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Issue 193 ~ 13th December 2024


As Christmas Day fast approaches, I have to admit that I rather enjoy the busy-ness of it all. Of course, there are those moments when I think ‘there’s so much still to do’ but I thrive on a bit of pressure – it motivates me. Thankfully the cards are all done and posted – with the jump in price of 1st class stamps, I organised myself to write the cards earlier this year and sent them all 2nd class!

I find the best way to cope is to wait until I am in the right mood to
a) wrap the presents – when I have a whole day to properly get organised and feel bit creative;
b) deliver the local Christmas cards when it’s a lovely sunny day;
c) sit down and order online gifts.
I also remind myself that even the smallest of jobs still have to be done and not to beat myself up because I don’t have the headspace to do something major.

The big bonus of all of this extra activity is that it is good for our calorie-burning and general fitness as we are sitting less and doing more!

As I explained a few weeks ago, thankfully, I no longer have to think about cooking the Christmas dinner as we always go to spend the day with my daughter Dawn and her family. I feel very blessed that we can do that and we always have a very happy time. I really hope you are able to enjoy this Christmas whoever you are sharing it with, whether it be family or friends.

With so much conflict going on in the world, never a day goes by without thinking of those poor families who will not be able to celebrate at this festive season through displacement, catastrophic destruction and heartbreak. To a lesser degree, even in this country there will be families who will be unable to have Christmas at home this year due to flooding or other issues.

These hardships reminded me of a severe rainstorm we experienced several weeks ago when, in the middle of a torrential downpour, we experienced a power cut.  We didn’t think too much of it at the time and assumed normal service would be resumed after a few minutes but time passed and dusk soon turned to darkness. 

We gathered all the miscellaneous array of candles that had been given as gifts over the years and put them in our open-plan kitchen where we live most of the time. It looked very lovely and Mike’s previous view of ‘why do we have so many candles?’ was answered. 

We live deep in the countryside with no street lighting and I have to admit, it really was very dark everywhere – except for the candles. Mike found a torch which proved invaluable as we went upstairs to bed. In the end, the power was off for a total of 13 hours! 

When we hear of the dreadful effects of war zones, in reality the inconvenience of a power cut for a few hours is of no consequence, but it did make me think that we need to be prepared for these unexpected eventualities and putting a few plans in place could make a difference to our safety and comfort. As we know from recent weather conditions, the climate is behaving unpredictably and we never know when we might be caught out. Here's a checklist to help us all to be prepared:

  • Keep Fridges and Freezers closed. In order to retain their cold temperature for as long as possible try not to open fridges and freezers . A full freezer will keep food frozen for up to 24 - 48 hours.
  • Candles and Matches. Remember where you keep your matches! And to keep candles away from flammable materials.
  • Torches, flashlights and batteries. Keep torches, LED flashlights and extra batteries handy. If they are rechargeable make sure they are fully charged.
  • Portable Charger/Power Bank. These are really great. My hubby Mike had one for his car and it was really useful. Ensure it is fully charged so that you can keep phones and essential devices powered.
  • Battery-Powered Radio. Whilst we are all digital with our gadgets these days, don’t throw out that old battery radio! It will help us stay updated on news and weather.
  • Fresh fruit. Having a bowl of fresh fruit will be so appreciated if the lights go out for any length of time.
  • Non-Perishable Foods. It’s a good idea to have some canned foods such as baked beans, dry snacks, cereals and other ready-to-eat items in our store cupboard. 
  • Manual Can Opener. Just in case we need to open a can that doesn't have a ring-pull.
  • Unplug Electronics. To protect appliances from power surges when the electricity returns, it is worth unplugging them.
  • Solar Lights. If we have any outdoor solar lights these can be brought indoors for nighttime use.
  • Rechargeable Lanterns. These are safer than candles and last longer.
  • Emergency Contacts. Keep a list of important phone numbers handy in case your mobile phone switches off but your landline is still working.
  • First Aid Kit. Ensure it is stocked and is easily accessible.
  • Medications. Always ensure that we have enough for a few days. If you have medication that requires refrigeration, use a cooler bag with ice packs if needed. Once the power is returned to normal, check with your pharmacist to see if the refrigerated medications should be replaced.
Being prepared for a power cut makes very good sense – it is just a matter of thinking about it in advance. I hope some of these ideas will prove useful.
Thank you to all those of you who have taken the time to message Mary and me throughout the year. This week we received a comment which I thought summed up everything we try to do through our website and this Newsletter to help us all to live longer, healthier and happier. 

Hi Rosemary,

I thought I would just send an email to say Merry Christmas to you and your team. I have rediscovered you this year. I was feeling old and ugly, I purchased one of your facial flex exercisers in March and what a difference it has made to my neck and jaw and my confidence. THANK YOU.

Best wishes you all for the coming year.

Thanks Debbie. Lets all do everything we can in 2025 to stay as fit and healthy as we can, to look our best, and enjoy life to the full!

