Defence Research Network

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Welcome to this edition of the Defence Research Network newsletter!

Hello there! As November comes to a close, we are pleased to bring you our latest newsletter focused on the theme of "Cyber, Security, and Defence." In this edition, we explore the increasingly complex and interconnected world of cyber threats, security challenges, and their implications for national and international defence strategies.

A special thanks to Rupak Rattanmoj Pathak for taking the lead on this month's newsletter. The finished result provides an accessible and digestible introduction to an increasingly important field and issue area.

Below, you can explore reflections on the growing importance of cyber defence, emerging risks, and how strategies must adapt to meet new challenges. In this edition, we also share key resources that will be valuable for your research and practice, which we hope will introduce you to, or refresh your understanding of, how cyber security has become a foregrounded issue in contemporary politics and research.

You will also find a report on the recent Knowledge Exchange workshop we - the DRN - co-hosted with the British International Studies Association Critical Military Studies Working Group at the National Army Museum. It was hugely successful and the attached infographic neatly captures the conversations exploring the intersection between the MOD, academia, and policy in a cross-disciplinary collaboration. 

Our community section is filled with exciting updates, highlighting recent developments, research, and activities within the field. Be sure to check out the events and opportunities section, where you'll find upcoming conferences and studies to participate in—excellent opportunities to learn, share, and connect with fellow researchers in the defence field.

Thank you all for your contributions. Your insights are vital to the success of our network, and we welcome ideas or submissions for future themes.

Happy reading!

Tegan Watt Harrison
Newsletter Editor
Defence Research Network

 Exploring Cyber, security and Defense: Key Resources to Enhance Your Knowledge
Cyber security as a threat has accelerated in recent years, reminding us that how the notion of traditional security has shifted. To help you stay informed and deepen your understanding, we are sharing a selection of academic resources. Whether you're just beginning your cybersecurity journey or looking to expand your knowledge, these resources will support your learning and growth.

