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January 16, 2025  |  Vol. 7 No. 2c

Immigration Resources for Parishes

As a follow-up to the immigration letter from the bishops of Washington state, here is some basic information around supporting our immigrant brothers and sisters:
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops:
 Justice for Immigrants

The USCCB Justice for Immigrants webpage has a variety of resources on papal teaching on immigration, current policy updates, immigration reform, ways to get involved and much more.

Learn more
Archdiocese of Seattle Immigrant and Refugee Ministry 

Our website has resources for parishes, immigrants and individuals seeking guidance on how they can learn more and help immigrants.

Learn more
Washington Migrant and Asylum
Support Seeker Project

Immigrants who arrived in Washington state after December 2021 and do not have work permits can access screening and referral for services through the Washington Migrant and Asylum Support Seeker Project.

Learn more or call 541-703-8336.
Catholic Immigration Legal Services 

CILS offers a variety of legal services to immigrants. 

Learn more or call 206-323-6336.

"Know Your Rights" Workshops

Catholic Community Services, which offers many services for immigrants, also provides "Know Your Rights" workshops for parish communities. These workshops help people to understand the basic civil rights we all enjoy.

Contact Erin Maguire at for information.

Please reach out to our Immigrant and Refugee ministry with your questions or concerns by contacting Chris Koehler at or 206-274-3194.
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