
Saint Louis Sudbury School Newsletter

Getting ready to play in the snow
See more pictures on our instagram

December 10, 2024

Hi everyone,

Snow is falling at Sudbury! This week the students...

  • Self-organized a screen-free day
  • Talked with Miami Sudbury School about their non-punitive Restoration Committee
  • Went to ceramics class
  • Played in the snow
  • Learned how to have more mature discussions when navigating conflict
  • Learned how to navigate polarizing discussions so that everyone feels heard (about screens!)
  • And had thousands of lessons and memories that we could not possibly recount all of to you

A Student-run Screen-free Day?

On Wednesday, one student raised the idea of having a screen-free day, to the uproar and outrage of students.

The conversation didn't go anywhere. Four other students learned from how that conversation went and returned to School Meeting on Thursday. 

They brought up the same idea, but instead of focusing on why they didn't like people being on screens, they focused on how they wanted to more deeply connect with students they knew less well, and how they wanted to build a sense of community. 

Their motion passed, and this coming Wednesday we'll have a screen-free day. 

In order to accommodate the less excited students, one of the four ran a discussion for people to voice their concerns and plan possible activities together.

A Call with Miami Sudbury School

On Tuesday, staff and students met with Miami Sudbury School to ask about their Restorative Justice process.

For the last couple months, we've been exploring ways to make Judicial Committee (JC) less punitive and more connecting. Changing our goals from justice to connection, understanding, and loving accountability.

One student mentioned preferring Miami Sudbury's system because it was less about punishment and more about joint-problem solving.

We learned about Miami's ups and downs as they changed their system, but also how their efforts have paid off. 

We may not always agree on what happened in the past, but we almost always agree on what we want to happen in the future. 
Ceramics Class!
Changing Lives Fundraiser
"Since being at Sudbury, I have a better relationship with my parents, myself, and the people around me. I re-learned how to learn."
    — Saint Louis Sudbury School student

“Over the past 3 years at Sudbury, my teen has gone from being a reluctant student to becoming a member of a community that she feels a personal responsibility to help grow and flourish. She thrives amongst a group of mixed ages and has learned how to speak up for herself and others in this environment.”
    — Saint Louis Sudbury School parent

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help support Saint Louis Sudbury School’s tuition assistance program and general operating fund so that more young people will be able to experience the unique learning opportunity of Sudbury. We have distributed $40,000 in tuition assistance to current families this year and continue to navigate tough conversations with families who need additional tuition assistance that we are not always able to provide.

Your contribution helps ensure that students throughout the St. Louis region have access to an exceptional educational experience—one that prioritizes young people’s well-being, respect of self and community, critical thinking, communication and decision-making skills, and ability to adapt to a changing world. Thank you for your generosity!

Triple your impact! If you donate by December 31, 2024, a Saint Louis Sudbury School family and corporate donor will match the first $1,800 in contributions.
Make a Gift
Cookies and Coffee with Sudbury
Saturday, December 21, 2 to 5 pm
St. Louis County Library - Clark Family Branch
1640 S. Lindbergh Blvd

Free event! Open to families looking for a different approach to learning for their child, interested educators, creative thinkers, and current Sudbury community members. Drop in anytime between 2 and 5 pm, enjoy cookies and coffee, and chat with Saint Louis Sudbury School students, parents, staff, volunteers, and board members at the beautiful new Clark Family Branch Library. Connect, ask questions, share experiences, and hang out!

RSVP here.

We are currently accepting mid-year enrollments. Learn about the admissions process.
Learn More
Sudbury International Webinar
Did you miss the Sudbury International webinar featuring our friends and colleagues at several Sudbury inspired schools around the world? Watch the recording and learn about the core ideas of Sudbury model schools. Discover learning communities where curiosity and play drive learning and freedom is balanced with responsibility for oneself and their community!
Watch the Recording


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn!


Learn More about the Sudbury model and Self-Directed Education.

Wishing you a cozy winter, 
Jennifer, Bobby, and Harry
Saint Louis Sudbury School Staff


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