Next City Council meeting is February 3, 2025 6pm. You may come in person to provide public comment or email public comment. See agenda packet for QR code that provides LIVE transcript to your device of the meeting in multiple languages, use a headset on your phone for audio or read the transcript on your device. This feature can be used if you want to speak in public comment in another language. Listening devices are available at the City Clerks table.
It's not a requirement to fill out a yellow speaker card, it's a request. Email public comment on any item or public comment on items NOT on the agenda before February 3 1pm to You can see all public comment letters submitted to the City Council for public comment here.
City Council Meeting Monday February 3 6pm-
Regular Meeting-
-Award of Contract to Swimming Swan LLC in the Amount of $816,492.42 to Serve as the Christopher High School Aquatics Center Operator in 2025 through 2027 (Project No.25-RFP-AD-513)
-Selection and Appointment of Boards, Commissions, and Committee Members
-Review of the City Council Norms
City Administrator's Report-
-Santa Teresa Fire Station Update
Closed Session-
-CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to GC Sec. 54956.8 and GCC Sec. 17A.8 Property: Gilroy Gardens Theme Park, 3050 Hecker Pass Highway, Gilroy, CA Negotiators: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator; Victoria Valencia, Economic Development Manager Other Party to Negotiations: Gilroy Gardens Family Theme Park, LLC Under Negotiations: Price and terms of payment for sale or lease.
-CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - PENDING LITIGATION. Builder's Remedy 315 Las Animas Residential Project Pending Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9 and Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11 (3) (a), Gandolfi Investments, LLC v. City of Gilroy,, Superior Court for the County of Santa Clara, Case Number 24CV444165, filed July 26, 2024.
-CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION. District Elections for Gilroy City Council Significant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) and Paragraph (3) of Subdivision (e) of Government Code Section 54956.9 and Gilroy City Code Section 17A.11 (3) (b), based upon receipt of a written communication from Shenkman & Hughes, PC (available for inspection upon request at the office of the City Clerk). One case as defendant.
-CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Pursuant to GC Sec. 54956.8 and GCC Sec. 17A.8 Properties: APNs 841-10-010 and 841-10-028 Negotiators: Jimmy Forbis, City Administrator Other Party to Negotiations: Jessup Roberta A Trustee (Jessup Transportation, Inc.) Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment
Events, Appearances, Meet & Greets
-City Council Strategic Planning Meeting February 2025
-Joint Venture's State of the Valley March 2025
On January 30, 2025 I was appointed to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) as an Alternate. Appointed by the Cities Selection Committee for 2025-2028, representing all cities in Santa Clara County except San Jose. LAFCO is a state mandated independent local agency established to oversee the boundaries of cities and special districts in Santa Clara County. By 1963, the landscape of Santa Clara County was undergoing radical change. The economic, social, and geographic terrains had been shifting in response to a post-war surge of new residents settling in the county. Housing and business development boomed, but the growth was piecemeal and disorderly. One result of this period was a sprawling suburban area that became difficult and costly to manage and to efficiently provide with urban services such as sewer and water lines. Another result was the permanent loss of prime farmlands, making it difficult for California’s largest industry at that time to sustain itself in a previously abundant agricultural valley. By order of the State, LAFCOs are charged with stewarding the future of their counties. In Santa Clara County, LAFCO has curbed the loss of agricultural lands, encouraged the densification and walkability of our cities, increased regional climate resilience, and promoted the cost-effective delivery of services that are funded by taxpayers.
Supportive Housing, Community Plan to End Homelessness, and Re-Entry Updates at SCC Housing, Land Use, Environment, and Transportation Committee (Click Above for January 16, 2025 Video for Updates on Supportive Housing System of Care Provided by OSH)
Santa Clara County District Attorney's Mariposas Resiliency Center – a newly expanded center based in Gilroy at the Neon Exchange to provide help to victims of violent crime. The Mariposas Resiliency Center, formerly the Gilroy Strong Resiliency Center, will provide comprehensive support to survivors of violent crime including on-site mental health and advocacy services. The Mariposas Resiliency Center is named after the Spanish word for butterflies. Butterflies have become powerful symbols for three young victims of the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting - six-year-old Stephen Romero, 13-year-old Keyla Salazar and 25-year-old Trevor Irby - and the community ‘s resiliency in the wake of the 2019 mass shooting. Those seeking services can obtain a referral from a community agency or can contact the Mariposas Resiliency Center directly by phone at (408) 209-8356 or by email
Remember to check if it's a Spare the Air Day before you burn wood in your fireplaces.
Walk/Bike Safety Tips in English/Spanish
Valley Transportation Authority Policy Advisory Committee Updates
VTA provides bus routes from Gilroy throughout Santa Clara County. There are Local, Frequent, Express and Rapid routes. You can take your bike with you or park it at a locker at the Gilroy Transit Center. Bus service between Santa Clara County and Monterey County with 4 roundtrips Mon-Fri. Public transit will connect passengers between Santa Clara County and Monterey County, with the start of Bus Line 59 running between VTA’s Gilroy Transit Center and Salinas Intermodal Transit Center/AMTRAK. Daily ridership for the VTA bus routes in Gilroy. These daily boarding numbers are from November 2024 and to these riders I say thank you for riding public transit.
Rapid 568 Gilroy/San Jose- 925 boardings
Express 121 Gilroy/Lockheed Martin in Sunnyvale- 53 boardings
Frequent 68 Gilroy/San Jose- 4,434 boardings
Local Route 84- 89 boardings
Local Route 85- 138 boardings
Local Route 86- 139 boardings