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So many opportunities to share the Holiday Spirit with your IORG sisters!
Rainbow Day is this Saturday!
Join us in New Britain for a fun filled day!
Ritual Competition starts at 9am - have you signed up yet???
Crafts/Service activity/Ornament making/Grab Bag start at 10am with lunch at noon. Wear your festive Holiday casual attire. Bring a dessert to share, and a wrapped grab bag gift (between $5-10). Please bring any items you have collected to help fill the stockings for our veterans.
Our hostesses for the event will be Shayla Vaill and Abby Darling, advisor Mom Tonya.

Ornament Distribution and Masonicare Car Caravan
On December 14th, we will gather at Masonicare in Wallingford at 3pm to distribute ornaments to the residents of the apartments in Johnson, WIlder, Hawkins and Wells buildings, including a special visit to Mom Burr who resides in the Hawkins building. After we are done giving out our ornaments, we will gather in Lot D at 4pm for a Cookie Stroll while we decorate our cars for the caravan. Please bring cookies to share for the Cookie Stroll and bring decorations for your car. Light wands will be distributed.  DeMolay will be joining us for the Car Caravan, and when we are done, they have invited us to their Holiday Party in the auditorium of the Main building at Masonicare.  


Upcoming Events

December 7 - Rainbow Day

December 14 - Ornament Distribution and Car Caravan

December 14th - New Britain Assembly is hosting a Holiday Breakfast from 8-10am. $15 per person, $24 for a couple.

December 19th Milford Assembly Holiday Party, 7pm

December 28th - CT OES has invited IORG and DeMolay to join them for Ice Skating at Bushnell Park in Hartford, starting at 1pm.

January 4th - Hope Assembly Installation, 10 am for breakfast and then the Installation will follow.

January 11 - State Initiation - Ansonia
      Come learn about our new focus for 2025!

January 25th - GR Night - details to follow
The Innovation Committee for Zone 1 has an Instagram!!!  

The girls of Zone 1 Innovation Committee have started an Instagram. The goals of this account will be to foster an environment of collaboration on what will make IORG the best that it can be. We will be using the account to reach out to all IORG members, Adults, and Parents about what their ideas are to make IORG a place of inclusion. In order to have your voice heard and to learn about your Innovation Committee for Zone 1 you will need to follow this account on Instagram. Search for or click on the link below:
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