Recipe of the Week


Serves 4
Per serving: 395 calories, 3.5% fat
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 35 mins

For the pizza base:

225g strong white bread flour
1 tsp salt
15g fresh or 2 tsps dried yeast
150ml warm skimmed milk

For the topping

1 red onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
300ml tomato passata 
1 tbsp freshly chopped sage
1 red pepper, deseeded and finely diced
200g low-fat sausage meat 
1 tbsp caramelised onion chutney
25g Reduced fat mozzarella cheese, grated
20g Stilton cheese, crumbled

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, Gas Mark 6. Place the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl making a slight well in the centre. Dissolve the yeast in the milk, add to the flour and mix together with the blade of a round-ended knife, adding more liquid if required. Turn out onto a floured surface and knead well to form a soft dough. Cover with a damp cloth for 10 minutes.
  2. In a preheated non-stick pan dry-fry the onions and garlic for 2 - 3 minutes until soft, add the passata and sage and simmer for 4 - 5 minutes to reduce the liquid, allow to cool. Mix together the sausage meat and chutney, then roll into small hazelnut-sized balls.
  3. Knead the dough again. Roll it out into a large circle and place on a non-stick baking tray or pizza pan. Spoon the tomato mixture over, leaving a border around the edge. Scatter with the pepper and sausage balls and sprinkle with both cheeses. Bake near the top of the oven for 20 minutes. Serve hot with a tossed salad.
Chef’s tip: Make the sausage meatballs small so they cook quickly
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Click here for more recipes

Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

A few weeks ago, I went for my winter jabs for both Covid and flu with some trepidation, I have to say, as a few of my class members had really suffered after theirs with some kind of reaction.  

I am a devotee of the flu jab since I had a bad dose of it many years ago as, despite being very fit, I was literally bed bound for several days and I definitely want to avoid another episode at all costs! Add to that the experience of at least two episodes of Covid, I am keen to have anything on offer to reduce the risk of being very poorly.

This all got me to thinking why some people react to ‘something’ whilst others have no reaction at all. We may all have had a situation where a member of the family gets a heavy cold, for example, and we wait with baited breath to see if we get it too. And there is a strong chance that we will, as these viruses are highly infectious. Conversely, we can also be pleasantly surprised that we don't fall victim to those germs. This has to be linked to our immune system, and more than anything we need a 'robust' one, so we can navigate the winter months with less risk of being hit with one of these common winter infections, or something much worse.  

So why are we more likely to be hit by these particular viruses in the winter months? Well, the longer nights and shorter days, combined with a considerable drop in temperature, can all play a part. We naturally spend more time indoors, with windows closed to stay warm, and we are generally more often in closer proximity with other people, particularly in the run up to Christmas.

Types of Winter Viruses

Understanding seasonal infections and how to prevent them can help us enjoy the winter without becoming sick. Those who already have underlying medical conditions such as Type ll diabetes, asthma, heart disease, a compromised immune system or severe stress, are likely to be more susceptible.

The Common Cold    
Although we can get the common cold at any time of year, during the winter it is more likely to develop into a respiratory illness such as a chest infection. However, it typically causes fewer problems and symptoms. A headache, runny nose and lots of coughing and sneezing may be our only problem and will be gone within 1 - 2 weeks. Just by having some rest and using paracetamol we will probably offset the worst of the symptoms.

The flu, however, can be far more of a threat to our health. It can come on far more quickly than a simple cold and cause a high fever, extreme fatigue and severe headaches. (Exactly how I felt many years ago!) There are multiple types of flu virus, making it difficult each year for the vaccine developers to find the right vaccine that will work effectively. These variations dictate just how virulent (i.e its ability to infect others) it is, and may also have the potential to cause widespread outbreaks or even an epidemic.

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
This is of particular concern for those of us who are older and for young babies. There is now a vaccine available for those of us between 75 and 79 years old. The risk of developing pneumonia and bronchiolitis is higher in this age group. Symptoms are similar to cold and flu however shortness of breath, faster breathing and wheezing are more prevalent. It can also cause confusion in older adults. Getting vaccinated is our best defence.

Build a Strong Immune System

The older we are the more we need to do everything we can to strengthen our immune system, building our body's defences so we stay as healthy as possible during this most risky season of the year.

As you read this your body is fighting countless battles to keep you safe from those common infections. Our world is full of microbes and the body has to deal with that onslaught every day, but with around two trillion cells in our immune system, these clever cells are constantly 'on guard' protecting us from the top of our head down to the very end of our toes. It's critical in preventing everything from the common cold to cancer, and the most recent research shows that it seriously helps slow the ageing process. Just what we want to hear!

We are increasingly understanding how our immune system works, in sickness and in health, and how everything from making good lifestyle choices to new and exciting medical treatments can improve our immune system. A good example of this is the development of immunotherapy in the treatment of cancer. A revolutionary approach that harnesses the body's own immune system to combat cancer cells, and a far less invasive treatment compared with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.  

Inflammation: Acute or Chronic?
An immune system that fights a battle in the body, only when needed, is great and this is called acute inflammation with immune cells rushing to the site to clean things up. We may feel pretty rubbish, forcing us to rest and keep warm.  

