January Chapter Meeting
“Magical or Logical? The Baldassin-Sanderson Temperament.”
Jared Maltba, RPT


Learning to tune pianos aurally is a challenging, yet immensely rewarding process. Many have come to trust the Baldassin-Sanderson Temperament Sequence to give them optimal results. However, there are certain aspects about the temperament that can seem questionable or even magical. For example, how can a note be tuned correctly when the notes you based it from are incorrect? Magical, right? It’s not magical, but rather logical. 

This class will explain how the Baldassin-Sanderson Temperament works. I will break the presentation into two classes. This month’s presentation will explain the WHY and the HOW behind the temperament sequence. Next month, during the basic skills class, I will demonstrate going through the temperament on a piano. 

In this month’s Basic Skills Class, taught by Jim Busby, we will focus on rebushing and pinning action centers. He will show you what materials and tools you need, and help you start building your own complete kit. Please bring your own tools and kit, if you have one, but if you forget we will have extra there that you can use. 

This will be a continuation of the class taught in November. 

There will also be opportunities to donate, sell, acquire, or buy tools at this meeting. 

Thursday January 16th

Summerhays Music 
5420 S Green St, Murray, UT 84123

5:30pm- Basic Skills Class
6:30pm- Social Half Hour
7-8:30pm- Technical Presentation

SLC PTG Leadership 

Alan Walker, President                    630-677-3541 alan.walker@prestigepianoservice.com
Barbara Ellis, Vice President           208-251-2254 butterflyellis@yahoo.com 
Carl W. Teel, Treasurer                    801-936-7510 carlteel@gmail.com
Emily Davis, Secretary                    423-737-2814 emilydavisrpt@gmail.com
                                                                           Stay Tuned!
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Emily Davis, newsletter editor: emilydavisrpt@gmail.com

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