
As we enter the new year, we do so with reflection and resolve. The road ahead holds challenges, but our commitment remains steadfast: uplifting frontline communities, centering their knowledge, and advancing a more just future for all.

Our Center continues to work at the intersection of research, policy, and design. We remain rooted in the principles of community-led solutions and environmental justice. This year, let’s move with intention and guided by the Jemez Principles for Democratic Organizing—learning from those who have long protected our ecosystems and founded the environmental justice movement we continue to build on today.


Read the New Report
New Blog Post & Report Analysis 
by Dr. Jennifer Santos Ramirez,
Tishman Center’s Senior Researcher

For decades, environmental justice community-based organizations (EJ CBOs) from historically disinvested communities have worked to improve public infrastructure through community-driven projects focused on sustainable development and resilience–including affordable housing, food justice, renewable energy, and public spaces. However, access to federal infrastructure investments has remained hindered by historic barriers such as racism, privatization, and gentrification. A lack of access to federal funding has been an ongoing struggle for EJ communities enduring generations of environmental harm.  With the upcoming shifts in federal policy, especially under the Trump administration, this struggle is more evident than ever.
Read the full blog

EJ Disrupt Design Fellowship
Community Updates

Photo from left to right: Lucinda "La Morena" Hinojos, International Muralist and Artist; Maribel Cachu, Organizer/Advocate, Miltecayotl Community Partner; Tonatierra Staff- Felina Rodriguez, Project Coordinator, Yaqui, Izkaloteca; Eve Reyes-Aguirre, Calpixqui Project Coordinator, Izkaloteca; Tishman Environment and Design Center Staff- Angelica Salazar, Communications Lead; Taylor Griggs, Operations and Systems Manager; Marouh Hussein, Impact and Learning Director; and Angela Mahecha, Director, EJ Disrupt Design Fellowship; with volunteers for the Miltecayotl Project.

This January, the EJ Disrupt Design Fellowship Community had the honor of experiencing Miltecayotl in action—supporting Arizona’s farmworkers with food, resources, and advocacy. But beyond the distribution, there was something deeper: a sense of continuity, of carrying forward the work of those who have been doing this for years.


The late elder Tupac Huehuecoyotl’s presence was felt throughout the day. His lifelong commitment to Indigenous sovereignty and farmworker justice echoed in the hands of volunteers, the voices of youth, and the resilience of the community. His legacy reminds us that justice is built across generations. 

Honoring the stories shared in Cuentos from the Miltecáyotl, we recognize that food is more than sustenance; it is culture, history, and resistance. The wisdom of landworkers, passed through generations, is a blueprint for resilience in the face of climate crisis.

Read more about our experience and the powerful work of Miltecayotl in our latest blog: 

Watch the full recap here:


Environmental Justice Partners' Updates & News

In honor of GAIA’s 25th Anniversary, the International Coordinator of GAIA, Christie Keith, has written a letter reflecting on the current moment and how the GAIA network shows resilience and strength in the face of uncertainty. Read the full letter here.


Jobs, Programs, and Upcoming Events

Job Posts

Job Boards


Programs and Grants

Scholarships and Submissions

  • Modest - Submissions Open for Volume III:  The Modest third volume will focus on connections to nature and each other. Accepted submissions will be paid. Deadline: Rolling basis Submit via email:

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