MHACC 雙語特刊 Bilingual Newsletter Special Edition
01/13/2025 第 244.5 期

親愛的 MHACC 社區成員們:


我們相信,在社區的共同努力下,我們能夠一起面對挑戰,重建生活與希望 ❤️💗🌟

執行長 Elaine Peng 彭一玲 

Dear MHACC Community,

The recent wildfires in Los Angeles have deeply affected our community. MHACC stands with you, offering mental health support and resources to help during this challenging time.
Together, we will rebuild and find hope again!

Elaine Peng, Executive Director & Founder
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)

🔥 洛杉磯火災影響與關注 | Impact and Community Concerns

官方數據顯示已有數萬人被迫撤離,許多房屋和公共設施遭受損毀。尤其是華人社區,除了面對財產的巨大損失,不少居民還要承受心理上的恐慌與情感衝擊。與此同時,因為謠言四起,甚至 AI 生成的假視頻,讓許多人心惶惶,不僅增加了不安情緒,也影響了災後重建工作。請透過 California Fire Facts 以獲取可靠資訊。


Tens of thousands of residents have been forced to evacuate, with significant damage to homes and public infrastructure. Rumors and AI-generated fake videos have further fueled panic, affecting recovery efforts. Please verify the latest updates through reliable sources like California Fire Facts

The fires have worsened air quality, posing health risks, especially to seniors, children, and those with chronic illnesses. Emotional strain is widespread as many worry about loved ones’ safety and rebuilding their lives.

❤️ 災後心理健康的重要性 | Mental Health After Disasters



  1. 承認情緒:允許自己感到悲傷或流淚,與親友傾訴內心的感受,讓情緒找到出口。
  2. 重建小目標:從簡單的日常活動開始,例如整理臨時住處或與家人共進晚餐,逐步恢復生活秩序。
  3. 尋求專業幫助:如果情緒持續難以緩解,請及時聯繫心理支持機構或專業輔導人員。

Disasters can lead to sudden emotional shocks, including anxiety, sadness, guilt, and anger. Cultural and language barriers in the Chinese community may lead some to suppress these feelings. Acknowledging your emotions is the first step toward recovery.

Mental Health Tips:

  • Acknowledge emotions: Allow yourself to grieve and share your feelings with loved ones.
  • Set small goals: Rebuild routines gradually, starting with simple tasks.
  • Seek professional help: If emotions persist, contact a counselor or mental health service.

❤️ 實時信息與資源支持 | Essential Resources and Support





  • MHACC心理暖線1-800-881-8502
  • Disaster Distress Helpline:1-800-985-5990
  • 紅十字會庇護所


  • Airbnb免費臨時住所
  • Uber & Lyft免費交通:使用代碼“WILDFIRE25”或“CAFIRERELIEF25”。

Access to accurate information and resources is vital during disasters. Key resources include:

  • Fire and evacuation updates:
  • Financial and property support:
  • Mental health and shelter:
    • MHACC Warmline: 1-800-881-8502
    • Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990
    • Red Cross:
  • Community support:
    • Airbnb temporary housing:
    • Free rides with Uber (code: WILDFIRE25) & Lyft (code: CAFIRERELIEF25).

❤️❤️ 心光永續,共建希望 | Together, We Rebuild with Light and Hope



Recovery begins with self-care, family support, and community connection. You are not alone—MHACC is here to help you rebuild peace and hope.

心理暖線✨心光點燃 | Warmline ✨ Igniting Hope MTV

免費精神健康手機應用|Free Mental Health Mobile Apps
我們全新升級的手機軟件提供人工智能的聊天機器人、情感支援、自助 CBT 技術、引導冥想、情緒追蹤、活動/信息/資源等,中英文自由切換。
了解更多|Learn More
Our all-new mobile apps feature a new AI-powered chatbot that can provide emotional support and CBT techniques. We have also added improved guided meditation, mood tracking, curated resources, and more! Available in English and Chinese.

📱安卓下載 Android Download
📱蘋果下載 Apple Download

📱安卓下載 Android Download
📱蘋果下載 Apple Download

NAMI API English Peer Support Group
混合形式(線下+線上) / Hybrid(In-Person+online):
每月的第2和第4個週六(2nd & 4th Sat)
時間/Time:11:00 am to 12:30 pm(美西時間 PST)
地點/Address:3100 Capital Ave Suite C, Fremont, CA 94538
Click Here to register
點擊 這裡 註冊

國語|粵語 患友互助小組 Peer Support Groups
粵語 Cantonese
每月第二個週六(2nd Sat)1:30 to 3:00 pm (美西 PST)
國語 Mandarin
每月第三個週六(3rd Sat)1:30 to 3:00 pm (美西時間 PST)
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 91311874702; Passcode: MHACC

照顧者/家人互助小組 Family Support Groups
粵語 Cantonese
每月第二個週六(2nd Sat),3:30 - 5:00 pm (美西 PST)
國語 Mandarin
每月第三個週六(3rd Sat)3:30 to 5:00 pm (美西 PST)
Zoom Link
Meeting ID:741 323 257

藝術療癒—歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song 

時間:每週二晚上 7:00-7:45 pm(美西 PST)
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 850 791 6770, Passcode:66 

💃 跳入精彩人生
Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance

每天雲健身 Daily Dance  
連結 Zoom Link

Zoom ID: 889 0406 8282,
Passcode: 8888
視頻 YouTube: Fun Fitness Dance

🪭 陽光藝術團招新

联盟主办的陽光藝術團致力于在信息繁杂万变的世界中提高大众对音乐和舞蹈益处的认识,达到让身心平静。有意參加者請掃碼或點擊 簡單表格報名後我們會與您聯絡。
The Sunshine Art Troupe (organized by MHACC) has the objective to improve public interest in music and dance in today’s rapidly changing world. Interested parties can fill out the simple form, we will contact you.

美國華裔精神健康聯盟是聯邦認可的全國性 501(c)(3) 非營利公益機構,致力為華人社區的心理/精神健康提供服務,我們的點滴成長離不開您的支持. 我們的 Tax ID 是 82-4322450, 樂捐支票抬頭可寫 MHACC. 愛心支票可寄 3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Suite 210, Mailbox#15, Castro Valley, CA 94546

MHACC is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit public welfare organization dedicated to providing services related to mental health issues within the Chinese community. Our growth can only be possible with your support. Our Tax ID is 82-4322450, and donations by check can be made payable to MHACC. Love-filled checks can be mailed to 3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Suite 210, Mailbox#15, Castro Valley, CA 94546.

網上捐助可點擊👇 感謝您的慷慨捐獻!
For online donations, please click below. Thank you for your generous contribution!

捐助我們 Donation
立刻捐款|Donate Now

🚗 捐舊車支持我們的工作!您可以透過網站 或致電855-500-7433捐出任何狀況的舊車(免費上門拖走舊車),並把舊車出售後的淨額指定捐給MHACC,可以得到退稅憑證

You can also donate used cars to support us! You can donate your old car in any condition through the website or by calling 855-500-7433 (free towing), and donate the net amount to MHACC to get a tax refund certificate.


MHACC is dedicated to improving the quality of life by raising public awareness of mental health and building a home where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities  1800-881-8502

Copyright © 2025 Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities, All rights reserved.

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