and inspirational readings. Volunteers are needed: Student, faculty, and staff volunteers are needed to help before and during the event. If interested, please fill out this form.
If you want to attend the Lovefeast, Wait Chapel will open at 6 p.m. on Sunday, Dec. 8, and the prelude begins at 6:40 p.m. Seating is limited. For more information about Lovefeast, visit
Important registration reminders: Check for holds in Workday and clear them before your registration time.
Election Week and Beyond: President Wente sent messages to the campus community regarding election week emphasizing empathy, patience and our academic mission. Read the messages here.