MHACC 雙語月報 Bilingual Monthly Newsletter
01/29/2025 第 245 期

親愛的 MHACC 社區成員們:

🧨 恭喜發財!新年快樂 !


執行長 Elaine Peng 彭一玲 

Dear MHACC Community,

🧨 Gong Xi Fa Cai! Happy Lunar New Year! As we enter the Year of the Green Snake, a symbol of wisdom and hope with two "Start of Spring" days, the MHACC team sends our warmest wishes to you and your family for good health and prosperity!
At this festive moment, we invite you to support our New Year fundraising campaign where every donation will be tripled. Together, let's bring more warmth and hope to our community in this auspicious year! 

Elaine Peng, Executive Director & Founder
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC)

立刻捐款|Donate Now
🏮家人與患友互助組 2025 最新時間
Family & Peer Support Group 2025 Updates

重要提醒 | Important Notice:
🧨 從2025年2月起,所有小組將以混合形式(線下 + 線上)運作。
Starting February 2025, all support groups will operate in Hybrid format (In-Person + Online)
線下地點 | In-Person Address:
3100 Capital Ave, Suite C, Fremont, CA 94538
🧨 家人互助組將停用過去四年使用的Zoom連結,使用新連結
Family Support Groups will use a new Zoom link.
家人互助小組 | Family Support Groups
新的 Zoom 連結 | New Zoom Link: 加入會議 | Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 963 6053 8029
Passcode: MHACC
患友互助小組 | Peer Support Groups
Zoom 連結 | Zoom Link: 加入會議 | Join Meeting
Meeting ID: 913 1187 4702
Passcode: MHACC
電話參與 | Call in: 1669 900 9128 / 1346 248 7799

02/04/2025 NAMI Family-to-Family 家連家教育課程

時間|Date & Time:
從2025年2月4日起,每週二,晚上6:00 – 8:30,至3月25日結束
Starting February 4, 2025, every Tuesday, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM

線上課程 Online

NAMI Alameda County將舉辦為期8週的NAMI Family-to-Family家連家課程,專為精神健康患者的家人、照顧者及朋友設計。
NAMI Alameda County is hosting the NAMI Family-to-Family course, an 8-week educational program for family members, caregivers, and friends of adults living with mental illness.

The class is led by trained family members or caregivers with lived experience and provides valuable education and support.

詳情及報名|Learn more & Sign up:
活動連結|Event Link
或聯繫|Or contact: Bettye Foster
510-560-6407, Ext 6

02/04/2025 抓住成長的機遇—免費講座

Free Webinar: Age of Opportunity
主講人:Dr. Laurence Steinberg
時間:2025年2月4日 晚上6:30 pm
Date & Time: February 4, 2025, 6:30 PM
青少年期延長且大腦可塑性驚人。全球青少年研究專家Dr. Steinberg將探討青少年大腦發展的最新發現,並分享如何影響我們的教養與教育方式。
本次免費講座包含15分鐘問答環節,MHACC 提供即時中文翻譯。

Dr. Steinberg, a leading expert on adolescence, will discuss new discoveries about the teenage brain and how they shape parenting and education.
The free webinar includes a 15-minute Q&A and Chinese interpretation.

更多資訊與參加連結 Learn more and join here

02/15/2025 舊金山農曆新年花車巡遊 SF Chinese New Year Parade


2025年的舊金山農曆新年花車遊行將慶祝蛇年!這場一年一度的盛會是北美最大的農曆新年慶祝活動,吸引了成千上萬的觀眾。遊行不僅展示了舞龍舞獅、燈光花車等豐富多彩的中華文化表演,還融合了現代與傳統的慶祝元素,為所有參與者帶來難忘的節日體驗。記得來看看我們 2025年的 MHACC的新年花車!

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Date: Saturday, February 15, 2025

Celebrate the Year of the Snake at the 2025 San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade! This spectacular event is the largest Lunar New Year celebration in North America, featuring illuminated floats, lion and dragon dances, and various cultural performances. It’s the perfect opportunity to experience authentic, traditional Chinese events! Don't miss our MHACC Lunar New Year float in the 2025 Chinese New Year Parade!

13th Annual Lunar New Year Party & First Charity Fundraiser


舊金山市第11區市議員陳小焱向 MHACC 頒發獎狀,感謝其多年來為社區精神健康的貢獻,並承諾繼續支持相關資源的投入。資深副執行長 Carole Wang 分享了南加山火救災經歷,提到北加與南加團隊攜手為災民提供物質和情感支持。執行長彭一玲(Elaine Peng)回顧了MHACC的發展歷程,並強調免費心理健康暖線(1-800-881-8502)對社區的重要意義,每月接聽約1,000通來電,幫助有需要的人。


On January 18, 2025, the Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC) hosted its 13th Annual Lunar New Year Celebration and First Charity Fundraiser at Pacific Lighthouse, drawing over 300 attendees.

San Francisco District 11 Supervisor Chyanne Chen presented MHACC with an award, recognizing its contributions to community mental health, and pledged continued support for mental health resources. Carole Wang, MHACC’s Senior Associate Executive Director, shared her experience with wildfire relief efforts in Southern California, highlighting the teamwork between Northern and Southern California in providing material and emotional support. Executive Director Elaine Peng reflected on MHACC’s growth since 2012 and emphasized the impact of our free mental health warmline (1-800-881-8502), which provides support to nearly 1,000 individuals monthly.

The event featured captivating performances, including lion dances, face-changing martial arts, and singing and dancing acts, along with a heartfelt choral performance by the warmline team. The fundraiser concluded successfully, with proceeds dedicated to expanding mental health services.

