The Millennium Project Newsletter - November/December 2024

Flash Alerts
De Gruyter the German academic publisher will publish a book on AGI Governance based on Phases 1 and 2 of The Millennium Project's study. The book, edited by Jerome Glenn, will be released in English in late Spring 2025.
State of the Future 20.0 Launch in Washington DC: Jerome Glenn, Asanga Abeyagoonasekera, and Ibon Zugasti will host an in-person event at the National Press Club in mid-February.
The Millennium Project’s website is getting a face lift by Tad Davis, Chief Technology Officer.
The Arabic Translation of the State of the Future 20.0 is now available on our website. Other translations are ongoing and the publication will be available in Italian (Italy Node), Spanish (RIBER), and Romanian (Romania Node) in 2025.
New translations of the State of the Future 20.0 Executive Summary are now available for free in Polish, Turkish, Chinese, and Arabic, adding to the previous versions in English, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.
2024 Year in Review by Jerome Glenn, listing important moments of every year since 2010, is now ready on our website.
The Millennium Project announces the Launch of the new Iraq Node, hosted by Futurepreneurs Society, chaired by Dana Marduk and co-chaired by Gulan Affan.
New videos on the 15 Global Challenges, courtesy of the France Node: Global Challenge 5, Global Challenge 6, Global Challenge 7, Global Challenge 8, Global Challenge 9, Global Challenge 10, and Global Challenge 11 add to the previous videos. Follow the playlist on youtube with the next première.
Human Futures by the World Futures Studies Federation includes The Millennium Project among the top 10 futures organizations shaping our Noosphere, a review of the State of the Future 20.0 by Victor Motti, and more.
Mini Trip Report to Dubai - Nov. 18-21, 2024: Glenn & Node Chairs met during the Dubai Future Forum for informal meetings, a lab run by The Millennium Project, and other events. Read Glenn’s mini report and watch the pictures.
Mini Trip Report to Korea - Oct 29 to Nov 1, 2024: the UN General Assembly Presidents’ Council invited Jerome Glenn to discuss the UN’s role in managing the global transition from ANI to AGI. Glenn also met with key members of Korea’s National Assembly and AI industry leaders.
Mini Trip Report to Montenegro - Oct. 23-26, 2024: the Council of Europe’s North-South Center invited Jerome Glenn to Montenegro to speak on disinformation and hate speech affecting youth.
Future of Humanity - Dec. 7, 2024: watch the recording of the AMA (Ask Me Anything) session with Jerome Glenn and José Cordeiro on the Future of Humanity.
Seeking Delphi™ audio-interview with Jerome Glenn on the State of the Future 20.0 - Nov. 20, 2025.
Future of Work and Technology: new publication by Ibon Zugasti in the European Public Mosaic – Open Journal on Public Service.
News from the Nodes
25th Futures Conference Call for papers: this year's theme of the conference by the Helsinki Node is "Futures of Technologies - Mutual Shaping of Socio-Technical Transformations”. Contributions by Jan. 31, 2024.
DSSR - Data Science and Social Research Conference Call for abstracts: the 5th edition, held on Feb. 19-21, 2025 and coordinated by the Italy Node, will review the current state of social data science and identify future directions for this field of research. Contributions by Dec. 31, 2024.
New publication on “Métodos Prospectivos” by Guillermo Gándara, including a chapter on The Millennium Project study on “Our Common Agenda” by Concepcion Olavarrieta.
New publication on “Issues of Terrorism in the Post-Coronavirus Era” by Springer, edited by Richard J. Chasdi and Yair Sharan, dedicated to Ted Gordon and including contributions from him and other Node Chairs.
New publication on “An Epistemological and Ontological Examination of River Futures within Urban Landscapes” by Shermon Cruz included in the Journal of Futures Studies.
United Nations 2.0: Global Challenges, Strategic Foresight, and the Pact for the Future - Jan. 13-17, 2025: new online course organized by the University of Chile’s Institute of International Studies in collaboration with The Millennium Project, RIBER, and others.
