As a reminder, if you want to run for one of the elected offices listed below, your name will need to appear on the Australian Ballot in advance of Town Meeting (March 4, 2025). please fill out the consentform at the Craftsbury Town Clerk’s office in early January.
Here are the available elected positions that will be voted on by Australian Ballot in 2025:
Auditors (3 year term) - incumbent is Cheryl Bailey
Auditors review local officials’ accounts and report their findings directly to the voters before the annual town meeting. They serve the critical role of presenting a comprehensive picture of the town’s finances and ensuring public officials remain accountable to the voters.
Cemetery Commissioners (5 year term)-
incumbent is Bruce Urie
Care and manage Craftsbury’s public cemeteries owned by the Town. Currently, the cemeteries in Craftsbury are not owned by the Town.
Listers (3 year term)-incumbent is Jeremiah McCann
Listers determine the value of the real and personal property in the town. The Selectboard then sets a tax rate necessary to raise the money to pay for town services and schools. The Craftsbury Board of Listers, like most Vermont towns, consists of three members. They are elected one position per year for three-year terms.
Public Library Trustee (4 year term) -
incumbent is Steve Moffatt
Elected Town Representative for the Craftsbury Public Library.
Selectboard (3 year term)-incumbent is Bruce Urie
The Selectboard is at the center of town government in Vermont, and Craftsbury is no exception. Craftsbury has a three-member Selectboard. Members are elected by Craftsbury voters at town meeting, for staggered three year term. The Selectboard is responsible for the general supervision of town affairs. It has a number of functions, including some that are legislative (enacts local, ordinances, regulations and policies),and others that are executive/administrative (prepares the budget, oversees all town expenditures, supervises town employees, and controls town buildings and property). It also does work that is quasi-judicial-for example, it determines private rights when the town is laying out and reclassifying town highways.