
Welcome to your weekly report from Canada's #1 podcast community!  In this edition we:

 * turn off Netflix on TECH WON'T SAVE US

* review the Trudeau era on THE BREACH SHOW

* assess Canadian media on THE NORTH STATE

But first - hey are you listening to ABORSH?

The Planned Parenthood Toronto’s Choice Award-winning Aborsh: a Podcast About Abortion in Canada launches its second season this week continuing its exploration of why abortion is still such a “big deal”, what “choice” really means and looks like and why that answer is different for different people, like on this episode remounting host Rachel Cairns' production of Hypothetical Baby, her one woman play mixing data and drama to publicly talk about abortion with neurotic vulnerability, unflinching honesty, and frank irreverence.  Watch for new season 2 episodes dropping every Tuesday and Thursday through to March 4th!

So much appreciation to our core group of 70 financial supporters - you help us pay for the website and newsletter, print stickers and other merch to hand out at conventions and events and you even provide a small monthly honorarium for staff to promo new shows on social media, do outreach and collaborate with other progressive journalism spaces thank you!

Help sustain Canada's progressive podcast community by sending $5/month our way - you'll get limited edition postcards and stickers and a copy of a recent edition of a Between the Lines or Fernwood Publishing book - just click the support button!

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Now here's the latest in new releases:

  New The Breach contributor Desmond Cole and editor-in-chief Martin Lukacs reflect on Justin Trudeau’s grim accumulation of symbolic postures and assists to Canada’s corporate elite after almost a decade in power and discuss what he deserves real credit for. (Toronto/Montreal)

   On episode 325 the wrong boys hypocritically critique the idea of hypocrisy even though they use the idea themselves (how convenient) - tune in to hear why they think the popular idea of hypocrisy is busted and idiotic.  (Vancouver)

On episode 83 Marino Greco, Erick Wickham and Jeremy Appel sit down with Polite Conversations host Eiynah to unpack how Jordan Peterson's new piece at weekly UK rag The Spectator is riddled with antisemitic tropes and basic misunderstandings of Jewish liturgy.  (Edmonton/Toronto)

  Columbia Journalism Review contributor Will Tavlin joins Paris Marx to discuss how the Netflix model transformed film into the 'Typical Netflix Movie' and how the company uses claims about data to deceive the public.  (St. John's/New York City)

  Justin Podur ends his study of World War I with a plot twist exploring if the whole war was conceived and extended by a conspiratorial group of race patriots at the heart of the Anglo-American elite on a new edition of the show's history segment 'World War Civ' (Toronto)

  Nathan Kalman-Lamb
speaks with Boston University CTE Center's Jesse Mez about CTE and hockey players, developments in the diagnosis of the disease and the ethical and public health implications of violent sport and research on head trauma.  (Fredericton/Boston)

The team speak with Canadian Union of Postal Workers Saskatoon Local 824 member Brahm Enslin about the Delivering Community Power project and how posties are pushing for a greener postal service. (Montreal/Toronto/Saskatoon)

Host Scott Martin sits down with independent journalist Rachel Gilmore to review media coverage of the fall of Trudeau, the decline of Meta, legacy media layoffs and the state of Canadian news media entering 2025.  (Kingston/Montreal)

Harbinger's weekly syndicated campus and community radio show launches a new season with a special full-length 55 minute The Breach Show episode featuring Desmond Cole and editor in chief Martin Lukacs reflecting on the end of the Trudeau era. (Toronto/Montreal)

  Vancouver Co-op Radio's flagship news and current affairs show's 46th season begins with reports on a historic downtown Vancouver hotel on the verge of collapse after sitting empty for 11 years, a conversation about a new documentary that asks how we can teach our boys to become better men and more.  (Vancouver/Victoria)

  The Grind editor-in-chief David Gray-Donald joins David Hostetter and Lauren Latour to trace the environmental impact and trajectory of Justin Trudeau's late career and legacy. (Toronto/Ottawa)

                                       IN OTHER MEDIA:                                          

* THE PROGRESS REPORT host Duncan Kinney is being targeted by the Edmonton Police and Alberta Crown Prosecution for a 10 year prison sentence on the charge of vandalism of a 14th Waffen SS cenotaph. He has pled 'not guilty' you can support his legal defense fund here.

* VICTOR'S CHILDREN host David Camfield's new book Red Flags: A Reckoning with Communism for the Future is available now for pre-order from Fernwood Publishing - use code 'DC15' for 15% off any of Camfield's books.

* TECH WON'T SAVE US host Paris Marx has a new weekly tech news show with critic Brian Merchant you won't want to miss called System Crash - find new episodes wherever you get your podcasts - and don't forget to vote in Round 2 of TWSU's annual 'The Worst Person in Tech' event beginning tomorrow!

* THE END OF SPORT co-hosts Nathan Kalman-Lamb and Derik Silva's new book The End of College Football: On the Human Cost of an All-American Game is available now from UNC Press - use code 01SOCIAL30 to save 30%. 

* UNRIGGED is a national journalism community featuring 25 publishers covering news and current events including BriarpatchThe IndependentThe BreachThe Hoserle Co-op de Solidarité Pivot, the Harbinger community and nineteen others - find out more at

ROB ROUSSEAU discusses topics of interest to the left M-F from 12-4 EST on Twitch with highlights available on Youtube.

The Harbinger Media Network (INC#: 1231617-0) is a nonprofit community that depends on the support of listeners like you! Become a MEDIA ALLY and get a new release from Between the Lines or Fernwood Publishing.

We'll be back next Wednesday with a new newsletter featuring the best in progressive Canadian podcasts talk to you then ❄️❄️❄️

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