World of Gymkhana NewsletterJanuary 2025 Published by California Gymkhana Association PO Box 410 Wilton, CA 95693 |
Hello CGA
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and a safe and happy New Year. As we officially jump into 2025, I would like to wish each and every rider the best of luck as you continue to run to achieve your goals.
If you were at the Board of Directors Sunday meeting at convention, you heard us talking about the infamous February state show planning meeting. That is coming up very shortly. We, the state show committee, have a list of suggestions that you, the members, have suggested, and they will be discussed and implemented if possible. Hopefully we can make this upcoming State Show the best yet. Thank you to everyone who has talked to the members of the Board of Governors and myself with ideas. We do appreciate the feedback.
We are excited to announced there will be two Spring Classic shows this year. Northern Classic will be hosted by district 3 and Southern Classic will be hosted by district 19. Please get out and show support to the hosting districts. A state sanctioned show is no easy task and any/all support is appreciated. Read on in the newsletter for more information regarding the Classic Shows.
Nathan Rowles CGA President #CGAStrong
CGA Q & A via Facebook Live - Monday January 13th @ 7:00 p.m. Northern Classic - May 23rd - 26th - Hosted by District 3 at Triple Crown Equestrian Center in Lincoln, CA Southern Classics May 23rd - 26th - Hosted by District 19 at Yellow Rose Ranch in Tehachapi, CA Northern District Meet and Greet - April 12, 2025 - Lincoln, CA CGA State Finals 2025 - July 19 - 25 - Bolado Park |
Important Updates for 2025 |
Starting January 1, 2025 there are a couple changes at State Office.
Effective 01/01/2025: Items sent with show packets (folders, thumb drives, etc.) will no longer be returned. It is too costly to pay the additional postage to send these items back. Disk is preferred – a drop box for data is in the works.
Effective 01/01/2025 - PayPal will no longer be a payment option. 🗓️ We will still be accepting Venmo, Credit Card (invoice sent via Square) or checks.
We recognize that some utilize PayPal, that is why it was important to give you a heads up to make plans for future payments Their platform has become too expensive to be competitive.
State office is transitioning to a new email address. The new email address is Please begin using effective immediately. Both the gmail and old AOL email will be monitored for a period of time during the transition. |
Spring Classic Hosting Districts Announced |
Thank you to our districts that jumped in to ensure these classics can continue for all of our riders. With two Spring Classic locations this year, the hope is that all members will have the opportunity to attend a Spring Classic Show near you.
Northern Classic-Hosted by District 3 at Triple Crown Equestrian Center in Lincoln, CA Southern Classics-Hosted by District 19 at Yellow Rose Ranch in Tehachapi, CA
⁉️Did you know the hosting district gets 10% of the profits generated by the show?
💘 Did you also know that the Classics, along with Jamboree are fundraisers for CGA so they help pay for Awards, Convention, Etc.
The CGA Spring Classic Shows are special shows that are held in both Southern and Northern California each Spring. They are four day shows held during the Memorial Day Weekend. Each of CGA’s 13 events is run at least 2 times during the course of the show. It is a wonderful opportunity to get times in all events for Year End Awards.
If you were unable to attend this year's Awards Banquet, please complete the form below to have your award shipped. This will be the last notification for awards as we shift focus to planning our 2025 events. Please make every effort to request your award and pay for postage right away.
Please complete one form per recipient. If a rider entered on multiple mounts, please use a separate form for each horse/rider combo.
A fee of $6.00 for one item (Level 1 or Level 2) or $13 for multiple items (top rating or level one AND level 2) will be due and payable prior to shipping of awards.
If you have questions, please email prior to submitting payment. |
❓🙋♀️Did you know the BEST way to ensure all of your rides are matched up correctly is to make sure entries are consistent? This has been happening A LOT lately so it's time to share again.
If your membership lists your name as Tony Stark and you enter shows as Iron Man, the computer thinks that is two different people. If your full name is listed on your membership and a shorter version is listed on entries for the show, those will read as two different people. For Example, the computer will not recognize that Timothy West and Tim West are the same rider.
If your horse's name at one show is One Crazy Ney Ney 🐴 and the next show you put your horse's name as Ney Ney, the computer does not recognize those as the same either.