  • Rethinking Security after the Cold War by Barry Buzan - One of the most important article talking about the  shift and new changes in security post cold war and also challenges traditional concepts and mentions emergence of new security challenges. This article will give you idea about where it all started. Click here  to read.
  • Cyber security meets security politics: Complex technology, fragmented politics, and networked science by Myriam Dunn Cavelty & Andreas Wenger - This article examines the relationship between cybersecurity and security politics, emphasizing the ways in which intricate technological issues in cyberspace are entwined with political division and changing models of global cooperation. Click here to read.
  • Knowledge in the grey zone: AI and cybersecurity by Tim Stevens - Tim Stevens examines the expanding relationship between cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI), emphasising the intricate dangers and difficulties that AI poses to the field of digital security. The article explores how AI technologies are changing cybersecurity's threat landscape and defensive tactics, paying special attention to the "grey zone"—a region where the conventional definitions of security, risk, and trust are blurred by AI's special features. Click here to read.
  • Cyberspace is used, first and foremost, to wage wars: proliferation, security and stability in cyberspace by Frédérick Douzet & Aude GeryIt looks at how cyberspace is strategically used in conflict and how the development of cyber capabilities has significant effects on stability and security throughout the world. In the context of national and international security, the essay examines how cyberspace is becoming a more dynamic battlefield where both states and non-state actors are using cyber technologies more often for both offensive and defensive objectives. Click here to read.
  • #SorryNotSorry: Why states neither confirm nor deny responsibility for cyber operations by Joseph M. Brown & Tanisha M. FazalIt examines how nations behave in a difficult and sometimes unclear manner when it comes to accepting accountability for cyber activities, especially cyberattacks. The authors examine the reasons behind nations' general reluctance to acknowledge or deny their participation in cyber operations, particularly when those operations target other states or entities. Click here to read. 
  • Security and international cooperation dominate today's cyber policy landscape by Journal of Cyber PolicyThis article Features different authors from journals editorial board, who are cyber policy expert discusses the critical role of cybersecurity and international collaboration in shaping contemporary cyber policy. Click here to read. 
  • Cybersecurity and cyber defence in the emerging democracies by Carlos Solar - It looks at the particular opportunities and difficulties that developing democracies have when it comes to creating efficient cybersecurity and cyber defense plans. It draws attention to how cybersecurity, political development, and democratic governance interact in nations dealing with emerging democratic systems or emerging authoritarian regimes. Click here to read.
  • Cyberspace and the National Security of the United Kingdom :Threats and Responses :A Chatham House Report by  Paul Cornish, Rex Hughes and David Livingstone In terms of national security, it offers a thorough examination of the cybersecurity risks and difficulties that the UK faces. With a focus on the strategic, operational, and policy aspects of cybersecurity, the research investigates how cyberspace has become a crucial area for security, looking at the types of cyberthreats and the UK's response to them. Click here to read.
  • From Cyber Security to Cyber Power: Appraising the Emergence of ‘Responsible, Democratic Cyber Power’ in UK Strategy by Joe Devanny & Andrew C. Dwyer - It examines the development of the UK's cybersecurity strategy, paying particular attention to the idea of "cyber power" and how the UK has positioned itself as a responsible and democratic cyber power within the framework of international cybersecurity policy. Click here to read.
  • The Review and Responsible, Democratic Cyber Power by joe Devanny for  Centre for Defence Studies series on The Integrated Review in Context: Defence and Security in Focus - It focuses on how the UK is changing its approach to cyber power and cybersecurity, especially in relation to its larger defense and security plan. The essay looks at how the UK positions itself as a "responsible, democratic cyber power" in the face of new cyber threats and challenges, as well as how the country discusses the growing significance of cyberspace in national and international security in its Integrated Review, a strategic policy document outlining the nation's defense and security priorities. Click here to read.
  • Cyber intelligence and international security. Breaking the legal and diplomatic silence? by Dennis Broeders It examines how cyber intelligence is changing in relation to global security and the difficulties it poses for established legal and diplomatic systems. Broeders looks at how nations, international organizations, and the larger international community now face new security concerns as a result of the growth of cyberthreats, such as cyberespionage, cyberattacks, and cyberwarfare. Additionally, the essay addresses the diplomatic and legal ramifications of cyber intelligence operations. Click here to read.
  • Accountability in Cyberspace: Lessons from and for Latin America by Louise Marie Hurel - This examines the problem of accountability in cyberspace, paying particular attention to the opportunities and difficulties in the Latin American context. In addition to discussing the particular concerns about the roles that governments, non-state actors, and international organizations play in maintaining cyber stability and security, the paper also discusses the growing significance of cybersecurity, cyber governance, and cyber policy in the area. Click here to read.
  • Reflecting on Cyber Power: A Labour Future? by Andrew Dwyer - This is a short commentary about how cyber power is changing in relation to security and political discourse. The article specifically focusses on the UK Labour Party's view of cyber power and how it could influence future foreign relations, cybersecurity, and cyber defence policies.

To stay updated on developments in the cybersecurity and defense fields, there are many think tanks and organizations that continuously publish research and hold events addressing key issues in these areas. Some of these institutions are mentioned here, and you can follow them to stay informed about the latest changes and new research in the field- 
Cyber Deterrence Strategy and the Need for Global Partnerships 
 By Rupak Rattanmoj Pathak 
Security threats have changed over the years because of contemporary issues due to globalised interconnected world, where technological advancements have no borders. Before the cold war only traditional form of conventional threats were deemed significant threats, but later we seem to see the involvement of the non-state actors which led to the shift to the non-traditional military threats such as cyber security, making it national and international security concerns (Buzan, 1997).

Major cyber incidents such as Stuxnet (2010), WannaCry (2017), Estonia 2007 attack have given evidence that cyber-attacks are becoming more focused, more expensive, more disruptive, and, in many cases, more political and strategic and because of that today in 21st century cyber threats and events have been defined as disturbances in the ordinary functioning of digital technology, and have taken centre stage in national and international security policy, with state actors scrambling to identify suitable responses to the new danger (Dunn Cavelty & Wenger, 2019).

