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On November 13th, ten Milwaukee Public Schools gathered to share their need and enthusiasm for the equity-based schoolyard redevelopment planning grant opportunity made possible by contributions provided in-part by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District and the nonprofit Reflo. Each school expressed their desire to transform and improve their schoolyards to include new green spaces that manage stormwater, provide improved recreation and education opportunities, and inspire students to take care of the environment. 
Join us in congratulating the
2024 Schoolyard Conceptual Planning Grant Recipients! 

After hearing the compelling presentations, the GSCM School Selection Committee voted and selected the following five schools to receive the Conceptual Planning Grant. Their selection brings the total number of Milwaukee Public Schools engaged in the schoolyard redevelopment process to 46 of 142 schools in the District!

Located in the Milwaukee River Watershed and city's Separated Sewer System, 53rd Street School serves students in K4 through 8th grade. 

Grant School is located in the Kinnickinnic River Watershed and the city's Combined Sewer System.  The school serves students in K4 through 8th grade. 

Located in the Kinnickinnic River Watershed and the city's Separated Sewer System, Lowell International School serves students in K3 through 5th grade.

Morgandale School serves students in K4 through 8th grade. The school is located in the Kinnickinnic River Watershed and in the city's Separated Sewer System. 

Wedgewood Park International School and Honey Creek Elementary are located in the Menomonee River Watershed and the city's Separated Sewer System. Wedgewood Park serves students in 6-8th grade while Honey Creek Elementary serves students in K4 through 5th grade.

Starting in January, each school's individual Green Teams will meet monthly to develop their conceptual plan for a greener, healthier schoolyard that will include green infrastructure, outdoor education elements, recreational improvements, school gardens and healthy food access considerations, and other site improvements. 
  • Sign up for GSCM newsletters to stay connected with the local greener, healthier schools community

  • Consider an Outdoor Discovery Cart to support outdoor learning and beautification activities at your school

  • Participate in the EcoLiteracy Challenge - Search the Activity Menu for curricular resources and field trip opportunities related to sustainability, the environment and water resources

  • Encourage high school youth to pursue Reflo's paid Environmental Internships 

  • Connect with MMSD's Environmental Education Initiative (EEI) for FREE programming and bussing reimbursement to local nature centers, in-classroom presentations, activities, and curriculum resources

  • Consider smaller scale greening projects to jump start your school's transformation - plant trees on the schoolyard, create sensory or pollinator gardens

  • Activate your existing schoolyard with engaging signs that encourage movement and exploration (see example)

  • Explore the Wisconsin Climate Education Hub website that provides Wisconsin educators with comprehensive resources to integrate climate change across all grade levels and subjects. Watch this short video and contact Kim Talarico Milwaukee Public Schools’ Climate Justice Instructional Coach for more information. 

If you haven't already, make sure to check out the GSCM website and Facebook Page!
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