This January, the EJ Disrupt Design Fellowship Community had the honor of experiencing Miltecayotl in action—supporting Arizona’s farmworkers with food, resources, and advocacy. But beyond the distribution, there was something deeper: a sense of continuity, of carrying forward the work of those who have been doing this for years.
The late elder Tupac Huehuecoyotl’s presence was felt throughout the day. His lifelong commitment to Indigenous sovereignty and farmworker justice echoed in the hands of volunteers, the voices of youth, and the resilience of the community. His legacy reminds us that justice is built across generations.
Honoring the stories shared in Cuentos from the Miltecáyotl, we recognize that food is more than sustenance; it is culture, history, and resistance. The wisdom of landworkers, passed through generations, is a blueprint for resilience in the face of climate crisis.
Read more about our experience and the powerful work of Miltecayotl in our latest blog:
Watch the full recap here: