Here we go then! It’s Christmas next week and everyone is getting very excited, particularly the children.
I am just reading the most wonderful book by Rob Parsons called A Knock at the Door – A homeless man, a lawyer… and a family changed forever.
This book is the story of a chance visitor knocking on a random front door just before Christmas almost 50 years ago. I have taken an extract from the introduction to the book to share with you at this festive time:
Let’s go back to 1975 when Rob Parsons, a young lawyer, opens his door and finds a man standing before him clutching a bag of belongings and a frozen chicken. Rob and his wife Dianne, invite him into their home, cook the chicken and offer him shelter for the night. What happens next is an astonishing story of human kindness, self-learning, incredible pain, unbelievable hope and the sheer power of love to change a life.
A Knock at the Door is the true story of Ronnie Lockwood, a homeless man who entered the home of a young couple, became a dustman and lived as part of the family for over 45 years until his death. But there were also remarkable turnarounds. Ronnie spent much of his spare time volunteering, including at a homeless centre, and ended up having a £1.6 million well-being centre named after him.
You will have never read a story like this before, but at the heart is a simple message: whether we are a lawyer or a dustman – tomorrow doesn’t always have to be like yesterday.
I really cannot recommend this book too highly. It is a wonderful, heartwarming and funny story of hope and humanity.
When Rob Parsons was 40 years old, he decided to leave his career as a lawyer and start a charity called Care for the Family. The charity, which has a Christian foundation, has worked tirelessly to support and transform many families over the years. Rob is a bestselling author and he was one of our favourite keynote speakers when we held our Annual Conventions when we had our network of Diet and Fitness Clubs back in the day.
Back to Christmas Day and Boxing Day: as I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, enjoy every mouthful and these are two days when we are not counting calories or fat grams. Enjoy your treats and your tipple and relax.
After a couple of days, if you are anything like me, I am really ready to get back to normal eating and not to feel so podged! ENJOY!