Proposed Bylaws Update Vote
Rationale for change:
CARL is a member of the ACRL Chapters Council, as it is a chapter of ACRL. The Chapters Council connects all state chapters and supports ACRL's Plan for Excellence. ACRL Bylaws Article 14 indicate that the President and Vice-President of each chapter are Council delegates, or the responsibility can be given to any member of the executive board of the Chapter. Currently, the CARL President appoints a Director-at-Large to the position of ACRL Chapter Council Delegate and this role and responsibility is outlined in CARL's Bylaws and Standing Rules Article VI and Article VII.
Given the macro view the CARL President and Vice-President have on CARL activities, the CARL Board has determined that these positions should serve as ACRL Chapter Council Delegates. Thus, CARL's Bylaws and Standing Rules need to be changed to reflect that the ACRL Chapter Council Delegate is the President and Vice-President.
Summary of changes:
- Article VI: Elected Officers Sections 3a) and 3b) were changed to name the President and Vice-President as ACRL Chapter Council Delegates.
- Article VII: Appointed Officers Section 1 and Section 2 were changed to remove the ACRL Chapter Council Delegate as an appointed role.
Standing Rules
- Article VI: Elected Officers Supplement to Section 1 was changed to remove Director-at-Large as eligible for ACRL Membership reimbursement.
- Article VI: Elected Officers Section 3 was expanded to add Rule 1 and Rule 2 to include ACRL Chapter Council Delegate responsibilities for President and Vice-President. The rules were expanded to list either ALA or ACRL as conferences the Delegates may attend with partial funding available from CARL. The Chapters Council may have meetings at either conference.
- Article VI: Elected Officers Section 4 was changed to remove the ACRL Chapter Council Delegate as a Director-at-Large responsibility.
- Article VII: Appointed Officers Section 4 Rule 8 was removed.
- The Rules were renumbered throughout the Standing Rules document to reflect the addition of rules in Article VI Section 3.
Please vote on approving the changes to the bylaws and standing rules at: The poll will remain open until March 3, 2025.
Call for Nominations: UC Director-at-Large
The CARL Executive Board position of UC Director-at-Large is currently vacant and we are seeking nominations (self-nominations encouraged!) Here is more information about the position:
UC Director-at-Large
Term Length: Two (2) years
Position Overview
The UC Director-at-Large serves as a voting member of the CARL Board of Directors and represents the interests of academic and research librarians within the University of California system. This position provides leadership, advocacy, and support for CARL’s mission while advising the President and Board on matters relevant to the UC constituency. Please review the Bylaws and Standing Rules for more information.
Benefits of Serving as UC Director-at-Large
Join CARL’s Board of Directors as the UC Director-at-Large. By becoming a Director-at-Large, you will gain the opportunity to:
- Build meaningful relationships with library colleagues throughout California academic and research libraries
- Participate in board meetings as a voting member and contribute expertise or guidance on matters relevant to CARL’s mission and objectives
- Provide input on key decisions and serve a critical role in a governing board of directors
- Act as ambassador for the UC system, promoting CARL’s mission and activities to external stakeholders, including the broader community.
- Offer UC perspective, broad perspective and diverse insights to the board.
- Participate in the development, review, and distribution of CARL’s governance policies, bylaws, and strategic plans.
- Join or lead task groups and/or working groups to carry out CARL’s mission and objectives.
Qualifications to Serve:
- Be a current member of CARL
- Work within the University of California System
- Eagerness to participate in board meetings and contribute to CARL’s mission and objectives
- That’s it! - We encourage any level of library professionals (paraprofessionals, specialists, early-career librarians, tenured librarians, etc.) to join CARL’s Board of Directors as a Director-at-Large!
Please send questions and nominations to Rayheem Eskridge at
CARL General Member Meeting
Have questions about CARL, suggestions, concerns, or ideas? Join us virtually for our general member meeting:
Friday, February 14, 12:00 pm
We hope to see you there!
CARL 2026 Conference Planning Committee Seeks Members
The CARL biennial conference is one of our biggest contributions to the California academic library community, but we can't do it alone! Joining the CARL 2026 Conference Planning Committee is a great way to support the profession, meet fellow librarians, get your ideas heard, learn new skills, and add to your CV. Whether you're experienced, mid-career, retired, or just getting started in academic libraries, we welcome your involvement. If you have questions or would like to get involved, please contact Rayheem Eskridge at
AI Workshop Series Proposal
We are interested in creating a series of workshops for CARL members on specific ways in which generative AI tools affect academic libraries. If you have ideas or would like to be involved in the workshop planning committee, please contact Rayheem Eskridge at
CARL Job Listings
CARL hosts a list of job openings at California academic and research libraries. Looking for a new opportunity? Hiring at your library? Read or submit listings at
Interest Groups
CARLDIG-S (CARL Discussion Interest Group - South)
Visit the CARLDIG-S website or contact Daniel Wilson at for more information about this interest group.
