Start the year off strong by reviewing investing resolutions. And remember, setting specific targets, such your monthly RRSP contribution, can help you achieve your goals.
A Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) can help you save for retirement. And it offers tax advantages. The deadline to contribute is March 3, 2025, for the 2024 tax year. Find out more about how RRSPs work.
Have you been asked to download an app on your computer by someone offering an investment opportunity? Don’t do it. This gives fraudsters access to everything on your computer, including any banking information. The OSC’s Contact Centre is hearing from people who unfortunately did allow this type of access and ended up having money taken. Find out more about the red flags of crypto fraud.
Be ready for the end of April by getting your receipts in order now with the tax filing check list.
Regulatory Updates & Initiatives
Here are some recent developments and publications:
The CSA extended the comment periods for the investment fund continuous disclosure modernization and principal distributor model proposals.
The CSA issued a market update on the climate-related disclosure project.
The OSC published a dashboard of exempt market data on capital raising activity by Canadian corporate (non-investment fund) issuers in Ontario’s exempt market.
Living in interesting times
You may understand how interest rates work for your mortgage or loans. But do you know how interest rates affect your investments?
OSC in the Community is an outreach program that takes the OSC's regulatory mandate from Bay Street to Main Street. OSC staff travel to communities across Ontario to talk to people about making informed financial decisions and avoiding investment fraud.
Request an OSC in the Community presentation for your club or organization here.
January 21, 2025 Presentation, Mississauga, City of Mississauga
January 21, 2025 Webinar, Rexdale, Rexdale CHC
January 22, 2025 Presentation, Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill Chinese Church
The CSA published for comment proposed amendments aimed at modernizing the continuous disclosure regime for investment funds. These proposals are designed to provide investors with more focused and valuable disclosure while reducing the regulatory burden on investment fund managers.
The OSC published a consultation paper aimed at improving retail investor access to illiquid investments through a framework proposal for a long-term asset investment fund product structure.
The CSA is seeking feedback on proposed amendments and changes to implement an access model for certain disclosure documents of non-investment fund reporting issuers.
The CSA published for comment proposed amendments to Multilateral Instrument 13-102 System Fees. The proposal is intended to better align system fee revenues with projected national systems operating costs.