更多照片Read More

🔥 洛杉磯山火災情嚴重, 我们赴災區傳遞希望
Wildfires in Los Angeles: We Offers Support and Hope


聯盟(MHACC)迅速行動,準備救援物資並趕赴災區。在洛杉磯Santa Anita Park,志願者向受災華人分發物資,提供心理暖線資源,並協助他們與救援機構聯繫。



As of January 24, 2025, the Los Angeles wildfires have claimed 28 lives, destroyed over 16,200 structures, and displaced 200,000 residents, ultimately causing $275 billion in damages. The Chinese community has been severely impacted, with many families needing urgent support.

The Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC) quickly responded, distributing supplies, sharing mental health hotline information, and assisting evacuees at Santa Anita Park and other recovery centers. Volunteers worked tirelessly, providing resources and care into the night.

While the devastation is immense, mental health support and community efforts can help rebuild lives. For assistance, call the MHACC Warmline at 1-800-881-8502 or visit

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01/22/2025 中國精協患者家屬第12屆網絡春晚圓滿播出
The 12th China Federation of Patients’ Families Online Spring Festival Gala


On January 22, the 12th China Federation of Patients’ Families Online Spring Festival Gala premiered, delivering a heartwarming performance nationwide. The Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities (MHACC) sent a special video message with Lunar New Year greetings and shared the warmline song "Igniting Hope," created by recovery peers, to inspire hope and highlight the importance of mental health support.

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01/25 NAMI 農曆新年資源展覽會 Lunar New Year Resource Fair

1月25日,聯盟(MHACC)參加了農曆新年展會,與NAMI Santa Clara共同合作。活動吸引了眾多社區居民,特別是亞裔家庭。我們向大家介紹了精神健康服務,與社區建立了更多的聯繫,同時也送上了新春的祝福,活動現場充滿了熱情與歡樂的氛圍。

On January 25, 2025, MHACC participated in the Lunar New Year Resource Fair in collaboration with NAMI Santa Clara. The event attracted numerous community members, including many Asian families. MHACC showcased its mental health services, strengthened community connections, and extended Lunar New Year blessings to every wonderful attendee.

✍️ 微信公號文章 WeChat Articles
📰 MHACC 雙語部落格|Bilingual Blog
你的大腦與食物 Your brain on food

MHACC的心理暖線 是專為在美華人提供精神健康服務的心理暖線!

MHACC's warm line is a dedicated lifeline designed to provide mental health services for the Chinese community in the United States.
We are open daily from 9 am to 9 pm PST in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English and offer free, professional emotional support and resource referrals. 

招募暖線義工! Volunteers are urgently needed!
請發簡歷郵件至Send your resume to:

免費精神健康手機應用|Free Mental Health Mobile Apps
我們全新升級的手機軟件提供人工智能的聊天機器人、情感支援、自助 CBT 技術、引導冥想、情緒追蹤、活動/信息/資源等,中英文自由切換。
了解更多|Learn More
Our all-new mobile apps feature a new AI-powered chatbot that can provide emotional support and CBT techniques. We have also added improved guided meditation, mood tracking, curated resources, and more! Available in English and Chinese.

📱安卓下載 Android Download
📱蘋果下載 Apple Download

📱安卓下載 Android Download
📱蘋果下載 Apple Download

🎤 歌聲暢享人生 Sing A Song 

時間:每週二晚上 7:00-7:45 pm(美西 PST)
Zoom Link  Meeting ID: 850 791 6770, Passcode:66 

💃 跳入精彩人生
Cathy’s Fun Fitness Dance

每天雲健身 Daily Dance  
連結 Zoom Link

Zoom ID: 889 0406 8282,
Passcode: 8888
視頻 YouTube: Fun Fitness Dance

🪭 陽光藝術團招新 Sunshine Art Troupe

联盟主办的陽光藝術團致力于在信息繁杂万变的世界中提高大众对音乐和舞蹈益处的认识,达到让身心平静。有意參加者請掃碼或點擊 簡單表格報名後我們會與您聯絡。

The Sunshine Art Troupe (organized by MHACC) has the objective to improve public interest in music and dance in today’s rapidly changing world. Interested parties can fill out the simple form, we will contact you.

美國華裔精神健康聯盟是聯邦認可的全國性 501(c)(3) 非營利公益機構,致力為華人社區的心理/精神健康提供服務,我們的點滴成長離不開您的支持. 我們的 Tax ID 是 82-4322450, 樂捐支票抬頭可寫 MHACC. 愛心支票可寄 3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Suite 210, Mailbox#15, Castro Valley, CA 94546

MHACC is a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit public welfare organization dedicated to providing services related to mental health issues within the Chinese community. Our growth can only be possible with your support. Our Tax ID is 82-4322450, and donations by check can be made payable to MHACC. Love-filled checks can be mailed to 3160 Castro Valley Blvd., Suite 210, Mailbox#15, Castro Valley, CA 94546.

網上捐助可點擊👇 感謝您的慷慨捐獻!
For online donations, please click below. Thank you for your generous contribution!

捐助我們 Donation
立刻捐款|Donate Now

🚗 捐舊車支持我們的工作!您可以透過網站 或致電855-500-7433捐出任何狀況的舊車(免費上門拖走舊車),並把舊車出售後的淨額指定捐給MHACC,可以得到退稅憑證

You can also donate used cars to support us! You can donate your old car in any condition through the website or by calling 855-500-7433 (free towing), and donate the net amount to MHACC to get a tax refund certificate.


MHACC is dedicated to improving the quality of life by raising public awareness of mental health and building a home where everyone feels a sense of belonging.
Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities  1800-881-8502

Copyright © 2025 Mental Health Association for Chinese Communities, All rights reserved.

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