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Calendar for January 10, 2025 to January 18, 2025

1/12 -  Choir Rehearsal, Sunday School, Worship (in person and online
-Choir Rehearsal 8:45am
Sunday School for all ages 9:30am - Nursery care available
- Worship 10:30am - Nursery care available
Bulletin sent via email
1/13 - Breakfast Bible Study 9am Grand Traverse Pie Co.
1/15 - Bible Study and Brew 7:30pm Moggers Pub
1/17 - Staff Meeting 9am Fellowship Hall


We are a community of believers, called by God to grow in the knowledge and teaching of Christ, to share the love of Christ with all, and to respond with compassion to the needs of our changing world.

Per Capita Payments
 Every Presbyterian congregation has the opportunity to pay an annual per capita assessment to the denomination.  Central Presbyterian, maintaining its traditional support for the PC(USA) to which we belong, makes this payment in full. 

We ask every member prayerfully to consider making an additional contribution--over and above your offering pledges--to cover this expense for our church.  In 2025 the amount is $55.00 per active member. 

Please look for the special colored envelopes have been placed in the pew racks to receive your assessment.

Also, there are a few sets of offering envelopes available for anyone wishing to receive envelopes.  The families requesting envelopes during the summer of 2024 have already received their box for 2025.
Members and Friends of Central Presbyterian have been invited to an open house in celebration of the ministry of Andrew Black and to thank him for his faithful service to Unity Presbyterian Church.
Andrew recently transitioned to long-term disability and is no longer serving as Unity’s pastor. The celebration will take place at Unity on Saturday, January 25 from 4pm—6pm.
Annual Meeting of congregation
The next annual meeting of the congregation of Central Presbyterian Church and of the members of our church corporation (Central Presbyterian Church, Inc., of Terre Haute, Indiana) (the “corporation”), will be held in the church sanctuary immediately following 10:30 a.m. worship (that is, approximately 11:30 a.m.) on Sunday, January 26, 2025. 
Annual report booklets will be available for pickup beginning Sunday, January 19 in the fellowship hall.

Youth will resume meeting later in January once we get back to school and through the Pres. Day weekend holiday. Please look for updates from Tim. Everyone have a fun and safe break!
Serve our youth this year!
--We are looking for people to provide a meal for the youth in January and February when they meet at Central. 
-- College age or any young adults who would like to volunteer to attend youth activities and meetings to support Tim are needed! Contact Tim for more info. 
Breakfast Bible Study

Pastor Mike Riggins is leading a breakfast Bible study. The group meets on Mondays at 9am at Grand Traverse Pie Co.. They will cover the passages on which he will preach each following Sunday.
Contact Pastor Mike with questions or for more info. 
Bible Study & Brew

Our Bible Study & Brew group continues their study on "Topics of the Bible".
 Wednesday evenings to enjoy your favorite beverage and some time for fellowship, study and reflection.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mike 
Needs at Manna from Seven

Our friends at Manna from Seven are in need of volunteers for their food distribution efforts at Fridays and Saturdays. For more info or to volunteer contact them on Facebook (@mannafromseven) or text 812-243-4241
Quarters for Manna
You may know Manna from Seven as a weekend food pantry. It is much more than that. It provides hair cuts as well as laundry service and so much more for our less fortunate neighbors. Manna from Seven spends around $250 weekly to provide quarters (and detergent) so our less fortunate neighbors can launder their clothes. That is a lot of quarters!
Please help by dropping your quarters into the little green donation box in Fellowship Hall.
Donations of egg cartons and plastic grocery bags are also being collected in Fellowship Hall to aid in Manna's food distribution efforts. Thank you for your donations!
Parking Reminder
A reminder for anyone who parks at the church during the week, if you park in the parking lot to the south of our building you will need to be sure to park in a church spot (not one with a parking meter) and also check out a parking pass from the church office. ISU will be patrolling and ticketing the lot more regularly moving forward. 
Deacon of the Month
We are fortunate to have a wonderful group of Deacons at Central. Each month a Deacon takes a turn as lead and takes care of the flowers in the sanctuary each Sunday as well as recruiting greeters for Sunday worship. Our Deacons also help serve communion every other month and host memorial service receptions when called upon.
The lead deacon for the month of January is Pam McKinney. Deacons are referred to as shepherds and the list of people they try to contact and/or assist is called the shepherd’s flock. 
Pam's flock includes Brad, Susan, Miller & Max Bough, Paul & Corrine Foree, Mont & Charlie, Al & Leanne Holder, Ridge & Rowyn, Scott Mellenthin, Teddy & Bob Perry, and William Seo. Anyone in Pam's flock is free to get in touch when you have a need or concern.
Offering Counting Schedule for January and February
Reminder to the following members who have volunteered for offering counting following Worship on Sundays. Thank you for serving!
January 5 - Scott, Richard
January 12 - Scott, Leanne
January 19, Richard, Leanne
January 26 - 
February 2 - Scott, Phillip
February 9 - Scott, Phillip
February 16 - Leanne,
February 23 - Leanne, 

The latest issue of The HERALD is available on the THCPC website.

Click here to view the Herald
Wishing a Happy Birthday to all of you!

4 - David Rader
4 - Nicholas Spencer
5 - Phillip Smith
7 - Amanda Mang
8 - Corrine Foree
9 - Mark Carlisle
12 - Mont Foree
12 - Derek VanDyke
18 - Joe Harder
Prayers for this week:


O sweet Jesus Lord, Thou art the present
portion of Thy people. Favor us with such a
sense this year of Thy preciousness, that from its
first to its last days we may be glad and
rejoice in Thee! Let January open with joy in the Lord
and December cose with gladness in Jesus.
   -- Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)


Gran, O Lord,
that as the years change,
I may find rest in Your eternal changelessness.
May I meet this new year bravely,
secure in the faith that,
while we come and go,
and life changes around us,
You are always the same,
guiding us with Your wisdom,
and protecting us with Your love.
   -- William Temple (1881-1944)

Online giving is now available
Click below and follow the prompts for a one time or recurring gift to the general budget. Designated gifts cannot be received. The church pays a fee for this service which can be offset by an optional additional payment as designated in the registration process. 
*Please note that online gifts made in the last two days of the month may not be received until the following month.
Questions? Contact us.
Click Here To Give
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