SCIL (Southern California Instruction Librarians)
Register Now for SCIL Works 2025! Building Connections: Formal and Informal Approaches to Integrating Library Instruction throughout Campus
Please join the Southern California Instruction Librarians (SCIL) on Friday, February 7th from 9am - 1pm for SCIL Works 2025, a virtual, half-day conference. This year’s SCIL Works will focus on relationship building, liaison collaborations, and campus engagement with library instruction.
Registration is now open! Registration is free for CARL Members, Non-Members, and Students. In order to maintain a reasonable audience size, registration is limited to the first 75 sign ups.
Register Here Today!
Relationship building is critical to embedding information literacy instruction across disciplines, student success initiatives, and campus collaborations. Library workers often have to build networks with library colleagues, discipline faculty, staff, students, and community groups. Strategic and intentional approaches to relationship building are not always discussed in library education programs. What happens when we have never heard the word “liaison” throughout our graduate education? How do we learn how to approach relationship building and create effective instruction collaborations across the library, campus, and the profession? Together we will explore the expanding definitions and responsibilities of liaison roles as they relate to instruction. Here is the conference schedule.
If you have any questions or require accommodations beyond captioning for this event, please reach out to SCIL chair Ariana Varela at
ALIGN (Academic Librarians' Interest Group North)
Visit the ALIGN website or contact Ken Lyons at for more information about this interest group.
DIAL (Diversity in Academic Libraries)
Visit the DIAL website or contact Nicollette Brant at for more information about this interest group.
UC Merced Library is pleased to announce the appointment of Paulina Allende to the position of Learning Services Coordinator in the Research & Learning Services unit. In this new role, Paulina will be working closely with the instruction librarians to support student success and foster information literacy and research skills, while also managing instructional materials and supporting the Library’s assessment and communication efforts around instruction, reference, and outreach services.
Jennifer Pesek has joined the staff at Santa Clara University as its new Undergraduate Learning Librarian. Previously, she was the Student Success Librarian at Menlo College.
Katie Perry was hired as the new Social Sciences Librarian at Cal State LA.
Publications, Presentations, and Awards
Several CARL members wrote chapters for the recently released Building Our Own: Critiques, Narratives and Practices by Community College Library Workers of Color, edited by Amanda M. Leftwich and Eva M.L. Rios-Alvarado. Building Our Own is part of the Series of Critical Race Studies and Multiculturalism in LIS with Litwin Books and Library Juice Press under the series editors, Rose L. Chou and Annie Pho. There will be a virtual book launch event on March 12, 2025 at 10:00 am Pacific. Chapters authored by CARL members include:
- "Accepting my own worth: Reflections of 'imposter experience' as a Latina librarian in academia" by Sally Najera Romero
- "Student success and equity in the library: Looking at our community campus library collections" by Edeama Onwuchekwa Jonah
- "Testament of perseverance: A journey through tenure" by Shamika Jamalia Morris Simpson
- "And now we are strangers to each other: Reflections of a BIPOC college librarian" by Dele Chinwe Ladejobi
Nicole Branch (Santa Clara University), Julia Kovatch, Bryce Nishikawa, Loring Pfeiffer, and Julia Voss published an article in the December issue of College & Research Libraries News. Its title is "Peer reviewing sources: A framework-informed approach to information literacy in first-year writing."
Dominique Dozier and Eduardo Diaz (Santa Clara University) gave a presentation on "How to conduct a diversity audit of a popular reading Collection" at the Access Services in Libraries (ASIL) Conference, which took place in Atlanta, Georgia on November 19-21, 2024.
CARL members Sarah Dahlen and Kelsey Nordstrom-Sanchez recently published an article in The Journal of Academic Librarianship addressing how students use information from sources in their papers and what motivates their choices: Dahlen, S. P. C., Nordstrom-Sanchez, K., & Graff, N. (2024). At the intersection of information literacy and written communication: Student perspectives and practices related to source-based writing. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50(6), 102959.