Cyberspace has presented nations with new security issues. The low cost of entry, anonymity, uncertainty of the threatening geographical area, dramatic impact, and lack of public transparency in cyberspace have resulted in both strong and weak actors in this space, including governments, organised and terrorist groups, and even individuals, as well as threats such as cyber warfare, cybercrime, cyber terrorism, and cyber espionage(Li & Liu, 2021).

There are two kinds of range in cyber-attack one which is are minimal cyber threats that cause localized destruction and the other are upgraded to possible maximum damage such as cases of power grid through EMPs (Nye, 2017) which are “energy pulses that can be released by the detonation of a nuclear weapon, portable devices such as high-power microwave weapons (HPMWs), or even natural phenomena. When these intense pulses contact with the Earth's magnetic field, they have the potential to harm electronic and electrical equipment such as computers, cell phones, transformers, transmission lines, and essential communications infrastructure”, it happens in high intensity and can lead to blackout in entire nation which will lead to cut all form of communication. One of the important cases for this Venezuela 2019 blackout of failed infrastructure of electricity which led to lack of running water, communication and food (Cohen, 2019). And then there is another case of disruption in mass level which is Estonia 2007.
Since this undeniable relevance of cyber threat has increased, the societies on importance of cybers space have sparked a heated discussion between states regarding the dependency and application of national defence principles to this newer environment. This discussion also included the idea of cyber deterrence (Lilli, 2021).

Although deterrence has been a concept used during the nuclear era because of focus on military or conventional means to defend by mutually assured destruction (MAD) (Arbatov, 2021) however, applying it deterrence in cyberspace is confusing. Nuclear deterrence relied on the belief that the first state to attack would be obliterated by a retaliatory nuclear attack. This assumption is difficult to apply in cyberspace since cyber-attacks occur continually in the background. This is one of the domain's distinguishing features in this space (Al-Azwani, 2020).
So far in cyber domain, the traditional form of deterrence has been deterrence by denial; “Deterrence by denial means persuading state adversary not to attack by convincing him that his attack will be defeated, that he will not be able to achieve his operational objectives from the attack” (Mazarr, 2018), and it have been practised by states to deter the threats so far, states tend to work on their cyber infrastructure by building firewalls also by practising by deploying cyber defence capabilities with the goal of preventing a state adversary from successfully launching cyber-attacks.

The primary use of deterrence via denial is to lower the possibility of a successful cyber-attack by a state opponent. Reducing the chance of success in a recurring cyber contact will increase state adversary belief in state immunity to cyber attacks. It is because the attacker's high cost of beginning a cyber assault exceeds the cost of projected benefit (Alazwani & Chen, 2020)

Deterrence by dissuasion on other hand is to persuade a potential attacker that the cost-benefit of aggressiveness is unfavourable, partially by emphasising the costs of aggression but also by delivering reassurances or in different kinds of agreement that make a world free of hostility more appealing (Mazarr, 2018). In 21st century to deter cyber threats the shift will be there through political mechanism of norms and entanglement; Entanglement is a powerful tool for convincing an actor believe "the costs of an activity will outweigh the benefits” which basically means the existence of multiple interdependences that cause a successful assault to impose significant costs on both the attacker and the victim. As states have understanding about the severity of threat, they might want to cooperate to precipitate from economic and societal damage, and if they are within the status quo, there might not be fear of retaliation, because their economies are now interdependent on each other.

Same with the case of norms for instance normative concerns might prevent activities by incurring reputational costs that can harm an actor's soft power in ways that outweigh the benefit garnered. Norms, like entanglement, can impose costs on an attacker even if the attack is not denied by defence and no retribution occurs (Nye, 2017).

And that’s why we need collaboration (deterrence by dissuasion) and global partnerships to navigate boundaries, work on norms and to identify responsible cyber behaviour, where states adopt accountable practices when it comes to their activities in cyberspace and also are open to debate or questioned about the use of offensive and defensive operations.