Consistency is key to ensure the computer can match up horse/rider combos efficiently. If you plan to use a "nickname" when entering into the shows, put that same name on your membership form and vice versa. |
Current CGA Officers, Directors and Board of Governors |
CGA Officers:
President Nathan Rowles exp. 2025 Past President Timmi Lemen Vice President Andy Krogh exp. 2025 Treasurer Dawn Mileham exp. 2025 Secretary Brittney Fontyn exp. 2025 Northern VP Jim Nessen exp. 2025 Central VP Margo Abatti exp. 2025 Southern VP Lorelei Lehman exp. 2025 Rules/Judges Chairman Sheri Herchkorn Parliamentarian Leia Larson exp. 2025
Board of Governors
Nathan Rowles exp. 2025 Dianna Malley exp. 2025 Timmi Lemen (Chair) exp. 2026 Bob Cranor exp. 2027 Lea Legnon exp. 2028 |
| Elected Directors
Kyra Allemand exp. 2025 Fayra Staas exp. 2025 Shannon Cannon exp. 2025 Vicky St. Martin exp. 2025 Allyson Shiffrar exp. 2026 Jessica Pacheco exp. 2026 Matt Fredriks exp. 2026 Jaeden Barmettler exp. 2026
Appointed directors
Marc Hughes exp. 2025 Rachel Trani exp. 2025 Sonja Peery exp. 2025 Samantha Coelho exp. 2025
General Manager
Marnie Nessen |
~ Submitted from CGA District 27, Castle Country Riders ~ In case you haven't heard the news, District 27 is moving back to the Ed Hughes Memorial Arena in Ione. Did you know that D27 started riding in Ione in 1992 and held shows there until the end of 2019? We can't thank the Amador County Fairgrounds for their hospitality in giving us a place to ride for the past 3 plus years, but after having 5 straight rain outs this past season, we decided it was time to move back and utilize the covered arena.
Looking for a show to attend? Use the button below to access the District Show Information for each district on the CGA website. This page also contains district information, locations and contact information. |
Need to renew your membership? |
Click the button below to complete the CGA Membership Application online. |
No matter what level of ability you and your horse may have, you can ride in CGA’s programs and earn a Year End Award. Each of the award programs are described in detail in the CGA Information Book found at
Use this link to access the online application for Level 1, Level 2 and Top Rating Awards |
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| Use this link to access the online application for ROC and Senior Elite Awards |
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| Use this link to access the application for Family Team Awards.
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Recent Rule Changes from the 11/16/2024 Membership Meeting: Change Date 11/16/2024: 4.7 Leave the Arena- The rider is requested to acknowledge the judge after bringing his/her horse under control. The rider should watch for the judge’s signal to leave the arena before walking the horse from the arena. The rider should not dismount at any time while in the arena without permission of the judge. However, if the rider dismounts for reason of safety or reasons beyond their control, the judge’s permission to dismount is implied.
There were also several changes to the information manual and the updated manual we be available on the CGA website in the coming weeks. |
Items from the MAC: 12/2024: Following questions regarding wearing a hood of a sweatshirt, hoodie or jacket under a helmet, the MAC believes the intent of the rule is that nothing is to be worn under a helmet. No hoods, beanies or anything that can affect the way the helmet fits a riders head. This item will be placed on the agenda for the Rules and Judges Meeting at Convention 2025.
The MAC also wants to remind riders that they may not have the hood of a jacket, sweatshirt etc. over their head during an event. No beanies, ski hats etc. are allowed on course. Doing so will be a dress code violation. Yes we realize it is cold, but these must be removed before starting an event. |
The judges corner contains lots of good information such as who the Master Judges are, any recent rule changes, how to become a judge and other important information. Please visit the Judges Corner now by clicking the button below. |
BarrelsNgymkhana Lessons by Sabrina, Contact info 707.365.6066 email Website Lesson Pony provided ages 4-12. Lesson Horse provided for adults or advanced kids. Mobile to you for lessons for additional fuel fee. |
ATTENTION CGA MEMBERS Personal (noncommercial) advertisements are FREE to all CGA members. 50 words or less. 3 ads maximum per member per issue. Submit your ads to |
Want to submit an article for the newsletter?Deadline for submissions will be the 10th of the month for the next issue. |