Dr. Lesley Farmer was recently inducted into the California Library Hall of Fame. The California Library Hall of Fame honors the historical significance and lifetime achievement of the many librarians, library workers and supporters who have helped promote and improve library services in California over a sustained period of time. Dr. Farmer was praised for her long-time dedication to school librarianship. She directed the Teacher Librarian program at California State University Long Beach for 25 years, and also served as a school librarian for 19 years. She has conducted significant research, written over thirty books and hundreds of articles and book chapters on school librarianship, and has presented widely on the subject.
CARL Board Meeting
Date: Friday, January 10, 2025
Time: 3:06 pm
Meeting Agenda
Call to Order
- Chair calls the meeting to order at 3:06 pm
- Roll Call / Attendance: Rayheem Eskridge, Sarah Forzetting, Jennifer Silverman, Nery Alcivar-Estrella, Grace Skalinder, Kelli Hines, Shamika Simpson, Edeama Onwuchekwa
Approval of the Agenda
- Review and approve the agenda for this meeting.
- Motion: "I move to approve the agenda as presented" ([Jennifer Silverman], 1/10/2025)
- Second required ([Grace Skalinder], 1/10/2025)
- Vote.
Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes
- Review minutes from the previous meeting [11/14/2024].
- Motion: "I move to approve the minutes from [Nery Alcivar-Estrella, 1/10/2025] as written."
- Second required [Rayheem Eskridge, 1/10/2025]
- Vote.
Reports of Officers and Committees
- President's Report
- Will add official report after meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- 2024 Profits & Loss CARL Expense Report 2024.pdf
- Switching bank account signers (remove Jennifer; add Sarah)
- Lost more than we profited.
- Conference resulted in a shortage of about $20,000
- Currently, the account is at 40,800 in checking account, and $21,000 in savings.
- Grace advises caution and fundraising moving forward since we took a hit.
- New Business - account is under Grace’s name, and Sarah will be the new co-signer.
- Directors-at-Large
- DaL UC Report
- Rayheem moved to approve the following discussion, and Kelli was the second:
- Recruitment is needed for this position within 30 days of this meeting to secure this position.
- DaL CSU Report (Sally Romero)
- Updates on CSU system initiatives
- Interested in a full account/data of librarians in the CSU system
- Potentially work w/ Council of Library Deans to distribute a survey
- DaL Community College Report (Edeama Onwuchekwa)
- Plans to reach out to President of Council of CA Community Colleges Chief Librarians
- Edeama would like to align with them to inform them about CARL during their next governance meeting.
- DaL Private Institution Report (Jennifer Silverman)
- Budget cuts, hiring freeze at USC
- University Library is understaffed
- They have a reduced budget by 15%
- Stopped acquiring books/resources
- Faculty and students are upset
- Lockdown from spring protests
- President of USC is retiring
- Much turnover in high administration
- Jennifer mentioned that’s it’s difficult to know about other independent/private institutions since they are not interconnected
- ACRL Delegate Report
- Plan of Excellence: Updates to be sent to ACRL
- Delegate communication improvements
- Bylaws still need to change, so that president, past president, or vice president may take over this position.
- ACRL point person has not responded.
- Sarah will draft this change/update to the bylaws, and she will present the draft via email for an e-vote.
- Kelli mentioned that once the language has been approved, she can create a poll in WA and add it to the newsletter. Deadline for the newsletter: Friday, January 24, 2025
- Awards Liaison Report
- Jennifer reached out to Rockman about our approval of the scholarship recipient. But Jason has not responded with follow-up plan about contacting the scholarship recipient
- Official announcement about the scholarship recipient is pending, then it can be included in the newsletter
- Rayheem would like to encourage the development of committees to continue awarding (i.e. Outstanding Member).
- This requires participation from the CARL community.
- This recruitment will be announced during the IG meeting and newsletter.
- Interest Group Coordinator Reports
- No current updates
- Edeama will reach out to interest groups soon.
- Rayheem has reached out to interest groups. ALIGN has responded. Dial, SCIL, and CARLDIG-S - no response
- Rayheem will meet with the interest groups during the first week of February, and Edeama has agreed to attend as the Interest Group Coordinator
- Kelli and Grace will also attend the next IG meeting.
- Committee Reports
Unfinished Business
- ACRL Delegate Business
- Bylaws still need to change, so that president, past president, or vice president may take over this position (ASAP).
- Sarah will draft this change/update to the bylaws, and she will present the draft via email for an e-vote.