Al-Azwani, N. S. (2020). Optimizing Deterrence Strategies in State-State Cyber Conflicts. City University of London
Alazwani, N. S., & Chen, T. M. (2020). Deterrence by Denial approach for the most known State Cyber Vulnerabilities.
Arbatov, A. (2021). Nuclear deterrence: A guarantee or threat to strategic stability? Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 229, 29–58.
Buzan, B. (1997). Rethinking Security after the Cold War. 32(1), 5–28.
Cohen, A. (2019). Trump Moves To Protect America From Electromagnetic Pulse Attack. emp-threat/
Dunn Cavelty, M., & Wenger, A. (2019). Cyber security meets security politics: Complex technology, fragmented politics, and networked science. Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/13523260.2019.1678855, 41(1), 5–32.
Li, Y., & Liu, Q. (2021). A comprehensive review study of cyber-attacks and cyber security; Emerging trends and recent developments. Energy Reports, 7, 8176–8186.
Lilli, E. (2021). Redefining deterrence in cyberspace: Private sector contribution to national strategies of cyber deterrence. Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/13523260.2021.1882812, 42(2), 163–188.
Mazarr, M. J. (2018). Understanding Deterrence. RAND Corporation.
Nye, J. S. (2017). Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace. International Security, 41(3), 44 71.

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Japan’s Cybersecurity Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities
 By  Eddy Almand
Eddy Almand brings over 26 years of experience in intelligence and security, with a focus on developing advanced defense strategies and managing cyber operations. His background in the U.S. government and extensive work across North America, Middle East, and Asia has equipped him with expertise in helping organizations enhance their security posture and mitigate complex cyber risks.
He is currently serving as a CEO of  Almata Co., Ltd., Almata  is a cyber risk management company dedicated to empowering organizations with scalable, automated solutions to protect their digital ecosystems. Headquartered in Tokyo, Almata develops vulnerability management platforms like Eagle Eye and Eagle Talon, which identify and mitigate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. With the mission to make advanced cybersecurity accessible to businesses of all sizes, ensuring resilience in an ever-evolving threat landscape. By combining technology with a proactive approach, Almata helps organizations stay ahead of emerging threats, secure their assets, and build trust in an increasingly interconnected world.
Follow him LinkedIn or visit the website .

Japan is a global leader in technology and manufacturing, which makes it a target for cyber threats. As the third-largest economy and a nation renowned for manufacturing excellence, the stakes are high in securing its cyberspace. The ongoing push toward digital transformation has heightened vulnerabilities, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and complex supply chains.

A report by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications highlights that over 70% of SMEs in Japan lack adequate cybersecurity measures, leaving them vulnerable to ransomware, phishing, and data breaches (METI, 2019). This is particularly concerning as SMEs constitute 99.7% of Japan’s businesses and over half are links in the supply chains of larger corporations (METI, 2019). The 2021 Cyber IQ Survey by PwC Japan noted that digital transformation has increased interconnectivity among entities, which has significantly elevated security risks within supply chains (PwC, 2021).

By prioritizing investment in advanced technologies such as AI-driven threat detection and automated vulnerability management, Japan can transform its cybersecurity landscape, ensuring long-term resilience and maintaining its status as a global leader in innovation.
Beyond immediate vulnerabilities, Japan faces systemic issues that threaten its ability to address the growing global cyber threat landscape. The limited availability of skilled cybersecurity professionals, coupled with a declining population, poses a significant long-term risk to economic resilience. A shrinking labor pool could lead to critical gaps in the country’s cybersecurity defenses.

