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2024 Year in Review

2024 is coming to a close, and as usual, we like to reflect on all that we have accomplished this year and what we are looking forward to in 2025. So many of our projects completed construction in 2024, providing much-needed housing and community resources throughout Northern California. We’ve also seen some exciting undertakings by many of our staff. And as we get ready for 2025, we find ourselves turning our attention to some inspiring new projects and ventures, as well as the completion of a number of projects currently in, or about to start construction.

Clockwise from upper left: Vineyard Street View; Vineyard Multi-Purpose Room; Open Heart Kitchen

In 2024, construction was completed on two of our long-term projects in Livermore, Vineyard and Open Heart Kitchen (OHK). Now fully operational as housing, a resource center, commercial kitchen, and shelter, we are grateful to be a part of a community that is making such a huge impact on the Livermore and Tri-Valley community. The much-needed OHK Food Bank was finished this year and serves as a regional distribution center for pantries in the Tri-Valley area, including Vineyard.

Clockwise from upper left: Aerial View of Valle Verde and Heritage House; Heritage House; Valle Verde

Two other communities that we have been working on for a number of years, Heritage House and Valle Verde in Napa, were completed and residents have moved in. One of the facts noted in the grand opening event is that since the beginning of the year, homelessness in Napa is down almost 20% and it is due in large part because these two projects. For us and many others, “housing solves homelessness” – it’s such a simple but important concept.

Clockwise from upper left: Claudia Court, Heathcliff Drive, Southwood Court

Several accessory dwelling units were completed this year. As we have highlighted in a previous newsletter, these efficient homes can have a tremendous cumulative impact, providing much needed housing on bite-sized budgets and timeframes.

GA Escape Room Happy Hour at Escape Oakland

Outside of projects, 2024 was an exciting year for our staff as well. Brianne Steinhauser was elected to the Board of Directors at East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO), where she will expand upon her housing advocacy through education and coalition building. Gunkel Architecture named its first two Associates, Shannon Riley and Angela Conant, as we look to grow our future leadership within the firm. Angela and Alana Connor are transitioning back into work after parental leave. And we get occasional visits by their beautiful babies (Ben and Simone respectively) to brighten up these cold winter months!

Left to right: Principals with new associates; Amber at the National Cohousing Conference in Denver

We found ourselves quite fortunate in being able to attend some inspiring conferences. Brianne Steinhauser, Shannon Riley, and Brad Gunkel all attended the Housing California Conference in Long Beach as well as the NPH Conference in San Francisco. We were proud sponsors of the National Cohousing Conference in Denver. Brad along with Amber Baker attended that conference and Brad led a workshop on greater affordability through cohousing-adjacent models (such as co-living, phased cohousing, micro-unit cohousing, and family compounds).

GA Annual Day of Service

During our 2024 Annual Day of Service, the Gunkel Architecture team helped clean up the Emeryville coastline. It was nice to spend the day outside and there were many interesting finds. By the end of the day, we had cleaned up a stretch extending from a rocky point near the harbor back to the marshes where the peninsula begins.

Berkeley Moshav

As we look ahead, 2025 has the potential to be every bit as exciting as 2024. Construction recently began on Edes Avenue Community Apartments, the conversion of 104 hotel units into permanent supportive housing near the Oakland coliseum. We look forward to seeing this property transform over the coming year. Berkeley Moshav Cohousing is about to start construction in early 2025, providing 36 households with the community they have been working hard to create in the city that they love.

Left to Right: Berkeley Student Housing; Brubeck Building

We have some much-anticipated projects moving through the entitlements process. This includes much-needed student housing near the UC Berkeley campus and senior housing in North Oakland. We look forward to moving these projects forward through permitting and into construction in the coming year.

Left to Right: Brooklyn Arms Church; Mabel Howard Apartments

Gunkel Architecture recently kicked off work with Strive on two truly inspired projects in Oakland: Brooklyn Arms (43 units of new affordable senior housing and the conversion of an historic church into a community resource center) and Blake Manor Apartments (23 units of new affordable senior housing Senior). And we’ve recently started work with Resources for Community Development on the renovation of two of their affordable housing properties in Berkeley: Mabel Howard Apartments and Margaret Breland Apartments. We are excited to be helping move such inspiring projects forward in the new year.

Left to right: Ronada Avenue, St. Timothy Center

2025 will see the completion of several projects currently under construction. As always, each project provides the pleasure of working with truly inspirational clients and caring consultants. At Gunkel Architecture, we recognize that our work is a collaboration and that it is through the success of our team (external and internal) that we can make this world a better place. We have been honored to work with so many great people in 2024 and look forward to an equally inspiring 2025.

Happy Holidays to you and yours from your Team at Gunkel Architecture!

Do you have an inspiring project in mind? Check out more of our work at: and give us a call at 510.984.1112 if you'd like to chat about your ideas.
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