
Saint Louis Sudbury School Newsletter

December 3, 2024

Hi everyone,

Welcome to our newsletter for the first week of December. Here's what we've been up to!

Changing Lives Fundraiser

Do you want to ensure that young people in the St. Louis region have access to Sudbury’s unique educational choice? 

This GivingTuesday, consider making a tax-deductible donation to help
support our families through our Tuition Assistance Program. Over 60% of students at Sudbury receive tuition assistance. Plus! Through the end of the year, a Sudbury family and corporate donor are offering a 3X Challenge Match on donations up to $1,800. Your gift will be tripled! Thank you for your generosity.

Make a Gift

“I think Sudbury teaches students how to be themselves and prepares them to think about the life they want to live vs the life that society pushes on to most people.”

Sudbury student Veda, 15

Navigating Conflict Together

This week, we had a Judicial Committee (JC) discussing how younger kids could attend School Meeting without distracting the group and facilitator.

Over the last month in School Meeting, the students voted to make many changes to JC to make it more inclusive. The new policies aimed to make it easier for people to speak up and feel heard. 

Here is our JC that everyone attended to see how the new process works!
check out our instagram, or hear what more students think on our podcast

Saint Louis Sudbury School Podcast!

This week, we made a podcast where we asked students, "What's your favorite part of school?"

Listen to what they said on spotify

Listen to the podcast

Charity and Véa made us cookies!

Lining up for secret santa

Bring your brother to school day

Zeke doesn't go here, but his 2 brothers do. He likes Sudbury enough that he attended our school with his brothers during his vacation. 

"I like that you can do whatever you want, anything that's realistic, and be creative and do stuff. You don't have to learn, but you can if you want to, and there's people to help you do what you want."

Zeke, 14

Rolling down the hill after exploring Saint Louis Art Museum

Making pinch pots in ceramics

“This is the first time in over 9 years of education that my child can't wait to arrive at school each morning and for weekends to end so they can go back to school.

They feel so valued and respected as a part of the Sudbury community."

A Sudbury Parent


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn!


Learn More about the Sudbury model and Self-Directed Education.

Wishing you a cozy winter, 
Jennifer, Bobby, and Harry
Saint Louis Sudbury School Staff


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