Geopolitical challenges in trade and economic policies further complicate the situation. Japan’s reliance on global supply chains and its integral role in international markets mean that cyber disruptions can have widespread consequences. Additionally, the lack of robust cybersecurity policies has hindered proactive risk management. While policies may be forthcoming, they could arrive too late to effectively address the scale and speed of emerging threats.
Given these constraints, Japan must prioritize technology to achieve the scalability needed to stay competitive. Automation and AI-driven threat detection can help address immediate risks while policy changes and workforce solutions are developed. Although skilled professionals can be imported or trained, this comes with significant costs in time and resources that Japan may not have the luxury to afford.
Japan’s interconnected economy is both its strength and vulnerability. Addressing cybersecurity challenges requires a multifaceted approach:
  1. Empowering SMEs: Equip smaller businesses with affordable cybersecurity tools and training to build resilience.
  2. Securing Supply Chains: Enforce rigorous cybersecurity standards across the ecosystem, led by larger corporations.
  3. Public-Private Collaboration: Strengthen partnerships to share intelligence, set industry benchmarks, and enhance response capabilities.
  4. Investing in Technology: Lean on scalable, automated solutions to mitigate risks in real time.
The stakes are high, but so is the opportunity. With a clear focus and swift action, Japan can overcome these challenges and establish itself as a global leader in cybersecurity innovation.

  1. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). (2019). 2019 White Paper on Small and Medium Enterprises in Japan. Retrieved from
  2. PwC Japan. (2021). 2021 Cyber IQ Survey: The Shift Toward Proactive Security. Retrieved from
 Bridging Cybersecurity: Key Takeaways from the 2024 CIOR International Cyber Event
One of our committee member  recently participated in the virtual 2024 International Cyber Event, organized by the Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR). And is sharing reflection and highlighting several key takeaways from the event. The theme for the event was  "Bridging Cyber Security: Uniting Civil and Military Forces," explored traditional Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) through a cyber-focused lens.
In today’s complex era of warfare, the concept of conflict requires redefinition. The rapid exploitation of cyberspace is accelerating wartime innovation, making it vital to understand emerging threats. This knowledge is essential for enhancing resilience and ensuring national security and stability. A notable challenge lies in the contrasting approaches to offensive and defensive cyber strategies between Western nations and their adversaries. While the defense sector prioritizes safeguarding governments, democracies, and critical infrastructure, adversaries often target civilian services and society as a whole. The dilemma: adhering to established rules when facing opponents who do not.

Given the pervasive nature of these threats, the triple-helix model of cooperation—integrating government, industry, and academia—is indispensable in countering hybrid warfare. To succeed, frameworks must facilitate intelligence sharing. Governments, traditionally focused on receiving intelligence, must adopt a “need to share” approach rather than a “need to know” mindset. Finland’s Cyber Security Strategy offers a compelling example, emphasizing that “cyber defense will be exercised and developed together with key authorities, organizations, and actors in the business community.” By integrating CIMIC into everyday practice, societies can create a culture where critical functions are collaboratively managed by all stakeholders.

As the lines between civil and military domains blur in cyberspace, fostering trust, collaboration, and shared responsibility among all stakeholders is not just strategic but essential. Only by working together can we build the resilience needed to navigate the complexities of modern conflict and safeguard our shared futu
Knowledge Exchange Workshop
Edited by Hannah West
On Monday 18 November, the Defence Research Network was delighted to co-host a Knowledge Exchange workshop with the British International Studies Association Critical Military Studies Working Group at the National Army Museum.

The workshop explored the intersection between the MOD, academia and policy through a conversation about collaboration and knowledge exchange in the context of social science, history, arts and humanities research. Knowledge exchange and collaboration were understood to include everything from internal to independent, external research, the commissioning of research by the MOD, interaction surrounding ethics approval, the provision of defence experts, archival access and data sharing. 
Following a session reflecting on the barriers to collaboration and knowledge exchange, we were delighted to welcome a panel of speakers to share their experiences in different fields. We would like to thank Dr Sophy Antrobus (Research Fellow at the Freeman Air and Space Institute), Dr Nick Caddick (Deputy Director of the Veterans and Families Institute, Anglia Ruskin University), Professor Huw Bennett (Professor of International Relations, Cardiff University) and Dr Simon Kolstoe (Independent Chair of the Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee (MODREC)) for their input. 

Thank you to everyone who attended and especially to Hannah Richards from the BISA Critical Military Studies Working Group,  Mathilda Greig from the National Army Museum and our amazing DRN support from Lucy Robinson, Ann Bajo and Rupak Rattanmoj Pathak for making this event possible. We are extremely grateful to the British International Studies Association and the Centre of Excellence for Equity in the Uniformed Public Services at Anglia Ruskin University for their sponsorship of this event.

