
A Word From Jackie

Happy Holidays! What a wonderful 2024 this has been here at Lakewood Fitness and that is all due to you, your commitment to your health and fitness, patronage, and sense of community! Thank you!

The newsletter is chock full of interesting information this month including the article this month, the content of which covers the concept of your fitness ROI (return on investment). As a business owner, ROI is tantamount when considering the success of the business. However, the ROI principle is easily applied to the investment we make into our health and fitness. Please take a moment to consider the analogy and perhaps that may further enhance your motivation and adherence to your program throughout life.

Additionally, the exercise of the month is a “Kneeling Shoulder Extension” performed with resistive tubing that is easily modified for in-home and traveling use. This exercise trains the latissimus dorsi, rear deltoid, and although not a primary mover, you may “feel” the triceps involvement as stabilizers since the elbow joint is fully extended throughout the exercise and nose to toes core.

Begin by anchoring the moderate gauge tubing to a stable baseboard or door hinge, set up a step or bench in direct line of pull from the anchor point and thread the tubing through so that you only have one single length of tubing to utilize. Make sure you loop it through the other handle so it will not slip out during the exercise.

Grab the handle of the tubing of choice and then move back until the tubing is completely taut and you are able to safely kneel on the bench or step, one hand on the bench, inside knee on the bench, outside foot on the floor which is the same side as the working side.

Engaging the wide part of the back (i.e., lats), with the arm suspended by your side torso, keep the arm completely straight at the elbow joint, pull the entire arm as one unit back until the upper arm is parallel to the floor, then return to approximately 45 degrees of shoulder flexion as demonstrated. Complete your reps and then perform on the opposite side.

Perform 1-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions on two-three non-consecutive days/week.

Tips to remember:  avoid swinging the arm, avoid moving the elbow joint, do not permit the tubing to “pull” you, slow controlled repetitions thinking two counts each direction and make certain that the gauge of tubing will permit a full 90-degree extension, as mentioned, with the arm landing on the extension phase parallel to the floor. This is a fantastic exercise to add to your repertoire strengthening the posterior upper back/shoulder!

Calendar at a Glance includes our closure dates for the holidays approaching as well as reminders to events in the New Year such as the nutrition workshop regarding Weight Management that Marci Steiner, R.D. will present in February so please add these dates to your planner

Our recipe this month is not really a recipe as it is a Lacouture/Wright family tradition that we enjoy during the holiday season together that I am sharing with you! Enjoy!

With the remainder of 2024 ahead, please continue attending your classes and personal training sessions ensuring a smooth transition into 2025 and I am in complete awe and a sense of gratitude for each and every one of you. Thank you again and have a safe, peaceful, fun, and wonderful holiday season! And please take a moment if you are pleased with your experience at Lakewood Fitness and submit a review on our Google Business page, just 


Calendar at a GlanceDec / Jan / Feb

Monday, December 23rd – 29th
Closed for the Christmas Holiday
December 30th and 31st
Open for regular sessions and classes
January 1st
Closed for New Year’s Day
January 2nd onward
Open for regular sessions and classes
February 17th
Closed for Presidents Day
February 20th
Open for Martin Luther King Day
February 22nd
Weight Management workshop presented by Marci Steiner, R.D.

Kneeling Shoulder Extension

Determining your Fitness Return on Investment (ROI)

By: Jackie Wright, Owner/Manager Lakewood Fitness

If you are a business owner or manager, you are probably familiar with the acronym “ROI” which represents the return on your investment. And, while this refers to financial investment in the business world, it may also be applied to your fitness “investment.”  When referring to your fitness investment, the ROI is directly correlated to the time and energy that you commit to your fitness program. 
Certainly, the efficiency and effectiveness of your fitness program design will impact your ROI; however, over your lifetime, it will be the consistency of time and energy you input that will yield the greatest ROI. While it is true that you may make financial investments into your program by belonging to a health club, hiring a personal trainer/coach, or purchasing in-home equipment to supplement your program, the primary investment and ROI are achieved by your personal physical commitment over time. Check out the following five ROI Tips and enjoy a lifetime return on your fitness investment. As always, prior to beginning any exercise program, please consult your physician.

ROI Tip #1    Get Real! Due to the physical investment required to increase your fitness ROI, you must be realistic about your body, its limitations, your true availability to perform the program consistently and the specific goals/objectives that you have set. Think of this part of the process as setting your fitness business plan just like you would when opening a new business or re-engineering your current business plan.

ROI Tip #2    Build on your Base! Begin with and master the fundamentals progressing steadily toward realistic goals. Fitness takes time as do most valuable investments that we make in life. 
ROI Tip #3    Attach an intrinsic and extrinsic value to your investment! When you are developing your fitness business plan, set a long-term intrinsic goal that might include less stress in your life, more quality time for family, or an extrinsic goal such as fitting into those skinny jeans or completing and beating your previous time during an endurance event. 

ROI Tip #4    As you become fitter, reassess your ROI. Is the investment paying off as you envisioned? If so, excellent. However, if the investment is not yielding the results you were seeking, there is often a very specific reason, and this requires time to ponder and re-evaluate. Were your goals realistic? Have you been faithful to your commitment? Have you just plateaued and need a boost? In order to receive all of the possible benefits of a positive ROI, these questions must be examined and resolved. 

ROI Tip #5    Keep Shaking It Up! In order for your fitness ROI to continue producing consistent “fitness revenues” and eventually “fitness profits,” you must continue to periodically modify your program. The body adapts and needs to be shaken up on a regular basis. While it depends upon what your fitness program design purpose may be, such as preparing for a fitness event or sport’s season, all programs require modification over time. If you have been performing the same program since high school and you graduated 5-40 years ago, it is time for a change! 

And your body is probably telling you that because it is no longer receiving a positive ROI!

A Lacouture/Wright Smoked Salmon Special Holiday Experience

Since our Christmas dinners are always pretty filling, we began decades ago enjoying a small meal or appetizer the evening before (sometimes that is Christmas Eve but it depends on the year with our hectic schedules).  We pair it with super chilled champagne in our crystal champagne coupes or flutes, present it on a beautiful serving platter, fire in the fireplace, holiday music streaming throughout the house and our love and fun in the air! 

-You may choose to purchase already “prepared” smoked salmon from the market or from a fish market, but I generally just purchase a variety of smoked salmon from the market.  Think enough to serve as a meal replacement but this could serve as an appetizer before a meal in smaller portions as well.

-Purchase melba toast, our preference (small bagels may be used as well), enough for several portions for each person to “build” their particular creation!

-Crème cheese, I prefer the whipped version as it is just easier to spread, capers, and thinly diced onion.

-Position the smoked salmon on an ample serving platter that will allow you to place the entire feast on the platter with an appropriate serving fork.

-Place the capers in a small bowl with a small spoon, as well as the onion, with a small spoon, in a separate bowl and the crème cheese in an ample bowl, then spread the toast on the platter for easy access along with small decorative knives for spreading the crème cheese easily.

-Position the platter where everyone has easy access along with small plates (we use festive plates and napkins) so that all may load up their creations with ease and enjoy!

-We chill the champagne well before the feast and then pour the bubbly as we begin indulging!


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