


"Lived Experiences with Civil Commitment"

The next talk in the Hot Topics in Mental Health & Law: Civil Commitment series is on February 4, from 12:00–1:00 p.m. PT. Peer and family advocates Carolynn Ponzoha, Karen Schilde, and Laura Van Tosh will spend a session detailing aspects of their experience with civil commitment and the broader mental health care continuum.


Forensic Mental Health Journal Club

Join us for the next Forensic Mental Health Journal Club on January 27, from 5:00–6:00 p.m. PT. Dr. Drew Calhoun, a forensic psychiatrist, will lead a discussion on two articles about civil commitment. 


"DCRs and the Involuntary Treatment Act in WA"

Thank you for the thoughtful audience questions submitted on January 7 during the Washington Association for Designated Crisis Responders' presentation on civil commitment in Washington state. The recording for "Designated Crisis Responders and the Involuntary Treatment Act in Washington State" is now online. 


Mock hearing

Screenshot from mock hearing, featuring Nisha Bhat and Claire Oduwo
In December, CMHPL Director Dr. Jennifer Piel's VA Mental Health and Justice rotation participated in a mock hearing. Two senior psychiatry residents, Drs. Nisha Bhat and Claire Oduwo, were "on the hot seat" as expert witnesses in a simulated legal case involving psychiatric malpractice. Judge Robert Lasnik from the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington presided. Attorney Linnea Snapp from the Seattle Litigation Group provided cross-examination.


The following events are hosted by other organizations of potential interest to the CMHPL community. 

No Research About Us Without Us: Lived Experience in Mental Health Policy & Research
Mental Health Policy Roundtable | February 3, 12:00 p.m. PT (Online)

The Mental Health Policy Roundtable, founded by Laura Van Tosh, is an educational program to exchange ideas and transfer knowledge between seasoned leaders of the mental health policy field and newcomers, such as students, junior policy staff, or others interested in these issues.

TeleBehavioral Health Series
Harborview Behavioral Health Institute | Third Friday of the month (Online)

This webinar series is open to anyone providing services to individuals who live with mental health and substance use issues. Upcoming sessions include:
Driving Equity in Behavioral Health: A Leadership Panel Discussion
Harborview Behavioral Health Institute | March 6, 9:00–10:30 a.m. PT (Online)

Behavioral health leaders will discuss emerging trends in behavioral health services, strategies for addressing workforce challenges, navigating changes in funding and policy, and integrating equity and innovation into practice.               

American College of Legal Medicine Annual Conference
American College of Legal Medicine | February 28–March 2 (Houston, TX)

This conference for professionals at the intersection of law, medicine, and dentistry will deliver an in-depth analysis of the latest developments in legal medicine and health law.



L&I and IME recordings

Labor and Industries (L&I) has decided to postpone rulemaking on co-recordings of independent medical examinations (IMEs). There will be a pilot program to explore the use of a third-party recording vendor for IMES, which will inform future rulemaking. Current regulations address how workers can provide notice of recording but there is no information on co-recording practices. View frequently asked questions.


Proposed regulation for telemedicine registration

The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) released its proposed regulation for telemedicine registration. It is important to note that this is a proposed regulation and the DEA will review comments before issuing a final regulation. The DEA also issued rules on Buprenorphine treatment and continuity for care for patients in the Veterans Affairs system. Learn more.


2025 Washington legislative session

The Washington legislative session is underway. View details about the bills, session dates, and committees on the Washington State Legislature's website
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