The Narrow Path - The Big Picture - Nov. 9, 2024: Watch the recording of the event hosted by David Wood and discussing the evolution of AI, featuring Mariana Todorova among others.
FEN Demo Hour on AI Futurist – Oct. 31, 2024: Watch the recording of the session hosting experts from the Futures Platform.
José Cordeiro joined “Inventing the Future” in Russia in Nov. 4-6, 2024, where he introduced the “State of the Future 20.0” and the Work/Tech 2050 study by The Millennium Project.
The Azerbaijan Node joined COP 29 in Baku - Oct. 21, 2024, with the participation of Reyhan Huseynova discussing youth and futures studies.
4FC Publication, "Przyszłość co2: czy technologie sekwestracji, utylizacji i magazynowania co2przyniosą oczekiwane rezultaty?" by the Poland Node.
LeDevoir, “Grandes Transitions, l'Impossible et la Pensée stratégique à Long Terme” by Eric Noël.
Conecta, "Profesores Tec lideran red global de estudios de futuro"., Οδηγός για τις επόμενες προκλήσεις της ανθρωπότητας by Epaminondas Christophilopoulos.
Ljubljana Forum 2024, "The Launch of the Millennium Project’s 2024 State of the Future at Ljubljana Forum".
El Mostrador, El futuro podría ser mejor: informe del Millennium Project, by Héctor Casanueva.
Futures Digest #5, Is the Pact for the Future enough for a better tomorrow?, by Mara Di Berardo and Héctor Casanueva.
Research in Transportation Economics(108), “Spatial participatory planning for urban logistics: A GIS-enhanced Real-Time Spatial Delphi approach” by Simone Di Zio and others.
Diario Estrategia, "Métodos Prospectivos para empresas, ONGs y gobiernos" by Héctor Casanueva.
Chile Node, Revista de Prospectiva Y Estrategia, n. 97 (October-November).
University of Turku, Deconstructing Paradoxes of Work through CLA, Millennium Project Special Session at FFRC Conference.
Finland Futures Research Center, Futuuri 2/2024, including insights on the 24th Futures Conference held in June 2024.
Global Connections Television, Jerome Glenn on the State of the Future 20.0, Oct. 31, 2024.
Dubai Future Forum, "Conversation with Foresight Great" with Paul Saffo and Jay Ogilvy.
Brzmienie Świata z lotu Drozda, "O futurologach, protopii i mnichu z Shaolin", with Kacper Nosarzewski.
CEP-Cuyo, "Prospectiva en Mondoza: Enfoques y Aplicacions", bon Zugasti, Javier Vitale, and others.
FourC Learning, "Entrevista Sara Hughes e Rosa Alegria".
The Good Men Project, Jerome Glenn on the State of the Future 20.0 - Oct. 7, 2024.
University of Turku, On Futures of Work, AI, and Narratives, Roundtable discussion with Jerome Glenn, Sirkka Heinonen, and others.
V Prospecta Argentina 2024 - Oct. 24-25, focused on “Building Alternatives for a New Era,” with Ibon Zugasti and Héctor Casanueva.
Bolivia Node, Futures Week - Oct. 22-25, 2024.
Chile Node, Desafíos de Futuro y Prospectiva del Siglo XXI - Oct. 8, by Héctor Casanueva featuring Ibon Zugasti.
Centro de Estudios Prospectivos de Cuyo, PAC-2024 on Cultura prospectiva - Oct. 3, 2024, featuring Ibon Zugasti.
World Futures Day 2023 Global Futures Agenda by The Millennium Project: the results of the analysis by Mara Di Berardo published in Futures will be available for free until Dec. 17, 2024.
LAC-EU Preparatory Seminar on Jan. 30-31, 2025 to advance the creation of a Euro-Latin American, and Caribbean common space for higher education, science, technology, and innovation.
Demo-Hour meetings by the Foresight Europe Network (FEN) - Save your spot to illustrate your unique approach to foresight.
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For information and news proposals, contact Mara Di Berardo, MP Communications Director, at MaraDiBerardo [at]