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C2P - Weekly Parish Newsletter 
November 4, 2024  |  Vol. 6 No. 45b
Archbishop Etienne's letter on unity for the election
To All My Brothers and Sisters,

Our nation faces challenges and difficulties beyond what we ever imagined. This new moment in history gives us an opportunity to ask who we are and what future we want. Regardless of the outcome of this election, we have a choice to make.

I invite each one of us to defeat divisiveness with understanding, rancor with amicability, hatred with compassion, mistrust with greater willingness to listen. Let us counter the downward spiral with renewed efforts to respect the diversity and dignity of each of our neighbors.

All of these lofty goals are possible when we live out our gospel values. St. Paul told the Philippians: “Do nothing out of selfishness or out of vainglory; rather, humbly regard others as more important than yourselves, each looking out not for his own interests, but also everyone for those of others.” (2: 3-4)


Read full letter in English and Spanish.

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