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Issue 190 ~ 22nd November 2024


It is a joy to hear our readers’ stories and the following email was positively music to Mary’s and my ears because our aim is always to encourage you to achieve and maintain a healthy weight and to exercise regularly. 

Our reader, Julie, picked up on Mary’s piece when she wrote about our spine a few weeks ago, (Newsletter 187) when she mentioned one of her class members had increased her height simply by improving her posture and that she continued working hard to maintain her efforts.

This is what Julie wrote:

Hi Rosemary

Once again, I found your Newsletter very interesting and relevant to me.

About 25 years ago I had what was described as a ‘bulging disc’ in my back. I eventually got rid of it by having a caudal injection which was done in theatre, followed by some physio. I then lost 2 stone in weight and started exercising, also incorporating the exercises given to me by the physio, and (touch wood) it's been ok since. 
The other item relevant to me is in Mary’s section about people getting taller. This week I've had my NHS health check and found that I'm no longer 5'1 but 5'2. I've realised it is most likely due to the stretches I do every morning when I get up plus the other exercises I do daily, so this just shows how good these things are for us and it’s spurred me on to keep them up. I also remember when I'm standing, to keep straight and stand tall. I can remember my Mum telling me when I was younger to ‘stand up straight or you'll be round shouldered’!
My weight is also down from the last health check I had five years ago. Then, I was 10st 8lbs. I'm now 9st 10lbs. My blood pressure was 130/70. It’s now 120/70 and my cholesterol was 5 and it's now 4.6.  All this is without the need for tablets.
I was so pleased with these results, especially the cholesterol as I feared it had gone up, so I had a pleasant surprise.

Thank you, Julie, for sharing your experiences and I am sure it will serve as great motivation to everyone who reads it.

So, let’s break down Julie’s story. Having recognised that she had a problem with her spine, she took the appropriate action to try to relieve the symptoms and it worked. 

I had never heard of a ‘caudal injection’ before so it was fascinating to learn that a caudal epidural steroid injection (CESI) is a procedure that involves injecting a steroid or cortico-steroid into the epidural space of the lower back to treat chronic pain. 

The procedure involves a thin needle being inserted into the lower back, just above the tailbone. A dye is injected to confirm the medication is in the correct location, and then a mixture of anaesthetic and steroid is injected. The injection reduces inflammation of the spinal nerve roots, which can cause pain in the lower back and legs. For most people, the injection provides pain relief within three to seven days and it can offer permanent relief or provide a period of pain relief to allow other treatments to be more effective.

For Julie, the procedure was a great success and that motivated her to lose weight and start exercising, including stretching. She successfully lost two stone and embraced exercising as part of her daily schedule and soon she was reaping the additional benefits of living a healthier and more active lifestyle.

As is so often the case, when we lose weight and exercise regularly and take time to look after our body by eating healthily, lots of positive things happen inside us. Julie’s cholesterol reduced and her blood pressure also came down – reducing her risk of heart disease or a stroke and other life-threatening conditions.

Thank you, Julie, for sharing your story. I am inspired and I am sure many others will be too. Well done indeed!

Recipe of the Week

Spicy Fat-Free Mincemeat

Makes 450g (1lb)
Per 450g (1lb): 775 Calories, 1.1g fat.
Prep time 5 mins
Cook Time 25 mins

150g (5oz) cooking apples, grated
225g (8oz) mixed dried fruit
1⁄2 tsp mixed spice
150ml (1⁄4 pint) sweet cider
2 tbsps brandy, whisky or rum

  1. Place the grated apples and the dried fruit in a saucepan. Add the mixed spice and cider. Simmer for about 20 minutes or until the mixture forms a pulp and most of the liquid has evaporated.
  2.  Stir in your choice of spirit. Allow to cool.
  3. When cool, pack the mincemeat in sterilised jars and store in the refrigerator until required. The mincemeat will keep in a refrigerator for 4 months. Once opened, use within one week.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

Once the clocks go back there is definitely a feeling of the need to hibernate. The nights are drawing in so the number of daylight hours reduce dramatically, and you may just feel like curling up on the sofa. This is a dangerous time folks, which can seriously reduce our 'active' hours and see our weight creep up and our fitness level drop. Add to that, there is the risk of those winter illnesses on the horizon.  

