MHACC 雙語月報 Bilingual Monthly Newsletter
01/01/2025 第 244 期

親愛的 MHACC 社區成員們:




🧨 新年快樂,身心康泰,萬事如意🍻

執行長 Elaine Peng 彭一玲 

Dear MHACC Community,

As we embark on the hopeful journey of 2025, we extend our heartfelt New Year greetings to you!
2025 marks the Lunar Year of the Green Snake, a symbol of agility and wisdom in traditional culture. These qualities reflect our unwavering dedication to provide thoughtful and professional care for the mental well-being of every community member.
Looking ahead to 2025, we are committed to delivering even better mental health services to our community. May this new year bring renewal and growth, just as winter gives way to spring, helping each of you find your path to recovery.

Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with health, happiness, and prosperity!

Elaine Peng, Executive Director & Founder
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)

2024 Year in Review 年度視頻
🧧 新年新希望籌款活動|New Year New Hope Fundraising

我們的新年籌款活動將延續到 2025年的 1月31日,在此期間,每一筆捐款都將獲得三倍配捐,讓您的愛心得到最大的效應。

Our New Year Gratitude Campaign will extend to January 31st 2025! During this time, every donation will be tripled, maximizing the impact of your generosity.
Your support will help us provide holiday care packages for mental health inpatients, offer free mental health services to the community, keep our warmline running, and host more mental health education programs. Our goal is to raise $20,000.
If your company offers a matching gift program, please reach out to your HR department.
Together, we can support even more people in need!
立刻捐款|Donate Now

🍻 2025 年第13屆農曆新年歡慶暨首屆慈善募捐會
13th Annual Lunar New Year Party & First Charity Fundraiser

在農曆青蛇年的明媚春光裡,我們誠摯邀請您參加 MHACC第13屆農曆新年歡慶暨首屆慈善募捐會!所有餐券捐款將全數用於支持MHACC的免費雙語精神健康服務。您的支持,將為無數需要幫助的心靈點亮希望,傳遞愛與溫暖!

地點:怡景麗苑 Pacific Lighthouse
1051 Pacific Marina, Alameda CA 94501


In celebration of the Lunar Year of the Green Snake, we warmly invite you to join us for MHACC’s 13th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration & First Charity Fundraiser! All proceeds from dinner tickets will directly support MHACC’s free bilingual mental health services. Your generosity will light the way for countless individuals in need, spreading hope and warmth throughout the community.

Event Date: Saturday, January 18, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Venue: Pacific Lighthouse
1051 Pacific Marina, Alameda CA 94501

Get Tickets Here or Scan Code


今年的農曆新年特別有意義——這是MHACC成立13年來首次在酒家設宴!為了讓更多社區成員能夠參與,MHACC理事會特別為希望參加但需要補助的朋友保留了席位。如果您曾參加過MHACC的互助組活動或擔任過義工,就可申請補助, 符合條件的申請者將收到通知。

📞 電話: 彭一玲 510-362-1456
📧 電郵:

This year’s Lunar New Year celebration is especially meaningful—MHACC will be holding its first-ever banquet in our 13-year history! To ensure inclusivity, the MHACC Board has reserved seats for community members who wish to attend but may need financial assistance. If you have participated in MHACC support groups or volunteered with us, you are eligible to apply for a subsidy.

Please contact us by January 12, 2025:
📞 Phone: Elaine Peng at 510-362-1456
📧 Email:

NAMI API English Peer Support Group
混合形式(線下+線上) / Hybrid(In-Person+online):
每月的第2和第4個週六(2nd & 4th Sat)
時間/Time:11:00 am to 12:30 pm(美西時間 PST)
地點/Address:3100 Capital Ave Suite C, Fremont, CA 94538
Click Here to register
點擊 這裡 註冊

國語|粵語 患友互助小組 Peer Support Groups
粵語 Cantonese
每月第二個週六(2nd Sat)1:30 to 3:00 pm (美西 PST)
國語 Mandarin
每月第三個週六(3rd Sat)1:30 to 3:00 pm (美西時間 PST)
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 91311874702; Passcode: MHACC

照顧者/家人互助小組 Family Support Groups
粵語 Cantonese
每月第二個週六(2nd Sat),3:30 - 5:00 pm (美西 PST)
國語 Mandarin
每月第三個週六(3rd Sat)3:30 to 5:00 pm (美西 PST)
Zoom Link
Meeting ID:741 323 257


Starting February 2025, we will have a new schedule for all support groups. Sessions will now be available both online and in-person simultaneously to accommodate more participants. Please stay tuned for more details in the next announcement!

