
Do you know about the Original Poetry Competition?

Though South Dakota’s State Poetry Out Loud Competition focuses on presenting poetry recitations, we also provide an opportunity for student poets to submit their original work through this sidecar program.

If a student in your school enters the Poetry Out Loud competition by submitting a video entry in the preliminary round, you are also invited to enter up to five original poems by students at the same time. The poems can be written by the same student author or different students. The original poems should be eight to 50 lines and include the title of the poem and name of the author. If the poem is intended as a spoken word piece, it may be submitted in video or audio format using a live link to the recording. Three student poets will be selected to present their original poetry between rounds of the state competition on March 10. Cash prizes will be awarded to the presenters.

Preliminary round submissions are due Feb. 16. Instructions will be posted soon!

Please direct any questions, comments, or concerns to

Resources for teachers and organizers

  • Guide for Teachers and Organizers. It is recommended to look through this guide, even if you have in the past.

  • You can also make use of our ready-made Lesson Plans to introduce Poetry Out Loud in your classroom!

  • Please peruse the Poetry Out Loud website, specifically the Teachers and Organizers tab for more information and resources.

  • If you’ll be holding a school competition to determine your local champion, take advantage of the POL PR Toolkit for fantastic ideas and resources!

  • Help your students select great poems for competition. They can get started now by browsing the online anthology by poet, poem title, or theme! If you still have a copy of the old print anthology, all poems included are eligible for competition, even if they aren’t online.

Please share this information with anyone you know who may be interested in Poetry Out Loud! More to come next week!