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Dear <<First Name>>,
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
4 stories today!
Join us for our rescheduled date of Saturday, Feb. 1
Civitas Students Can Meet with Post-Dispatch Education Reporter
Blythe Bernhard to Discuss What's Happening in our Schools

Because of the weather, we decided to postpone Blythe Bernhard's talk to Saturday, Feb. 1. That's also a day scheduled for a student journalists panel and a roundtable discussion. Since we are combining events, we have added an hour (and a pizza lunch) to the time. We will still meet at 10:00 am at Crossroads, but we will end at 1:00 pm.

There is much going on in the world of education and Civitas is very excited to have local journalist, Blythe Bernhard, speak to students.
Among current stories is President-Elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Education, Linda McMahon. She has been sued for allegedly enabling sexual abuse of children. Note that she was sued, not convicted, but she has spent far more of her professional life helping her husband, Vince, manage WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) than working with schools.
Additionally, there is considerable news about our local schools! What about the disparity of financial resources among regional schools?
Virtually all readers of the Civitas newsletter are stakeholders in one or more schools. Our interest is natural.
To help us process all that is happening in education, Civitas is proud to have as a guest presenter Blythe Bernhard. As the chief education reporter for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Blythe has been covering these stories and more. In collaboration with colleagues from the Post, she has been gathering and disseminating data about school districts and individual schools in our area.
Blythe met with Civitas’ 2023 summer interns and was terrific. She is very conversational. As a reporter, she is just as comfortable asking questions and answering them. You can access articles by Blythe by clicking here.
The event is at Crossroads (map), from 10:00 AM – 1:00 pm, on Saturday, February 1.
You can sign up by clicking here.
If you'd like to write for the Civitas Examiner ...
Editor Emily Nguyen (Liberty, 2026) writes:

"Starting in the summer of 2024, Civitas summer interns have written for the Civitas Examiner, which features both news and opinions. With the release of the second edition of the Examiner, we are extending article submissions to any and all students who participate in Civitas programs. The Examiner will continue to be available in both printed copy and online. Please fill out the form in order to submit your piece for review."

All Civitas students are invited to apply for writing positions with the Examiner. Future editions will include topics well beyond politics. The current staff of the newspaper is looking for investigative pieces that are true to the paper's name -- the Examiner. Topics can include the environment, American culture, international relations, issues facing today's students and much more. Again, click here to access the interest form.
Meet a Former UN and NATO Peacekeeper!
Civitas is excited to introduce students to Bill Wallace, a former UN/NATO Peacekeeper in Bosnia in the 1990's, on Saturday, January 25, 2025 at Crossroads College Preparatory School (map) from 10:00 am until noon. Bill will highlight his experiences and share updates of current UN Peacekeeping operations. He is excited to answer student questions about his past and current experiences working to bridge cultures and foster peace.                              
Click here to sign up for this exciting guest speaker on January 25.
Come Play Trivia with us on Sat., Feb. 22
It's sponsored by the League of Women Voters, a great organization founded in 1920. LWV loves having men in their programs, so, everyone from Civitas is invited to the League's Trivia night on Saturday, Feb. 22 (George Washington's 292nd Birthday).

Historically Civitas has had excellent teams at the League's trivia. More importantly, we've had a lot of fun. We laugh, we think, we eat, and overall have a great time. So, please join us for this event, 6:30 - 9:30 PM at the First Congregational Church of Webster Groves, 10 W. Lockwood; 63119 (map). Click here to sign up.
Sign up now for Second Semester High School Model UN, March 1!
The Second Semester HSMUN session will be held in Winifred Moore Auditorium, accessible through Webster University's Main Hall.
Civitas is excited to offer another High School Model UN session on Saturday, March 1. To accommodate more students and more resolutions, the session will be from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm. Plenty of snacks will be available! We will meet in the much larger venue, the Winifred Moore Auditorium, still on Webster University's campus inside the Main Hall at 470 East Lockwood, 63119. Parking is plentiful across the street, along Lockwood, and behind the building off Plymouth Blvd (MAP).

Some important reminders and points to know:
  • Students should represent the same countries they had in the fall or another country your school drafted in the fall.
  • New students are welcome. If your school did not draft countries in the fall, contact Stephanie  ( for a country list.
  • There will most likely be some duplicate country delegations. We will have separate voting placards for duplicates.
  • If you submitted a resolution in the fall that was not discussed, it will have priority on the list. However, please review it/revise it and resubmit it to Stephanie via email by midnight on Tuesday, Feb. 25.
  • New resolutions are welcomed and encouraged.
  • A few resolutions may be facilitated by students at this session.

Saturday, January 25, 2025, 10:00 am until 12:00 pm at Crossroads College Prep School (MAP) 
Guest speaker, Bill Wallace, discusses his experiences as a UN/NATO Peacekeeper in Bosnia
Click here to sign up
Saturday, February 1, 2025, 10:00 am until 1:00 pm at Crossroads College Prep School (MAP) 
Rescheduled talk with St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter, Blythe Bernhard, Open Discussion and Panel of Student Journalists
Click here to sign up

Saturday, February 22, 2025, 6:30 pm until 9:30 PM at First Congregational Church of Webster Groves (MAP)
League of Women Voters Trivia
Click here to sign up

Saturday, March 1, 2025, 9:00 am until 1:00 pm at Webster University in Winifred Moore Auditorium, located in the Main Hall of Webster University (MAP)
Click here to sign up
Picture of the Week
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