The infographic below captures the conversation and we look forward to sharing the next steps with this work in due course.
News from our committee & community
Edited by Tegan Harrison 
Thank you for all your contributions to this edition! It is wonderful to hear from you and we do enjoy sharing your work with our members. Please enjoy reading said contributions below!
This month, our Twitter/X Manager and committee member, Lucy Robinson, attended the SCiP Alliance's annual conference in Cardiff where she led a workshop - How can researchers communicate impactful and child-orientated research? - and presented her poster. You can find a write up of the event and access Lucy's slides, alongside those of other workshop leads. 

Click on the picture of Lucy's poster to read it on a pdf.
Our Co-Chair, Hannah, attended the BISA webinar on Teaching for the first time: Overcoming challenges and embracing innovative methods. Dr Leonie Jackson talked us through what she has learnt and shared some inspiring ideas for the use of simulations and games in teaching, as well as some excellent top tips! Thank you to Dr Leonie Jackson and to BISA for another great session! 
Hannah has been experimenting with taking down notes in a more visual way (because it's more fun to do and easier to refer back to) so this was one of her first attempts, shared so you can see the key points she learnt from the session:
Hannah was also fortunate in being able to attend the Defence Experts Day for Op Interflex, the British-led multinational operation to train and support the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Friday 22 November. The day was attended by representatives of think tanks and academic institutions from across the UK. Hannah went along to learn more about another intersection between the MOD and academia and also to explore gendered dimensions to the training mission. Hannah would thoroughly recommend going for it if the opportunity comes your way - she learnt a lot both about Op Interflex but also the other academics there. 

Dr Veronika Poniscjakova continues her work with the media. She has provided commentary for France 24 and TVP World.

One of our community members, Whitney GrespinPhD has recently had a chapter published entitled "Contracted Contributions to the Security Force Assistance Enterprise" in the NATO SFA CoE book “Enhancing Stabilization and Strategic Partnership in a Post-Conflict Environment. A Comprehensive Approach to Human Security”.  Check it out here.
What we have been listening to
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova
War on the Rocks  
Ukraine World
Do get in touch if you have heard a fascinating podcast or you have been involved in one, we'd love to include it in a future newsletter.
November Twitter Hour: Cyber, Security and Defence
Edited by Lucy Robinson
This month's #TwitterHour was on 'Cyber, Security and Defence'. Thank you very much to all those who engaged with the four questions. Below, we share the highlights! 
1) How has the cyber security threat challenged traditional understanding of international security & defence?
  • Concepts of borders and defined areas of operations become more fluid, and CNI sectors are increasingly transnational. Increased targeting of CNI broadens the scope of what needs to be defended and relies on increased participation from the private sector. Additionally, there is an asymmetry of power where the impact of offensive activity is significantly greater than the cost to conduct, allowing increased participation by non-state actors which in turn complicates traditional defense paradigms.
  • I believe it has drastically affected the whole area of global security from just deterring conventional threats from state actors, it has blurred the boundaries of war and peace since anyone from any part of the world just using technology equipment can threaten the critical infrastructure, data breaches or geopolitical conflicts which has challenged traditional defence mechanism and how states define to secure their sovereignty. Hence, attention has been shifted to non conventional threats like cyber.
2) What do you think are most important challenges today in the field of cyber, security and defence research?
  • The pace of change both in terms of technical capability and contextual application, for example legal frameworks/norms development challenged by civilian conduct of offensive cyber operations during the Russo-Ukrainian War.
3) How can interdisciplinary research contribute to containing increasing threats in the cyber domain and defence?
  • Offensive cyber activity incorporates the physical, virtual, and cognitive dimensions. Responses must also span this breadth e.g. technical, human, legal, and geopolitical. Disinformation is arguably one of the greatest non-technical digital threats.
  • I wonder if part of this speaks to education on and awareness about disinformation and what that might look like. How can we learn and teach about what is real and trustworthy?
4) Does the evolving and often unpredictable nature of the cyber sector hinder effective analysis for security and defence purposes?
  • The speed of innovation and volatile range of threat actors means that defensive strategies are quickly outdated, and hampered by the attribution problem, which in turns delays timely and appropriate response.
Thanks again to all those who contributed! #DefResChat
What we're reading
Edited by Veronika Poniscjakova 
Hacking Hybrid Media: Power and Practice in an Age of Manipulation
Stephen R. Barnard 

