January 17, 2025

Medford Church Releases Worship Album

In September, the Medford Adventist Church celebrated a milestone in its ministry with the release of its first praise and worship album, "All Voices, Vol 1". This heart-felt and self-produced album, recorded live during church services under the "Medford SDA Worship" label, is a gift to the congregation and beyond.

The album, featuring more than 25 musicians from the church, reflects the diverse talents within the Medford community and the shared desire to glorify God. "All Voices, Vol. 1" serves as more than a collection of songs; it is an invitation to worship, connecting listeners to God through a familiar and authentic sound. Read the story and hear the album...

Camp Meeting Fundraising Numbers are in for December

Late last year, the Oregon Conference announced a goal of raising $450,000 to fund Gladstone Camp Meeting in 2025. By the end of December, we have been blessed to receive just over $60,000 donated toward camp meeting. Thank you! Read more...

Cascade Church
Hosts December
VBS Reunion

After Cascade Adventist Church near Bend, Oregon hosted their first-ever VBS this last summer, the idea for a winter-time VBS reunion was born. Read on...

Creators Lab 2025 to be Held in Tacoma Area

Register for this cutting-edge event designed for those sharing their faith through digital platforms and projects. The weekend will open with Friday night worship and social time, and continue with Ted-Talk style presentations and discussions, and hands-on lab experiences on Sunday. Learn more...

NAD 10 Days of Prayer: January 8-18

Join North American Division in 10 Days of Prayer for Pentecost 2025, January 8-18. We will pray for different aspects of the Holy Spirit to pour out on us as in the days of the disciples and Pentecost in Acts. Pray individually or with prayer partners or in groups. Learn more...

Southern California Conference Responds
to Los Angeles-area Wildfires
A series of fires erupted in southern California on Tuesday, January 7, amid extremely dry and windy weather conditions. As of January 16 the death toll is more than 25; thousands of homes have been destroyed. The largest blaze, the Pacific Palisades Fire, is now considered the most destructive in Los Angeles City history, and there are fires burning in neighborhoods all across southern California. Learn what the Southern California Conference is doing to respond immediately to the crisis caused by the fires and how you can help as well...

Farther Afield

Rodney Mills Accepts Presidential Call to Alaska Conference

Elder Rodney Mills, Upper Columbia Conference vice president for administration, accepted an invitation Friday, January 10, to become president of the Alaska Conference. Read more...

Breath of Life Ministries Celebrates 50 Years

On December 6, Breath of Life Ministries celebrated 50 years with its Legacy Night, held at Oakwood University Church in Huntsville, Ala. The evening reflected on the ministry’s evolution and honored key contributors. Read more...

ADRA and ACS Join Forces to Deliver
Urgent Relief After
Wildfire Devastation

ADRA is providing an emergency grant to ACS in the Pacific Union Conference to support immediate relief and long-term recovery.
Learn more...


Study the book of John this quarter with It Is Written Sabbath School host Eric Flickinger and Dr. Thomas R. Shepherd, co-author of this quarter’s Bible study guide. A new half-hour program is released every Sabbath that coordinates with the lesson study. Watch on YouTube or It Is Written TV.

Events & Announcements

Deep Dive – Christ Our Righteousness Seminars
Would you like to be spiritually renewed and equipped to share the good news of Christ our righteousness? Then this Deep Dive is for you. You are invited to Gladstone Park Adventist Church for our Deep Dive – Christ our Righteousness seminars, January 23–25. These seminars will be presented by Pastor George Gainer, pastor of the Pleasant Valley Adventist Church for more than 20 years. Thursday 23, 7:00 PM: God to the Rescue! Friday, January 24, 7:00 PM: 2nd Picture People? Saturday, January 25, 11:00 AM: Snake on a Stick? Saturday, January 25, 2:00 PM: Climbing Jacob's Ladder. Join us in person at the Gladstone Park Adventist Church at 8378 Cason Road in Gladstone, Ore. or online at

Small Group Leadership Training at Stone Tower Church
Join our small group leadership training course this winter to learn how you can lead a small group in your community! Everyone is welcome Saturdays at 2:30 PM at Stone Tower Adventist Church. We will meet in the fellowship hall and our presenter will be David Kokiong. David is passionate about empowering others to lead and grow effective small groups. He’ll be sharing his insights in a series of five sessions on Sabbath afternoons at 2:30 PM, from January 18 to February 15. RSVP by January 15 at

Relational Loss Recovery Luncheon at Gladstone Park
If you’re a woman who is widowed, divorced, single, lonely, hurting or willing to come support those of us who are, please join us for our annual One Step at a Time Luncheon, Sunday, February 9th at 1:00 PM at Gladstone Park Adventist Church, hosted by Oregon Conference Women's Ministries and Take Heart Ministry. Take Heart Ministry is a ministry of hope and healing for those who have suffered loss and a resource for those who are willing to pull alongside those who have. In addition to a lovely catered lunch, we will hear from featured speaker Sue Clayville and enjoy music, prizes, and more. We are meeting at Gladstone Church located at 8378 Cason Road in Gladstone. To register visit

Memorial Service for Lloyd Wescott
Lloyd Wescott, long-time Sunnyside church member and community cornerstone, passed away December 18, 2024. A memorial service will be held on February 16, 3:00 PM at Sunnyside Adventist Church. A reception will follow the service. Sunnyside Adventist Church is located at 10501 SE Market St, Portland, OR 97216.

Gladstone Camp Meeting Needs Your Help to Happen in 2025!
Gladstone Camp Meeting needs your help to happen in 2025! Camp meeting is important to our Oregon Conference family and we plan to keep hosting it for years to come. For 2025 we need your help to make Gladstone Camp Meeting happen while the Oregon Conference gets back to a good financial footing. The goal is to raise $450,000 by March 31, 2025. Give online at or write "Gladstone Camp Meeting" on your tithe envelope. Learn more at

Caring for Our Minds Mental Health Seminar
Join us for Caring for Our Minds, a FREE community event focused on mental wellness for families, teens, and individuals of all ages, February 8 from 3:00-5:00 PM at Meadow Glade Adventist Church. Explore practical strategies for managing stress, improving brain health, and reclaiming balance in today’s fast-paced, tech-driven world. There will be special resources, giveaways and raffles throughout the event, light refreshments in the fellowship hall following the guest presentations, and $5 coffee gift cards for every teen who attends the entire program! Featured guests will include Dr. Sarah Winslow, Dr. Andrea Matsumura, Pastor Benjamin Lundquist, and Chuck Hagele. Learn practical strategies to improve mental health for yourself and your family. Gain insights into brain health, sleep, leadership, and overcoming technology addiction, and engage in exclusive teen sessions designed to tackle real-life challenges like anxiety, depression, and focus issues. This event is free and open to the public. Invite your friend & family, and join us for this inspiring event designed to equip our community with tools for better mental health! Learn more and register at
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