01/26/2025 氣功班 Qigong Classes

華人健康促進計劃將舉辦氣功班,包括1月26日的免費體驗課和2月23日開始的八週課程。課程由Edith Chiang老師以國語授課,地點在山景城El Camino醫院。詳細資訊和報名方式請參閱活動傳單

Chinese Health Initiative is offering Qigong classes, including a free demo class on January 26 and an 8-week course starting February 23. Classes will be conducted in Mandarin by instructor Edith Chiang at El Camino Hospital, Mountain View. For details and registration, please refer to the event flyer.
Register here


💐 02/15/2025 舊金山農曆新年花車巡遊 | 蛇年盛會
SF Chinese New Year Parade | Year of the Snake Celebration


2025年的舊金山農曆新年花車遊行將慶祝蛇年!這場一年一度的盛會是北美最大的農曆新年慶祝活動,吸引了成千上萬的觀眾。遊行不僅展示了舞龍舞獅、燈光花車等豐富多彩的中華文化表演,還融合了現代與傳統的慶祝元素,為所有參與者帶來難忘的節日體驗。記得來看看我們 2025年的 MHACC的新年花車!

了解更多 Learn More

Date: Saturday, February 15, 2025

Celebrate the Year of the Snake at the 2025 San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade! This spectacular event is the largest Lunar New Year celebration in North America, featuring illuminated floats, lion and dragon dances, and various cultural performances. It’s the perfect opportunity to experience authentic, traditional Chinese events! Lastly, don't miss our MHACC Lunar New Year float in the 2025 Chinese New Year Parade!

📰 最新精神健康類新聞和報告
Latest News and Reports on Mental Health

AANHPI Youth Mental Health Report

亞裔、夏威夷原住民及太平洋島嶼(AANHPI)青年的心理健康長期被忽視。亞裔美國基金會(TAAF)的最新報告《超越表面》顯示,48% 的AANHPI青年有中至重度抑鬱,93% 曾遭種族歧視,且每10人中有3人曾考慮自殺。報告強調友誼、家庭對話與文化身份對心理健康的積極影響,並呼籲針對這個多元群體提供定制的心理健康支持。

👉查看完整報告 Read the full report:TAAF官方網站

The mental health of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) youth is often overlooked. TAAF’s latest report, "Beyond the Surface", reveals that 48% of AANHPI youth show moderate to severe depression, 93% experienced racial discrimination, and 3 in 10 have seriously considered suicide. The report highlights the positive impact of friendships, family conversations, and cultural identity on mental health, calling for tailored interventions for this diverse community.

2024年12月5日,TAAF舊金山總部辦公室開張,圖為TAAF CEO Norman Chen、亞健社仇恨犯罪總負責人Ben Wang與MHACC執行長Elaine Peng合影。
期待來年 Stop Asian hate 反仇恨亞裔的計畫合作更有力地保障社區的安寧及亞裔族裔的權益!

On December 5, 2024, the TAAF San Francisco Headquarters officially opened. Pictured below are TAAF's CEO Norman Chen, Asian Health Services Hate Crime Program's Director Ben Wang, and MHACC's Executive Director Elaine Peng.

We will continue to collaborate and contribute to Stop Asian Hate initiatives, safeguarding the community and protecting the rights of Asian Americans!

California’s groundbreaking new virtual mental health services for youth, families, and young adults.



更多資訊、下載傳單並尋找其他資源,請造訪 LGBTQ+ 社群頁面:

California's Support Academic Futures & Educators for Today's Youth (SAFETY) Act takes effect January 1, 2025, strengthening protections for LGBTQ+ students. This landmark legislation prevents forced outings and protects students' right to share their identity on their own terms. It also safeguards educators who create inclusive learning environments.

To learn more about the SAFETY Act, download flyers, and find additional resources, visit the LGBTQ+ Community page:

LA County 發布最新的年度仇恨犯罪報告

洛杉磯縣2023年仇恨犯罪報告顯示,報案數量增加45%達1,350宗,創歷史新高。反跨性別犯罪上升125%共99宗,宗教仇恨犯罪增加90%,其中反猶太犯罪上升91%。非裔美國人成為種族仇恨犯罪的主要受害群體,占49%;反亞裔犯罪則增加31%。校園案件上升46%。LA vs Hate計劃持續加強社區報案和支援服務,自2019年以來已接獲超過3,600宗報案。

Los Angeles County's 2023 hate crimes report reveals an unprecedented 45% increase, with 1,350 reported cases marking the highest total ever recorded. Anti-transgender crimes rose by 125% with 99 cases, while religious hate crimes increased 90%, including a 91% rise in anti-Jewish incidents. African Americans faced 49% of all racial hate crimes, and anti-Asian crimes grew by 31%. School-based incidents increased by 46%. The LA vs Hate initiative continues strengthening community reporting and support services, having received over 3,600 reports since 2019.

查看完整報告 To view the complete report
查看反亞裔仇恨犯罪報告 click for anti-Asian hate crimes.
實用的社區安全指南 Community Safety Resource Guide.



