Koinonia Prayer List
PRAYER REQUESTS (joys and concerns) should be called in or e-mailed to the church office. With your permission, they will be listed in the Koinonia prayer list, and announced in worship so that the church family can pray for the mentioned needs. Please keep the office updated on the requests.
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. Romans 8:26
CELEBRATIONS/Prayers of thanksgiving
- Thanks to the volunteers that are continuing to produce our live and recorded worship services.
- The CPC deacons that are shepherding their flocks and caring for needs of the church and community.
- Nathaniel Spencer as he graduates from Electronics Technician Nuclear program in the US Navy
- Anna Spencer’s recovery from her appendectomy on Thursday
- From the Presbytery of the Ohio Valley (POV) - For World Unity (Peace on Earth) O God, you love justice and you establish peace on earth. We bring before you the disunity of today’s world: the absurd violence, and the many wars, which are breaking the courage of the peoples of the world; militarism and the armaments race, which are threatening life on the planet; human greed and injustice, which breed hatred and strife. Send your Spirit and renew the face of the earth; teach us to be compassionate toward the whole human family; strengthen the will of all those who fight for justice and for peace; lead all nations into the path of peace, and give us the peace which the world cannot give. Amen. A prayer from Zaire, Book of Common Worship (WJKP, 1993) 797-798.
*indicates update of information
- Victims and all affected by the school shooting in Madison, WI. Especially the Bolos family who are friends of the Kershaws and have children who attend Abundant Life school where the shooting took place.
- Steve Mead and family, Steve's sister-in-law, Faye Mead passed away recently following a lengthy illness
- Stephanie Dube, colleague of Jeff Moles at First Presbyterian in Kentucky. Stephanie's adult daughter, Ashlyn, passed away unexpectedly recently.
- Lois Mead, Steve Meads mother. She's over 100 years of age and has been placed in hospice because of COPD.
- Melinda Modesitt, recovering at home from extensive leg surgeries. Melinda will be non-weight bearing for six weeks.
- Fred & Sue, friends of Pat Smith. Fred's been in dialysis for 20+ years and both are facing surgery; Sue for cancerous lesion on/in her liver.
- Gail and Don Nattkemper. Don recently had a successful surgery to place stents and will begin radiation soon.
- Andrew Black and family. Andrew is pastor of Unity Presbyterian Church and his wife Dawn, is pastor of Sullivan 1st Presbyterian and Director of United Campus Ministries. They have two daughters and a son. Andrew is on permanent disability because of a degenerative autoimmune disease.
- Friend of Scott Racop, diagnosed with lymphoma, pray for him and his wife and son.
- Myrna and Bob Hilton and family. Myrna's sister Dorothy and brother Chuck continue to face health challenges
- Betty Smith, Linda Riggins' mother, for continued health challenges
- Rebecca Bailey, mother of best friend of Tisha Glenn, diagnosed with grade 1 endometrial cancer. Preparing for surgery soon.
- Sherri Wakefield, friend of Cheryl Moles, recovering from the double mastectomy.
- *Steve Flath - husband of friend of Sarah Kelsheimer, released from Rehab hospital to home. Prayers continue for a total healing.
- Jim Lowe facing continued medical challenges
- For Caregivers
- LaPearl Haynes, Rosetta Haynes mother, released from hospital back to care facility and is stable and doing well.
- Joanne Myers, Kirsten Ford's mother, diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
- Marty Bauer, brother in law of Teddy Perry. Recent discovery of cancer in spine
- For foster parents, for children placed in foster care and the professionals providing the necessary services to both.
- Wini McCammon's close friend Glenna
- For peace in the middle east following the attack on Israel and its response
- For those who have been laid off from their jobs
- David, P.J. Ekstrom's cousin's husband, prostate cancer that is now stage 4 cancer through his body; his wife, Margery needs support and prayers for peace
- Eunice Pate, continuing to recover at home after a stroke. Please pray for Eunice and family as they navigate her recovery
- For those suffering from mental illness
- For those suffering from regressive illnesses, including memory loss
- Shawn Larson, Phillip Smith’s godson, continues to struggle with limitations of Multiple Sclerosis.
- Nathaniel Spencer - Navy, will soon be stationed at US Naval Base Kitsap in Bangor, Washington
- Brian Harder-Army National Guard
- Alex Wadsworth - Army - Grandson of Mike Wadsworth, stationed in Texas
- Elinor Cleveland
- Pat Collins
- Margaret Clem
- Vivian Marsh
- Jack Ragle
- Susie Schnabel
The Greek word “koinonia” as often used in the New Testament writings, means Christian fellowship or communion with God or with fellow Christians.
Lord Jesus,
Master of both the light and the darkness,
send your Holy Spirit
upon our preparations for Christmas.
We who have so much to do
seek quiet spaces to hear your voice each day,
We who are anxious over many things
look forward to your coming among us.
We who are blessed in so many ways
long for the complete joy of your kingdom.
We whose hearts are heavy
seek the joy of your presence.
We are your people,
walking in darkness,
yet seeking the light.
To you we say, "Come Lord Jesus!'
-- Henri J.M. Nouwen (1932-1996)
O God, make us willing to do your will,
come what may.
Increase the number of persons
of good will and moral sensitivity.
Give us renewed confidence
in nonviolence and the way of love
as taught by Christ.
-- Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968)