So now is the time to put real effort into staying as fit and healthy as possible. Here are my 10 Winter Tips to help you navigate the next few months and hopefully inspire you to keep up the momentum on your journey to the very best of health.

1.  Wrap Up and Get Outside
Ideally aim to get outside between 11am and 3pm when the sun is at its peak. This exposure to natural light helps us to regulate our internal body clock, improving sleep and well-being. In addition, there is the opportunity for increased Vitamin D3 when the sun is not as strong at this time of the year. Sunlight helps our bodies produce Vitamin D3, which supports our immune system and bone health. So, leave at least a part of your body uncovered - and without sunscreen - to get maximum benefit from being outside.

We have in the past recommended taking a Vitamin D3 supplement during the winter, due to far less exposure to direct sunlight. This has come under some scrutiny and the NHS suggest that 10 micrograms a day will be enough for most people. A blood test will show whether or not you are deficient.  

2.  Add Leafy Greens to Meals
Dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that are now so well researched by the science world. We now know that they enhance our brain health and play a crucial role in preventing chronic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as they play such an important part in strengthening our immune system. Add to that plenty of berries, whole-grains, pulses and brown rice, as well as nuts and oily fish and we will massively reduce our risk of ill-health.

3.  Stop Food Snacks... Do Exercise 'Snacks' instead
The winter months can make us want to eat more comforting foods, and snacking between meals is one of the worst offenders. As soon as we are tempted to search out a chocolate biscuit, switch to doing an exercise 'snack' instead. Distract yourself by going to the kitchen worktop and doing 10 press ups! Then maybe when you are tempted to get a sweet snack during the ads on the TV, why not do 10 sit to stands. As you get up off the sofa to put the kettle on, walk with knees high. Or, standing still, do a few wide marches by stepping out wide with your right foot then the left and step back together whilst clapping your hands overhead. Exercise snacks like these, combine strength and cardio which is great for your body, not only boosting your mood but you’ve saved yourself a shed load of unwanted calories!

4.  Sing in the Shower!
It is well known that singing in a choir reaps enormous rewards linked to our health. Learning new songs and learning to sing in harmony with others has a significant effect on our brains, particularly as we age. Choir singers always say they come away feeling happier and more optimistic. Add to that the social get-together and you have a recipe for an effective therapy.

Well, it is good to hear that singing in the shower is the next best thing. I always remember a comment from Sheila Hancock a few years ago telling us that she sings on her own in the house (loudly!) every day. Singing keeps our vocal cords strong as we may have noticed that often with older people their voice can become quite 'thin' and rather quiet. This does not need to happen, just get singing!

5.  Mix Nuts and Seeds into your Porridge
Keeping tabs on your magnesium levels could help you to stay healthy, research now suggests. A new study shows that a low intake can seriously affect your health. Seeds and nuts are excellent sources but avoid salted and roasted varieties.

Nuts like almonds and cashews can be added to porridge oats and yogurts. Also adding a sprinkling of pumpkin seeds on salads, grilled vegetables or soups will give us considerably enhanced nutrition.

6.  Shut your Eyes for 10 Minutes
Having a power nap is now well considered to be a health benefit. Keep it short though, to prevent you from falling into deeper 'slow-wave' sleep which would end up leaving you feeling groggy and not at all refreshed!

The recommendation is to nap between midday and 3pm, when our internal body clock naturally wants a short break. To find our ideal nap time consider whether you are a 'morning' type (the lark) or an 'evening ' type (the owl). Larks are best having a nap around midday and those owls, nearer to 3pm.