- Kelli mentioned that once the language has been approved, she can create a poll in WA and add it to the newsletter. Deadline for the newsletter: Friday, January 24, 2025
- CARL Workshop Series Proposal (Exploring roles and relevance of librarians)
- Rayheem spoke with Heather Cribbs
- Heather and Rayheem worked out tentative details for the workshop
- Theme of 2026 conference will be about AI
- So, workshops will also be centered on AI.
- Rayheem inquired whether this draft would be an interesting scope for the workshop. Rayheem would like to develop a committee for the workshop series
- Kelli expressed interest.
- Recruitment for this Workshop Series Committee will be included in the newsletter
- UC DaL Recruitment Strategies
- Recruit in the newsletter
- Recruit via listserv
- Sarah will share this with her contacts
- Sarah and Rayheem suggested working on descriptions for this position and other positions within the board of executives
- How do we pitch the position?
- Sally mentioned that she ran to connect with other systems besides your own. A UC DaL would benefit from connecting with other UC’s and CSU’s.
- Edeama mentioned that this position would also allow a UC librarian to connect with community college systems.
- Rayheem suggested that the board of executives develop a draft of a description/announcement by next Friday, January 17.
- Sally and Edeama will take the lead on this.
- This should be finalized by January 24 for the newsletter.
- Then, this announcement for recruitment will be part of the agenda for the February 14, general membership meeting.
- Updates on Sponsorship Ideas for the 2026 Conference will be discussed during our next meeting, March 14.
- Implementation of Regional Meetups for Conference Promotion
- In-person meet-ups or mixers in southern CA
- Long Beach as a potential location
- We don’t have membership in Northern CA and Central CA
- Need more independent universities and community college
- Over relying in UC’s and CSU’s
- Progress updates for 2025 meetups
- Jennifer Silverman suggested a tour of an academic library/exhibition
- Board of Executives will take the lead to organize
- CSUN, book talk of The Most Awkward Man in Japan, event was a pilot.
- Date? Last week of March proposed by Rayheem
- Shamika suggested a destress walk on the beach and picnic
- Jennifer suggests a Wednesday or Thursday at 4:00 pm for more attendance.
- If people RSVP, CARL would cover parking?
- This is a working group for now
- Southern California meetup to be developed by Jennifer, Rayheem, and Shamika
New Business
- CARL Workshop Series Proposal (Exploring roles and relevance of librarians
- Motion: "I move to adopt the workshop series concept for future planning."
- Second required.
- Discussion and vote.
- Planning committee for AI-related workshops
- Updates on 2026 Conference Planning
- Finalize theme, venue, sponsorship details
- Budget and attendance expectation
- ACRL Delegate Business
- Language changes to CARL bylaws to be finalized and share
- Bylaws still need to change, so that president, past president, or vice president may take over this position
- Approval of 2025 Budget
- 2025 Proposed Budget
- Wild Apricot Expense: $2856
- Dreamhost Expense: $365
- Grace will add potential expenses for the AI workshop
- Board members may share relevant announcements or updates.
- Rayheem would like to have a CARL representative at ACRL conference 2025
- Rayheem would like to pay the CARL representative’s hotel or registration
- Kelli volunteered, but needs permission from her institution.
- Rayheem motions to add a line to the budget of $1000 to cover expenses (i.e. registration or hotel) for an executive board to attend ACRL conference on behalf of CARL.
- Kelli is the second.
- Grace will edit the budget, then the executive board will evote to approve or deny the added line
- Chair requests a motion to adjourn the meeting.
- Motion: "I move to adjourn the meeting." ([Rayheem], 1/10/2025)
- Second required ([Kelli], 1/10/2025)
- Vote.
- Meeting adjourned.
Rayheem Eskridge
Past President
Shamika Simpson
Vice President
Sarah Forzetting
Nery Alcivar-Estrella
Grace Skalinder
Director-at-Large, Community Colleges
Edeama Onwuchekwa Jonah
Director-at-Large, CSU
Sally Romero
Director-at-Large, Private Colleges & Universities
Jennifer Silverman
Director-at-Large, UC
(currently vacant)
ACRL Chapters Delegate
(currently vacant)
Membership Director
Kelli Hines
Website Coordinator
David Drexler
CSU Fresno
Equity and Inclusion Coordinator
Nicole Crawford
Interest Group Coordinator
Shamika Simpson
Communications Officer
Kelli Hines
Western University of Health Sciences
Mentoring Program Committee Chair
Shamika Simpson
Long Beach City College
Newsletter Editor
Kelli Hines
Western University of Health Sciences