Promoting Community, Education and Practice in the Fine Arts

January 2025 Newsletter

Member Meeting

Tuesday, January 14, 2025
12:30 - 2:30 PM

Crossroads Community Center
16000 NE 10th St., Bellevue 98008

See the Meetings page on our website for dates of future meetings.

Guest Artist Presentation

EAFA Welcomes Guest Artist Stephanie Hargrave
Crossroads Community Center, Tuesday Jan 14, 12:30 - 2:30 pm

More information and directions on our website Meetings page.

Stephanie Hargrave has been painting and working in clay since college, where she studied ceramics, color theory, sculpture, drawing, painting and writing. She has shown her work across the US and in Stockholm Sweden. Her paintings are in several corporate collections including Swedish Hospital, UW Medical Center, Barclays International in Texas, the Abri Hotel in San Francisco, and Kaiser Permanente in Baltimore. She has had 21 solo shows, participated in over 100 group shows, donates to auctions annually and has taught for 17 years. In early 2020 she moved to Brooklyn, NY and was instrumental in facilitating discussions and mentoring artists via the Yellow Chair Salon program. After 3 years of working and showing in NY, she moved back to Seattle to focus on sculpture and reunite with her own kiln. She has a studio in Pioneer Square’s Art District at the Tashiro Kaplan Building where she makes encaustic paintings, clay/encaustic sculpture and works on paper, all inspired, essentially, by biology. Her 25-year studio practice is her very nucleus.
Stephanie will demonstrate some aspect of her work at the general meeting.

Membership Dues


A gentle reminder to everyone that if you wish to continue enjoying what EAFA has to offer in the way of monthly art demonstrations, plein air, exhibiting in EAFA-sponsored shows or in the public art program, and all the other benefits, your 2025 dues are payable by Dec. 31st.
All dues collected from October 1st onward count toward 2025.
Dues are payable on the website (go to “membership”) or by mailing a check to:
PO Box 50712
Bellevue, WA 98015

Dues are $45 for an individual membership or $60 for a family membership.  Please contact membership chair Gayle Erxleben ( with any questions.


Please extend a warm welcome to returning member Karen Easton.

Plein Air

The Tuesday (indoor) Plein Air group has started up and we are enjoying having a nice studio to go to on these cold wet days. The 9 artists paint with pastels, oils, watercolor, and gouache. Some of us even ventured outside when the sun peaked out.  

Visit our website for more information on the EAFA Plein Air group.

Newsletter Updates

Please send current month sales and awards you have received and a brief description with photos before the 25th to  if you wish to have them in the next newsletter. Only paid up members are eligible. We love to hear your successes. It helps encourage us to create!

Meet the Board

At the last board meeting we discussed including a short board member biography with sample artwork, in the newsletter. This would be a means of acquainting the membership with some of the board members, breaking the ice so to speak. The idea seemed worth trying, so this month we include a short writeup for Gayle Erxleben (membership) and Caroline Callender (secretary)

Gayle Erxleben

(EAFA Membership Chair)
Newcastle, WA

Artist's Statement: A transplant from Louisville, KY, I have had the opportunity to study with several gifted Northwest artists. I have always loved to draw. Figurative work, landscapes and florals particularly interest me as subject matter. Acrylic is my medium. For me, painting is exciting, frustrating, problem-solving, hard work, a passion and a journey.

Caroline Callender    

Member and Secretary of the Board since May of 2023.

I studied fine art at the University of Washington, but eventually graduated in Industrial Design from Western Washington University.  I work in watercolor and sumi ink, and also enjoy using colored pencils on botanical prints.  I do pet portraits by commission from time to time.  I am a retired home mom and active horse woman, riding my horse regularly in Bridle Trails State Park.

Being a member of EAFA has reconnected me with the community aspect of art exploration and engagement.  I look forward to every general meeting! As a board member, I hope to hear from the membership as to how best we can realize your vision for the future of our club.

EAFA Board of Directors

President: Diana Grant 
Vice President: Mami Shimomura
Secretary: Caroline Callender
Treasurer: Charles Fawcett 
Program Manager: Ellen Cooper  
Grants Chair: Joy Hagen
Public Art Chair: Laura Grover 
Newsletter Editor: Gill McKinstry 
Membership Chair: Gayle Erxleben
Hospitality Chair: Adrienne Anderson-Smith 
Plein Air Chair: Sharon Blickenstaff
Sponsors of EAFA
Thank you to 4Culture and the City of Bellevue 
for your continuing support. 

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