7.  Set aside an hour for Dinner
Allowing a good amount of time to sit and enjoy your food as well as allowing time for good digestion is really important. Did you know that the whole process of digestion begins even as we prepare food, or smell it being cooked? Then when we begin to eat we need to think about each mouthful and to chew it well in order for those digestive enzymes in our saliva to do their work.

Unsurprisingly, there is also strong evidence that cooking from fresh and eating home-cooked meals together as a family, improves our diet overall and creates healthier eating habits in our children.

8.  Keep Winter Bugs at Bay... Wash Your Hands!
We all remember this message being so important during the Covid pandemic and it may be that we have relaxed a little since. However, with the winter months being the most likely time in which we will catch an unwanted 'bug', then we need to bring back that regular handwashing for a minimum of 20 seconds. It is one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of infections. I still have the ant-bacterial handwash beside all my wash basins and sinks in the house.

This is particularly necessary when you come in from outside, whether you have been simply shopping or dog walking. That is the time those bugs can be brought in to the house. And just one more thing... leave your shoes on the doorstep rather than treading the bugs across your carpets.

9.  Add Mushrooms to your Pasta Sauce
Mushrooms are packed with micronutrients such as copper, potassium, selenium and iron. Also, with those varieties that are treated with UV light, they are also an amazing source of vitamin D which means they are so good for our bone health too. They are low in calories at only 15 calories for 70 grammes and they are also high in antioxidants. A super food in my book!

10.  Turn off the Big Lights after 8pm
Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is crucial for both our physical and mental health. A regular bedtime each night helps synchronise our internal body clock. Begin the process by turning down any glaring lights a good while before hitting the pillow. Research from Imperial College recommended some useful tips:
  • No Caffeine 10 hours before bed
  • No food 3 hours before
  • No work 2 hours before
  • No screens 1 hour before
All sound advice, I reckon.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Aim for your daily 30+ minute walk this week to be in that ideal window of 11am – 3pm. Maybe a walk at lunchtime if you are still at work.
  2. Any temptation at all to be snacking on food this week, select an exercise snack instead.
  3. As time is at a premium as we run up to Christmas, let’s try the Advanced Whole Body Strength Programme. This is a 16-minute programme that works the whole body. If this is too tough, try one of the workouts from The 28 Day Immunity Plan Exercises which start gently at Week 1 and progresses to Week 4. Do one of these three times this week.
  4. Let’s follow Julie’s example and follow a stretch programme. Always do your Post Walk Stretches and, if you can, do our Whole Body Stretch Programme.
Did you know... 

Tempting as it is for we humans, generally only small animals like hedgehogs and dormice hibernate during the winter, as do many insects, amphibians and reptiles.

Hibernation is often thought of as a long sleep but it is actually a very different process. A hibernating animal’s metabolism slows and its body temperature drops. Its breathing and heart-rate slow down as they "power-down" for a while. Some cold-blooded animals, such as wood frogs, produce natural antifreeze to survive being frozen solid.

When a hedgehog dozes off in summer, it behaves like a human - its body temperature drops a couple of degrees and it breathes more slowly, but still regularly taking around 25 breaths per minute. During hibernation, however, its temperature plummets to match the environment it is in. Its metabolic rate drops to about 2% of normal - just enough to keep it alive, and its heart rate will drop from around 110-150 beats per minute down to anywhere between 5 and 70 beats per minute. It can also go two hours without a breath and, when it does resume, it quickly re-oxygenates itself with 40-50 rapid breaths then stops again until the next time.

Hibernating hedgehogs don't stay in this state all winter. They hibernate for anything from a few days to a month before being roused naturally for a quick potter-about before settling down again once more for a further rest period.

And finally...

I have to admit that reading Julie’s email and also looking at the postures of the Strictly Come Dancing professionals – and judge Anton Du Beke particularly – with their poker-straight spines, I have tried to get into the habit of lifting myself up and putting my shoulders back and down. I have even been doing the plank every morning (for one minute – not two minutes like my hubby) to help tighten my core which, hopefully, will help me straighten up. 

Let’s all pay attention to our posture this week!

Have a great one.

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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