December 13, 2024

Creators Lab Confirmed for February 2025
in the Seattle Area

Creators Lab will return in February 2025! Centered around today’s digital pioneers, Creators Lab brought together podcasters, YouTubers, social media content creators, writers and other digital creatives of faith from the Pacific Northwest and beyond in its first event at the Oregon Conference Holden Convention Center earlier this year.

Featuring a variety of digital creative leaders including Kevin Wilson, Seth Pierce, documentary filmmaker Evelin Velinova, Oregon Conference digital media specialist Kaleb Eisele, Washington Conference media director Ernesto Hernandez, and writer/podcast host Nicole Dominguez, Creators Lab received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Kristen Ward, who serves as a media volunteer for the Church of the Advent Hope in New York City, shared that, "This event was so much more than I imagined! Not only were there engaging, incredibly knowledgeable speakers, but I also got to meet such a diverse group of creatives in the Adventist community — from beginners to seasoned pros, representing so many different fields. Everyone shared the same passion for creating things and believed that their talents were contributing to something greater. I never expected something of this scale and absolutely loved learning and connecting with like-minded people!” Keep reading...

Audiology Van Gives Free Hearing Tests at Health Care Equity Fair

Residents of Portland attending the 2024 Health Care Equity Fair were able to have their hearing tested for free, thanks to medical experts who volunteered their time, skill, and services to Adventist Health Portland’s mobile audiology van in October. Read more...

6 Projects Receive Funding at Young Adults Outreach Summit

The event highlight was Spark Tank 2024, where young adults pitched their ideas for ministries, hoping to win an investment of up to $10,000. This year’s six projects each received their target amount.
Learn more...

No Virtual Prayer Meeting in December

The monthly Prayer Ministries prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday will not occur in December. Watch for updates on January's prayer meeting.

There are SO many events still coming up!
There are even too many to put them all in Connections!
We'll be putting in a few each week in the announcements section here,
but you can always find all of those that have been submitted on our website!
Find a Christmas Event Near You!

Farther Afield

WWU Students Aid in Maranatha One-Day Churches Redesign

The senior project created a redesign of a one-day church for Maranatha Volunteers International, a non-profit organization that builds structures internationally for communities in need. Read more...

N. CA Conference Issues Statement Addressing Adventist School Shooting

The facts surrounding the Feather River Adventist School shooting have become more clear after a press conference with the Butte County Sheriff’s Office and other local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. Read on...

An Unusual Wedding Gifts Request:
Food to Donate

Two Seventh-day Adventist members in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, chose to transform one of the most special moments of their lives into an act of love for others. Read on...


New Sabbath School Curriculum in 2025
The new Alive In Jesus Sabbath School curriculum will be introduced next month in the 1st quarter of 2025  with the Beginners class. The Alive in Jesus Sabbath School curriculum is a Bible curriculum developed by the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department of the General Conference. It seeks to nurture the spiritual life of our children and youth from the time they are babies until they are 18 years of age. Materials are available through Oregon Conference Adventist Book Center (note GraceLink will no longer be available). Along with the curriculum are additional resources such as posters, memory verse cards, etc., as well as a special Baby Steps program for ages 0-1 year. For ordering questions, contact the ABC at 503-850-3300 or email Learn more...

Events & Announcements

Journey to the Nativity at Sunnyside
Sunnyside’s Christmas musical, “Journey to the Nativity,” will be presented on Friday, December 13, at 7:00 PM, and again on Sabbath December 14, at 11:15 AM at Sunnyside Adventist Church. Featuring 80 musicians, actors, and singers you won't want to miss it! Sunnyside Adventist Church is located at 10501 SE Market Street, Portland, Oregon 97216.

"Joy for the World" Albany Christmas Program
Join Albany Adventist Church for a special Christmas program on December 14 at 11:00 AM. This Christmas program will combine history of Christmas traditions with vignettes of a number of countries' Christmas practices, beloved scriptures about the birth of Christ, and lovely music of the season. The Albany Adventist Church is located at 3085 Grand Prairie Rd SE, Albany, OR 97322.

Milo Adventist Academy Christmas Concert
Milo Adventist Academy invites you to our annual Christmas Concert, December 21, 4:30 PM at Milo Academy Adventist Church, featuring a delightful array of performances by choir, sselect choir, Milo Ringers, violin ensemble, drama presentations, and Christmas play performed by our classes. Come celebrate this joyous season with us! Milo Academy Adventist Church is located at 324 Milo Dr, Days Creek, OR 97429.

Christmas Food & Fun in the Philippines
You are cordially invited to Sunnyside’s Christmas Food & Fun in the Philippines: a showcase of Filipino cultural performance and food for the Christmas season on December 15, 4:00 PM at Sunnyside Adventist Church, Fellowship Hall, 10501 SE Market St, Portland, OR 97216. This is a fundraiser for the upcoming Palawan Mission Project.
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