Ceci n'est pas une newsletter      by COFACE Families Europe

18 December 2024

Dear all,  

This marks our last newsletter of the year but before we go on winter break we would like to share a couple key and interesting updates with you :

  • COFACE EU policy webinar on the European Care Strategy, 4th February – 9.30-12.00 CET (English) : We'll be back with an interesting EU policy webinar event on 4th  February 2025  bringing together speakers from the EU institutions, and participants from different fields to discuss tools for monitoring and evaluation of the European Care Strategy implementation. You can register here and spread the word to your networks!
  • COFACE conference report on "Work-Life Balance Strategies in Family Policy": COFACE and NAMS Lithuania organised a European expert meeting in Vilnius in September 2024 to explore the intersection of two domains (mental health and work-life balance), bringing together stakeholders from academia, industry, government, and civil society. The meeting was attended by 100 participants from 26 European countries. See the full meeting report here.

Keep scrolling for more updates on news affecting families in Europe and see you in the new year!

Senior Communication Officer 
COFACE Families Europe 

European Commission guidance on Independent Living and EU funding

3 minutes reading
The European Commission launched its Guidance on independent living and inclusion in the community of persons with disabilities in the context of EU funding.The Guidance is a ‘flagship’ initiative of the Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030. [...]
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Affordable sustainable housing in the EU 

Housing is a fundamental social need and right, essential for human development, identity, and belonging. However, many Europeans struggle to find affordable housing, which affects not only the most vulnerable but also those who earn too much to qualify for social housing yet too little to afford private market accommodations comfortably. [...]
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The European Commission’s education and training monitor


The Education and Training Monitor is a one-stop shop for the latest facts and figures about EU education systems. This annual reporting series from the European Commission serves as an easy gateway into everything you need to know about learning across the EU, all the way from early childhood education and care to adult participation in education and training. [...]

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Regional government institutions and the capacity for women to reconcile career and motherhood

2 minutes reading

A recent study by Costanza Giannantoni and Andrès Rodriguez-Pose published in the Journal of Economic Geography  explores the links between regional governance and work-life balance. The abstract of the study highlights that declining fertility and the persistent underrepresentation of women in the labour market are key concerns of our time. [...]

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Analysing family policies from the perspective of resilience

2 minutes reading

Resilience is a term that has been gaining more and more attention in policy discourses. The latest research coming from the European research project ‘rEUsilience’ , with COFACE as an internal partner, analyses social policy provision in six European countries (Belgium, Croatia, Spain, Sweden, Poland, and the UK) to assess to what extent policy systems in these countries support families to be resilient. [...]

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Inclusive support systems for single parents families: from Belgium to Hungary

3 minutes reading
All across Europe, COFACE members continuously work to contribute to positive outcomes for diverse types of families in a changing society, including single-parent households. Organisations such as La Ligue des Familles and Single Parents Foundation have both recently  and respectively put a spotlight on concrete ways to support and empower single parents in Europe from Belgium to Hungary. [...]
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Design Thinking for inclusive Education: connecting families and educators


The Lifelong Learning Platform's 14th LLLWeek in November 2024 explored the theme “21st Century Challenges for the Educator Profession” through 20+ workshops, events, and networking sessions. COFACE contributed by co-organising a workshop titled “Design Thinking for Inclusive Education: Connecting Families and Educators,” bringing a family perspective to the discussions. [...]

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Understanding the take-up of early education entitlements - a study by Coram Family and Childcare


Coram – Family and Childcare recently published a study looking at early education entitlements for young children in England, focusing on the challenges some families, especially disadvantaged ones, face in accessing these services. [...]

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Driving inclusion and diversity in the workplace: insights from Share The Care Poland
COFACE’s Polish member, Fundacja Share The Care supported the creation of a comprehensive study assessing the maturity of Polish organisations in managing diversity and inclusion (D&I). Conducted between January and March 2024, the study assessed 77 companies and organisations, primarily large enterprises, representing a wide range of industries. [...]
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All on stage for disability: an empowering programme by APF France
In November 2024, COFACE member organisation APF France launched its second season of the short TV programme "Tous en scène pour le Handicap" (All on Stage for Disability). After the success of its first season in 2023, 10 new artists and public figures have taken the stage to humorously share real-life stories experienced by members of APF France. [...]
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OPINION –Muting machismo in video games: a necessary step towards equality
4 minutes reading
In a world where technology is an inexorable part of our lives, accessing and making use of it on equal terms has become a vital necessity and a right that makes the difference between full participation and discrimination, between socialisation and isolation, between inclusion and social exclusion. [...]
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© 2024 COFACE Families Europe, All rights reserved.

COFACE Families Europe has been involved for 60 years in building a strong social, inclusive and family-friendly Europe. It brings forward the voice of millions of families (all types, without discrimination), gathering 58 organisations from all over Europe. COFACE Families Europe advocates for strong social policies that take into consideration family needs and guarantee equal opportunities for all families. More:

Contact details:
Director: Elizabeth Gosme:
Editor: Bettina Guigui 
Raquel Lago Gómez; Elizabeth Gosme,
Holly Shorey, Bettina Guigui, Beybin Tunc
More information
This newsletter has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation "EaSI" (2022-2025).

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