But an immune system that's waging a constant war could be doing more harm than good, and that is what is called chronic inflammation. It is this type of inflammation that can lead to the immune system struggling to cope, leading to recurring infections that are hard to shift and even to cancer, heart disease and dementia.

Some Anti-Inflammatory Tips
As usual, some straightforward health advice can help keep our immune system finely tuned:

  • Eat well. A healthy diet with plenty of fibre, good fats, fruit and veg and oily fish (you've heard it all before!)
  • Limit the use of antibiotics. They are well known to suppress our immune system.
  • Be a healthy weight. There is strong evidence that fat cells drive chronic inflammation.
  • Exercise regularly. Muscles that are challenged (through strength exercises) regularly seem to have an anti-inflammatory response. Muscles that don't move much lead to excess inflammation.
  • Get vaccinated.
  • Practice good oral hygiene. This keeps the unfriendly bacteria in our mouth at bay.
  • Wash hands regularly. It really can stop the spread of infections.
  • Reduce stress and sleep well. Prolonged stress makes us more vulnerable to infection so we need to find ways to reduce it. By giving ourselves plenty of sleep we will help our immune system does all its housekeeping duties.

With an explanation from The 28-Day Immunity Plan, Rosemary gives a simple guide to understanding how we can boost our immune system.

Easy Guide to Immunity Boosting Foods. Which foods are good for your gut and support your immune system.

This Week's Fitness Challenge

  1. Have a pre-Christmas surge of energy for your daily 30+ minute walk this week. Add a bit more distance and a bit more pace!
  2. Choose your favourite Strength workout from 2024 and do it 3 times this week.
  3. Practise your Balance skills as it helps us to stay upright it we have another freezing spell.
Did you know... 

Is there such a thing as low-fat cheese?

This week's recipe presented something of a challenge as it was originally made with Rosemary Conley’s Full Flavour Mature Cheese. Remember that? (It was a 5% fat cheese that was sadly discontinued in 2014 and no, before you ask, it isn't coming back.)

So what are the cheese options and how healthy are they?

1. Mozzarella - a soft white cheese with high moisture content. It originated in Italy and is usually made from buffalo’s or cow’s milk. Lower in sodium and calories than most other cheeses. It also contains probiotics that may benefit our immune system.
A 28g serving of full-fat mozzarella contains 85 cals, 6g (21%) fat

2. Blue Cheese (Stilton, Danish Blue etc) - Blue cheese is made from cow’s, goat’s, or sheep’s milk that has been cured with cultures from the mould Penicillium. It is typically white with blue or grey veins and spots. The mould used to create blue cheese gives it a distinctive odour and a bold, tangy flavour.
A 28g serving of blue cheese made with whole milk usually contains 100 cals, 8g (28%) fat

3. Feta - a soft, salty white cheese originally from Greece. It’s typically made from sheep’s or goat’s milk. Sheep’s milk gives feta a tangy and sharp taste, while goat’s-milk feta is milder. Higher in salt but lower in calories than other cheeses.
A 28g serving of full-fat Feta contains 75 cals, 6g (21%) fat

4. Cottage Cheese - a soft, white cheese made from the loose curds of cow’s milk. It is much higher in protein than other cheeses and is low in calories so is often included in diet plans.
A 28g serving of low-fat cottage cheese contains 23 cals, 0.8g (3%) fat

5. Ricotta - an Italian cheese made from the watery parts of the milk of cows, goats, sheep, or Italian water buffalo, that are left over from making other cheeses. Ricotta has a creamy texture and is often described as a lighter version of cottage cheese.
A 28g serving of whole-milk ricotta contains 42 cals, 2.9g (10%) fat

6. Parmesan - a hard, aged cheese that has a gritty texture and a salty, nutty flavour. It’s made from raw, unpasteurised cow’s milk that is aged for at least 12 months to kill harmful bacteria and produce a complex flavour.
A 28g serving of parmesan contains 111 cals, 7g (25%) fat

7. Swiss Cheese - a semihard cheese typically made from cow’s milk and features a mild, nutty taste. Its signature holes are formed by bacteria that release gases during fermentation. Since it’s lower in sodium than most other cheeses, Swiss cheese is often recommended for anyone who needs to monitor their salt intake, including people with high blood pressure.
A 28g serving of Swiss cheese contains 114 cals, 9g (32%) fat

8. Cheddar - made from cow’s milk that has been matured for several months, it can be white, off-white, or yellow. The taste of cheddar depends on the variety, ranging from mild to extra mature.
A 28g serving of Cheddar cheese contains 115 cals, 9g (32%) fat

9. Goats Cheese - also known as chevre, is a tangy, soft cheese made from goat’s milk. It’s available in several forms including spreadable logs, crumbles, and varieties made to resemble brie.
A 28g serving of chevre contains 75 cals, 6g (21%) fat

Information from

And finally...

Having just read through this issue again, there is certainly lots of advice for us all to consider as we try to look after ourselves and our families over these winter months. 

I hope you have a fun and productive week and try to keep away from anyone who is sneezing! 

With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL


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