This new book examines how networked media capital transforms politics and journalism in today’s hybrid media system. It explores the deceptive messaging strategies of Donald Trump and his online supporters, revealing how platforms like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter amplify disinformation. Combining social theory with empirical research, Barnard critically appraises media power and its implications for democracy. This insightful analysis highlights how contemporary media practices shape information flows, influence, and meaning-making in the US and beyond.
You can get a copy
Inside Cyber: How AI, 5G, and Quantum Computing Will Transform Privacy and Our Security
Chuck Brooks

This new book looks at how emerging technologies like AI, 5G, and quantum computing will transform privacy, security, and industry. It offers accessible insights into the opportunities and challenges posed by rapid technological innovation, from safeguarding critical infrastructures to navigating cybersecurity risks. With a focus on disruptive technologies, Brooks provides practical guidance for businesses and society to adapt, leveraging advancements while addressing vulnerabilities in networks, cloud systems, and supply chains in an increasingly interconnected world.
You can get a copy
DRN Christmas Social
We invite all our followers and members, new and old, to join us for the DRN Christmas social on Friday 13th! Don’t worry—this festive gathering will be full of holiday cheer and just a touch of spookiness to keep things interesting.

You don’t have to celebrate Christmas to join in—everyone is welcome! Expect a mix of fun Christmas-themed games, some spooky activities, and an opportunity to connect with fellow researchers in a relaxed, informal setting.

Don’t miss out on the festive fun! Grab some Christmas food or drinks, and if you can, wear a Christmas jumper to get into the spirit! 🎄🎅🏼👻
You can sign up
Edited by Lucy Robinson
Click on the images below, or follow the links, to find out more about these upcoming events.

If you would like to advertise any upcoming opportunities, please let us know via email.
Edited by Lucy Robinson
Click on the images below, follow the links, or scan the QR codes, to find out more about these upcoming opportunities.
As always, keep an eye on our Twitter for new events and opportunities posted/retweeted every day!

Planning a future event?
If you are planning a defence-related event and you would like to reach an audience of like-minded researchers, we'd love to come along! Drop us an email and we can include it in our next newsletter.
If you are interested in any of our events but don't want to go alone, or simply want to expand your network, please reach out on Twitter or drop us an email and we can connect you with fellow DRN members who may be planning to attend.
December: Annual Round-Up  
We hope you've enjoyed our news, tips and recommendations so far. In case you missed our previous newsletter editions, check out our archive section here!

As usual, we will be looking to showcase some early-career researchers in research spotlights in the newsletter so don't be shy! And we welcome any suggestions for 'in conversation with' pieces with more established academics. And let us know about any relevant events, from book launches to webinars. We'll keep an eye on our Twitter account to keep you posted!

Keep an eye on @DefenceResNet for more information and check out the website for a preview of the questions for the next #DefResChat. You can also find all our previous #DefResChats on the Archive section of our website. Make sure to tag @DefenceResNet and hashtag #DefResChat to join the conversation.
See you soon and many thanks for being part of our network!
Do you have a blog or publication you would like to promote? Don't hesitate to share it with us via email and we can add it to our newlsetter.
Thank you so much for joining our network.

Have you recently won an award, had your paper published, launched a book or are you organising an event? We want to hear from you! We are always looking for new content for our newsletter and would love to showcase the great work of our members.

For queries, more information, or just to tell us about yourself, don't hesitate to contact us on Twitter @DefenceResNet or at 

The DRN team 
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