Promoting Community, Education and Practice in the Fine Arts

December 2024 Newsletter

Member Meeting

Tuesday, December 10, 2024
12:30 - 2:30 PM

Crossroads Community Center
16000 NE 10th St., Bellevue 98008

This Member Meeting will also be a Potluck. Bring snacks and finger foods. And bring a friend.
Coffee, tea and water will be provided.

See the Meetings page on our website for dates of future meetings.

Guest Artist Presentation

EAFA Welcomes Guest Artist Riley Doyle
Crossroads Community Center, Tuesday Dec 10, 12:30 - 2:30 pm

Riley Doyle headshotMore information and directions on our website Meetings page.

Bring art work for critiques following the presentation.

Riley Doyle (b. 1990) is a contemporary realist painter based in Duvall, WA. whose work is informed by his academic figurative training, his interest in landscape and plein air practice, and his participation and dialog with contemporary paintings and contemporary life. He works both on location (en plein air) and in his home studio to capture moments from his environment, imagination, and memory. Observing and painting the fleeting qualities of light is a common theme in his work.



Membership Dues


A gentle reminder to everyone that if you wish to continue enjoying what EAFA has to offer in the way of monthly art demonstrations, plein air, exhibiting in EAFA-sponsored shows or in the public art program, and all the other benefits, your 2025 dues are payable by Dec. 31st.
All dues collected from October 1st onward count toward 2025.
Dues are payable through the website (go to “membership”) or by mailing a check to:
PO Box 50712
Bellevue, WA 98015
Dues are $45 for an individual membership or $60 for a family membership.  
Please contact membership chair Gayle Erxleben ( with any questions.


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STUDIO 103 is a collaboration of 4 artists-in-residence in the Tashiro-Kaplan Building in Seattle's Pioneer Square.

Open Art Studio

Public open art studios are great opportunities to spend a few hours each week drawing or painting with fellow artists, indoors, in pleasant surroundings. These free venues are open to the public, not supported or sponsored by EAFA, but we can take advantage of them.  Several of us have been doing this for years. There are no instructors, no fees, and no obligation to show up in case of a conflict. Artists bring their own equipment for odorless oils, pencil, pastel, or watercolor. The studios have tables, chairs, water, and plenty of space. On the Eastside, two venues are:
  1. South Bellevue Community Center, Tuesdays from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.
  2. Redmond Senior and Community Center,Thursdays from 9:00am to 1:00pm
If you're interested in trying out one of these, drop in and check it out, or write me at with questions.

Kudos Corner

dLee (Donna Cutler) sold her "Smiling Violets" canvas print during the EAFA Quarterly Spring show at the Overlake Medical Center Cardiology Building 1/S4.

Her photography collection "A Walk in the Forest" was selected for display at the Evergreen Health Medical Center in Kirkland, WA. Photography exhibits are also hanging at the Bothell Visitor Center in Bothell, WA and at Patterson Cellars in Woodinville, WA.



Please extend a warm welcome to new member Melissa McDonald and to returning members Brian and Diane Majors.

Newsletter Updates

Please send current month sales and awards you have received and a brief description with photos before the 25th to  if you wish to have them in the next newsletter. Only paid up members are eligible. We love to hear your successes. It helps encourage us to create!)

EAFA Board of Directors

President: Diana Grant 
Vice President: Mami Shimomura
Secretary: Caroline Callender
Treasurer: Charles Fawcett 
Program Manager: Ellen Cooper  
Grants Chair: Joy Hagen
Public Art Chair: Laura Grover 
Newsletter Editor: Gill McKinstry 
Membership Chair: Gayle Erxleben
Hospitality Chair: Adrienne Anderson-Smith 
Plein Air Chair: Sharon Blickenstaff
Thank you to 4Culture and the City of Bellevue 
for your continuing support. 

Copyright © 2024 Evergreen Association of Fine Arts, All rights reserved.

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