Asian Health Services (AHS) has been a pioneering healthcare provider serving our community for over 45 years. Their Smart Hypertensive Improvement Project now supports over 1,050 at-risk patients through remote monitoring, bringing vital healthcare directly to homes. For our community members facing language barriers and economic challenges, this innovative program is truly life-changing. Support AHS's mission today:

Mirador Living的長者輔助生活指南

Mirador Living的長者輔助生活指南為正在尋找長者照護選項的家庭提供全面的資訊。該指南涵蓋個人化照護計劃、社交活動機會、保健項目及輔助生活社區的安全措施。這份資源能幫助家庭在確保長者尊嚴和獨立的同時,做出明智的照護決定。

Mirador Living's Guide to Senior Assisted Living offers comprehensive information for families exploring senior care options. The resource covers personalized care plans, social engagement opportunities, wellness programs, and safety measures in assisted living communities. This guide helps families make informed decisions about senior care while maintaining their loved ones' dignity and independence.
For detailed information, visit:

12/13/2024 互助組節日派對 Support Group Event


On December 13, 2024, we hosted a support group party at our Fremont office to show appreciation for the dedication of our fellow peers and coordinators.
As part of the statewide #SelfCareCA Week of Action campaign led by @ca.ospsc, we celebrated with a unique holiday-themed self-care activity: creating gingerbread houses together!
#OCPSC #SeasonOfWellness #SelfCareCA

12/20/2024 Trybe 節日資源博覽會
Trybe Mindful Community Holiday Resource Fair

2024年12月20日,MHACC 參加了在阿拉米達 San Antonio Park Courts 舉辦的 節日資源博覽會。這場活動由 Trybe 主辦,匯集了眾多當地組織,共同分享有關心理健康和社區福祉的重要資源。

On December 20, 2024, MHACC joined the Mindful Community Holiday Resource Fair at San Antonio Park Courts in Alameda. This event, organized by Trybe, brought together local organizations to share valuable resources for mental health and community well-being.


心理暖線✨心光點燃 | Warmline ✨ Igniting Hope MTV

免費精神健康手機應用|Free Mental Health Mobile Apps
我們全新升級的手機軟件提供人工智能的聊天機器人、情感支援、自助 CBT 技術、引導冥想、情緒追蹤、活動/信息/資源等,中英文自由切換。
了解更多|Learn More
Our all-new mobile apps feature a new AI-powered chatbot that can provide emotional support and CBT techniques. We have also added improved guided meditation, mood tracking, curated resources, and more! Available in English and Chinese.

📱安卓下載 Android Download
📱蘋果下載 Apple Download

📱安卓下載 Android Download
📱蘋果下載 Apple Download

藝術療癒—歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song 

時間:每週二晚上 7:00-7:45 pm(美西 PST)
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 850 791 6770, Passcode:66 

💃 跳入精彩人生
Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance

每天雲健身 Daily Dance  
連結 Zoom Link

Zoom ID: 889 0406 8282,
Passcode: 8888
視頻 YouTube: Fun Fitness Dance

🪭 陽光藝術團招新

联盟主办的陽光藝術團致力于在信息繁杂万变的世界中提高大众对音乐和舞蹈益处的认识,达到让身心平静。有意參加者請掃碼或點擊 簡單表格報名後我們會與您聯絡。
The Sunshine Art Troupe (organized by MHACC) has the objective to improve public interest in music and dance in today’s rapidly changing world. Interested parties can fill out the simple form, we will contact you.

美國華裔精神健康聯盟是聯邦認可的全國性 501(c)(3) 非營利公益機構,致力為華人社區的心理/精神健康提供服務,我們的點滴成長離不開您的支持. 我們的 Tax ID 是 82-4322450, 樂捐支票抬頭可寫 MHACC. 愛心支票可寄 3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Suite 210, Mailbox#15, Castro Valley, CA 94546

MHACC is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit public welfare organization dedicated to providing services related to mental health issues within the Chinese community. Our growth can only be possible with your support. Our Tax ID is 82-4322450, and donations by check can be made payable to MHACC. Love-filled checks can be mailed to 3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Suite 210, Mailbox#15, Castro Valley, CA 94546.

網上捐助可點擊👇 感謝您的慷慨捐獻!
For online donations, please click below. Thank you for your generous contribution!

捐助我們 Donation
立刻捐款|Donate Now

🚗 捐舊車支持我們的工作!您可以透過網站 或致電855-500-7433捐出任何狀況的舊車(免費上門拖走舊車),並把舊車出售後的淨額指定捐給MHACC,可以得到退稅憑證

You can also donate used cars to support us! You can donate your old car in any condition through the website or by calling 855-500-7433 (free towing), and donate the net amount to MHACC to get a tax refund certificate.


MHACC is dedicated to improving the quality of life by raising public awareness of mental health and building a home where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities  1800-881-8502

Copyright © 2025 Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities, All rights reserved.

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